God's hands

Apolaki grew from his father as well as his other siblings and in return they became a descendants that will inherit the creation their father had made.


Serbogaren--- a man with a noble hand cuts a throat of a fellow as they were in the middle of the forest. One by one he hunt them down with his sword. "I am the son of a former king!" he shouted in front of another man. The man stood his ground and unshelled his blood thirsty sword. "Who the fuck cares if you're the heir?" the man answered back. Serbogaren starts to get his temper on the top of his head. "You are one of this fool who believed to be an equal of me." he said. "Believe me, you are one of them!" the man said onto him. Like a raging volcano, Serbogaren runs closer to the man and attacked him. The man tried to dodge but the tip of the sword just barely touched and cut the skin in his shoulder. "Wooh!" Serbogaren reacted. "There is blood! Ohh! The blood is flowing!" he said. The man just smiled at him and laugh so soft that only himself can hear. He wiped the blood that flows down in his arms. "Sometimes the Gods will show to the weak how the blood in our body flows by cutting our body in the battle ground." the man just said. Serbogaren doesn't understand the man of what he had spoken and instead he mocked and think that the man is turning crazy. "You need to be killed right now! Look! You turned into a monster!" he shouted. The man looked upon the dark sky as the clouds is spinning like a raging horse and a blue hale had poured down in the man's head. Serbogaren, as he saw the following events wondered to the man who is at the moment kneeling with his face facing to the ground. "Who are you?" he cried. The man greets him with kind as he slowly raise his head towards him with his eyes gleaming like a diamond in the dark night. "Know that this man you are facing right now is a descendants of God, the guidance of the people, the hand of my power." he said.

Without any word that comes from his mouth, Serbogaren tried to understand the word spoken by the God but his heart is as hard as a stone to open his soul upon accepting the truth. "I believe no Gods! Nor guidance of the people. I only believe in my strength and in my sword." he said.  "You are fooling yourself! I am the strength of this kingdom, the giver of life." the man said.

Meanwhile, in the village the specter of the ritual is just wondering to see clouds hovering on the top of the mountain carrying a hail of storm that seems to stay in one place. "This is the work of Apolaki!" an elder cried. "Let's give him a fine sacrifice!" they ordered their men. The warriors brought three prisoners in front of the altar of their God kneeling as their heads stays looking at the statue of the God Apolaki of the Oaloan people. "We give you these three fine men of your brother, your enemy, to satisfy your taste for blood of his people. May we offer you pleasure upon presenting you the life of these heathens!" the elder prayed to Apolaki. The elder give a signal to the executioner to do the killing and he did it. After the first man lies in the ground, the two men cries asking mercy in the name of their God. "Don't kill us please!" the second prisoner cried. The elder again give signal to the executioner and he did kill the second man with its head separated in his body. The third prisoner never spoke nor asking mercy but instead he willingly present himself in the altar's feet. "Aren't you going to speak for your life?" a man nearby said. The man doesn't speak and shows no interest in doing so. This time, it was ordered that he will be killed but it was interrupted when a man appeared out of the forest carrying with him the head of a man.

"Serbogaren!" an elder cried while looking at the severed head of their prince. "You broke the rules of the ritual!" he added. "I ain't broken any rules, in the first place I am the one who laid it." the man said. "Who the hell are you? You killed Serbogaren! The son of King Foy." the elder said. The man got furious and he raise his hands in the air. His eyes glows brightly like a sun and his mouth opened as the words is just coming out of themselves. "You were the first one who broke the holy rules! You were being paid by this prince of yours just to be chosen as a new king!" the man said. "I observed you for a long generation and I see that my holy rules are being manipulated by the wealthy and in power. This time I will end it! I will start it from you thus the next generation will knew how the ritual is being done." the man said while pointing his fingertip at the elder. "You're our God! Apolaki!" he suddenly kneeled on the ground. "Forgive us! Our God forgive us!" he cried.

Apolaki came closer to the elder and make him stand up. "I choose this man to be the next ruler of this kingdom." he said pointing to the third prisoner. "Our God! He is your brother's people?" he said. "We only owned the rights to protect these people not to harm them." Apolaki said. "Well my God whose gonna we replace in place of this man that we should sacrifice?" the elder said. "It is not written in the holy rules of the rituals, but by the hands of your ancestors." Apolaki said. "In him I give my hands, my eyes and my mouth. I choose him to lead this kingdom into prosperity." Apolaki announces.

The Oaloan people accepted the man and turn him to be their king and they named him King Letho.
