Sword of God

Let the weak suffer and the strong prosper. The Gods won't allow this but men will.

King Letho--- is a man not to be feared, that is what the impression the people of Oaloa think he was, but they were wrong. King Letho is a man forged by battles and with this he will continue to seek revenge for his fallen brothers. He is a high ranking official of the Trioclet army and his loyalty will be at the hands of the Trioclet people.

The King find its presence in the marketplace looking for armory for his court army. "Majesty!" greetings by the merchant. The King stopped for awhile to see if the merchant's swords are worth the price. "Here! This is for you." said by the merchant showing the king of a sword he, the merchant, made for him. The sword looks good for the King, he smiled and looked at the merchant. He held the sword in the air and slash it in front of the merchant. "Are you sure? What if it is not?" the king said. The merchant looked scared as he see that the sword almost got his hands that is placed in the table. He smiled at the king forcefully as his feet trembles with fear. "Majesty, that sword is good for you. Its hardness and also look at its edge it is made of diamond so the sword is efficient than the traditional ones." the merchant said. "How much?" the king asked while pointing the sword in the merchant's face. "It's--- It worth twenty crits." the merchant said in fear. "Ok then." the king replied. The king put twenty crits in the table and the merchant felt relieved. As the moment the merchant is about to get the money, the king suddenly assert himself to him. "If this sword won't satisfy my need, I will be back and arrest you." he said to the merchant. The merchant looked at the King trying to hide his trembled hands. "Now make a thousand of this sword and I will make it twenty-five each." the king said. The merchant look overwhelmed of the King's offer that he put himself thinking of what is right to do. "I accept ed your deal, majesty." he said. "Well then make it available in the next cycle.".

In a few distance, he came across a beggar asking money in his way. "Help me please!" the beggar said onto him. The King looked in disgust, to see an abled man instead of fighting is in the streets sitting like nothing happened in the surrounding. "You!" The king shouted looking at the beggar. The beggar looked at where the voice came from. The king then, walk close to the man as he unsheathed the sword he previously bought from the merchant. He tried to attack the man with it but the man seems unable to react, the king wondered. He pointed the tip of the sword in the face of the man but still it doesn't move in his place. "Please let me have some food. I haven't eat for three days." the man said. The King's escort came to him and check if the man had any disability and he had. The beggar is blind and that he only relies on the donations that other's will give to him. The King suddenly turn his back and return to the court "King's Residence" to prepare his army.

"This Kingdom is full of weakness." the king said to himself in disappointment. "Your decisions will decide the faith of this kingdom." A voice appeared out of nowhere. "Apolaki?" the King asked. "No." this is your God. The voice made the surrounding cold like winter and the feeling of mysterious anxiety makes the place creeps in the skin of the King. "My lord, Carius!" He said in amazement. Then the God appeared in front of him, a gleaming God in white and the smoke that surrounds him is out of this world such that the King itself unable to identify it from neither it is a smoke or a fog. "You earned your place here in this Kingdom." the God said. "I want you to control this Kingdom in my name." the God added. "What about their God apolaki?" he said. "Apolaki? He is done." the God replied. "You killed your brother? A God?" the King said. "A God can kill a God." the God replied. "This Kingdom is as dead as their God." he added. "So, what would you like me to do?" the King asked. "Just do what your heart says." the God said.

The King organized a feast to commemorate the deaths of many warriors during the battle between their kingdom and that of the kingdom of Trioclet. In the commencement of the feast, King Letho stands in the center of the crowd where they will witness each moment the king move and hear every word he say. "Today, as your king, I will open the door for the deceased men who died in battle to be with us for a short while." he said opening the feast. The King then gave signal to the soldier to bring the prisoners from his birth land. The King never spoke a single word when he see his brothers in chains. One prisoner stairs at him, eye to eye, but he never gave a damn. "You betrayed your kingdom!" the prisoner shouted. The King never gave a damn words to what the prisoner said. "You betrayed our God!" he added in despair. "I know, he will." the king replied.

The King announces that he will do everything in the name of their God. "For our God, his almighty, Apolaki!" he shouted. The people rejoices as the blood was spilled in the ground; the blood of those prisoners who the King executed by his own hands. "I ain't killing them because we need to!" he said loudly. "I killed them because, that is how we should show mercy to them." he added.