No God's Land

"The death of a God means the death of the community. There will be chaos everywhere; spanning from the coast until the peak of the tallest mountain."

The morning light shown bright on that day; spanning it's heat beyond the reaches of the kingdom. A thundering roar is dispersing in the atmosphere as the kingdom is on its usual day. A wounded man came at the king's presence to report about the assault to the kingdom. "Huh-huh" the man sigh as he catches his own breath. "My king, the enemy attacked us. They ransack our main camp!" the man said. The king leave the throne immediately as he brings his own justice upon the hands of his God given authority to bring down the rebellious acts of his God fearing people. "They had gone so far. They need to learn their place." the king sigh.

The king with an army of fully armed soldiers are with him as they go to end the chaos happening in the kingdom's land. "These people are Godless! These people worth to die in God's wrathful pain." the king announced as they are approaching the battlefield. The army's blood got pumped and their rages upon the rebels got worsen. The noise of their mouth is liken to a sword that can pierce the heart of anyone with fear.

The noise turns into roars and slashing of shields and sword. The king fought with his men in the valley of the king. The valley of the king is a place of power because it is the center point where many kings of the past has slain between the two warring kingdom; the kingdom of Oaloa and the kingdom of Nacillia.

The land of Oaloa is divided into four warring kingdom; the kingdom of Nacillia, kingdom of Grosse, kingdom of Austicia and the kingdom of Oaloa itself. King Letho met the self-proclaim king of the kingdom of Nacillia; King Freid of Nacillia. King Freid is not an ordinary king because he already conquered the other kingdoms except the kingdom of Oaloa. "I finally met the new king of the Oaloa." king Freid said, laughing. "You are the chosen one, are you?" he muttered. King Letho, standing in front of his soldiers, give a warm conversation with the king of the Nacillian people. "You king of nothing! The power of the God was vested upon me to end your day dreaming and finally unite the land that was once a land of our people." King Letho said. The king of Nacillia stepped in the water and came close to the king of Oaloa. "You are standing in our territory. Go fuck yourself!" the king said with force. "I came from my kingdom all the way here just to return with nothing?!" King Letho replied. King Freid's face turns into that of the beast that is full of madness. King Letho's men saw the event and hurriedly came closer to their king to protect him from danger. The soldiers hold their weapons in the face of the mad king. King Freid was forced to stay calm when he realized the danger. His men came and both forces are ready to face each other in a battle. "Did you not realize that your men is just peasants and farmers?" King Freid said. King Letho looked at his warriors and noticed a difference between them to that of the enemy. "We were warriors of our God, and by him we will end victorious." King Letho replied. "You silly fool! God is out of this! Strength decides who will win in the end." King Freid said.

King Letho dashed and his men followed him, running against the enemy. The two forces collided like a stones and bricks; one is living to kill and the other is left dead in the river. "The Gods will bless us this day!" king Letho shouted, raising his sword in the air.

King Freid saw the vicious beast in the face of King Letho. They were outnumbered against the army that king Letho had deployed. "My King, things are getting dangerous. We must retreat." his son, Prince Freid II, said. "I can't believe we are losing these battle!" the king replied. The king order ed to his men to retreat to avoid further casualties in his warriors. Meanwhile, King Letho who is looking at a distance noticed that king Freid is going to leave the battle. He hurriedly called one archer in his men, grab the bows and shot in king Freid's direction. "This will surely give you your lesson." King Letho said as he fires the bow. That shot got king Freid to the ground in pain. His son left no choice but to leave his father in the ground laying in heavy breath as he saw the enemy is coming on their way. "Go! My son!" King Freid shouted to his son as it is about to leave. "I will remember this day! I will!" the prince said turning his back away.

King Letho came to the wounded king rejoicing. "I am glad it only takes you a little time to be captured." He said. "You captured me but not my seed." King Freid replied while suffering in pain. "A seed will soon turn into a tree that even your sword can never touch on it." He added. King Letho laugh as if the words that the wounded king spoke is a joke. "Don't worry. I will cut the hardest tree for you." He said, laughing. He unsheathed his sword and  decapitated the wounded king. He returned to his kingdom with the head of the king he slain in the battle. The king's warriors is in celebration as they returned victorious.

Back to the kingdom of Nacilla, the whole kingdom is in deep mourning as the headless body of their king is returned into their land. They give respect to their king by a ceremony of sacrificing their memento to the dead king. The crowed was passed to his son, the new king, King Freid II.