They are so happy. The woman is holding the baby gently in her arms like it is the most fragile thing in the world. Her eyes are full of sincerity and love towards the baby. The guy is holding the woman's shoulders with his right hand and his left hand is supporting the woman's hand that is holding baby.
Is that me? Is that my parents?
I felt pain in my heart. I don't know what to feel. All these times I suffered a lot and there is no one whom I can rely on. I used to believe that I am all alone and I have no one. And here I am inside the house of my parents, standing in front of a large frame where I can see them with my own eyes.
Do I deserve this? Am I entitled for this? Do I have the right to own this house full of happy memories? My mind is already corrupted. I don't think I can cherish and preserve these memories. I don't think I can be with these persons who helped me. What if I will only bring misery into their lives?
I grew up not wanting anything. I grew up not befriending anyone. I grew up with a curse on my back following me everywhere I go.
"Are you done?" I heard Adam's voice below.
I wiped my tears and cleared my throat.
"Not yet" I answered.
I went to the room Avah mentioned and opened the door. I put the paper bag on the bed and went to the bathroom. There is a shower, a toilet, and a bath tub. Growing up in an orphanage, I never experienced these things. This is purely bliss but my heart seems to be troubled.
I took a quick shower because they are waiting for me. I wore the dress Avah gave me.
"Shall we?" Adam asked when he saw me. We went to the place where the elders are meeting.
"You look just like your mother." An old woman came to me and she offered the back of her hand. I took it and placed the back of her hand on my forehead. I believe this is their way of showing respect to the elderly.
I just smiled at her and continued walking while she is holding my hand. We sat on the empty chairs and on the table, I saw 3 boxes.
"Allow me to introduce them, Freya. So, this is Elder Teresa," Adam said while introducing me to an old woman with a brown hair. "She is my granny" Adam winked at me.
Is that why they have the same hair color? Avah's hair color is brown too.
"She is an earth element user and one of the rulers of this place." I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"This one is Elder Oriel; he governs the water element users and one of the rulers of this place." he smiled at me and held my hand. I smiled back.
"There are supposed to be four elders to rule Aspiera but since Caeli attacked this land and slaughtered Ignis, the two thrones remained empty." Adam explained.
"What are these boxes?" I asked out of curiosity.
"These are your parent's property. Since the attack happened, we kept it in our den because it is something important. The moment we knew you was spared, we protected it so we can give it to you." Elder Oriel explained while unlocking the boxes.
"Why did you not find me?" I, too, was shocked about my question.
"Searching for a child as important as you could bring harm to you. We couldn't take the risk of finding you and letting them know that you are still alive because they might find you first and kill you."
"We knew you are in the orphanage, and we sent people to take care of you. All these years we've been watching you but we couldn't touch you, talk to you or even protect you because they might find out. We are so sorry for what we did but that's the only thing we thought could protect you." Elder Teresa became dramatic while explaining to me.
While in the orphanage, nothing happened but accidents, supernatural accidents. And every time the unfortunate events occur, people would always blame me. Children kept on making fun of me, bullying me that sometimes lead to bruises and wounds in my body.
"These are the keepsakes of your parents" Elder Oriel said while opening the boxes on the table.
On the first box, I saw photos of me, my mother and my father.
I scanned it and smiled a little, knowing that even for a little time, I had a family.
On the second box, I saw a necklace with a pendant that looks like a bird. This is the exact bird that I saw on my dream.
"That's a phoenix. A long-lost power of the fire element user. That is a century-old necklace from your ancestors. It was passed down from generation to generation until it's time for you to take care of it."
I touched the necklace and for a while, I thought the color turned into bluish. Maybe that is just an imagination from my dream.
"We couldn't open the last box. We don't have the key and we also think that it is not an ordinary lock. We don't know what is inside it so I think it is safer that it stays here." I can feel that Elder Oriel doesn't want anything unfortunate to happen but if that's my parent's property, I think I should keep it.
"No. I'd like to keep it." I said.
"We are really happy that you are here. I hope this place will only bring good memories to you." Elder Teresa embraced me and I can feel her warmth.
We were about to stand up when two man entered the room.
"One of the three invaders almost entered our fortress. We need your permission to strengthen the enchantment and relocate the entrance."
Everyone in the room became thrilled with what the guy said. The elders as well as Adam went with them in a hurry.
"What is happening?" I asked Avah out of curiosity.
"The uninvited guests that I said earlier almost entered this place. But don't worry, everything will be fine."
I just nodded and sat on the chairs. I looked at the boxes one more time.
"Why don't we go back to your house and bring these boxes?" Avah suggested.
We took the boxes and went home to take a rest.
"Will everything be okay?" I asked her. It seems like she is thinking about the invaders.
"Yes of course"
"They might look for you there and need your help. I'll be fine here; you don't have to take care of me like a baby." I laughed a little to ease the tension that she is feeling.
"You might need me too."
"No, I can handle myself. And I will not go out. Don't worry." I smiled at her as assurance.
"Okay. Please be fine until we come back."
"Of course, I will." I opened the door and wait for her to go.
I went to the living room where the boxes are placed and examined the third box that remained locked.
How do I open this one? What kind of key do I need to unlock it?
I was about to use my power to open the box when I heard a voice outside. I opened the door and saw two girls standing outside the fence carrying a basket.
"Hi!" they cheerfully said in unison.
"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked them but they just handed me the basket. I looked at it and it is filled with fruits, flowers, vegetables, and meat inside a container.
"We were told to deliver this to you for your dinner." They said again in unison.
"The meat is from the hunters and gatherers." The girl in a ponytail said.
"The fruits, flowers and vegetables are from the fairies." The girl in curly hair said.
"Do I have to pay?" I asked them because I don't really have a money right now.
They just chuckled "Everything is free here." They smiled and went back to where they came from. I shouted thankyou and they just wave their hands.
I closed the door and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and put the goods inside. I put the flowers in the vase and placed it at the center of the table.
Alarm ringing
The vase almost fell when my alarm rang.
I exhaled and shut it off. Every six in the evening means I have to go home, well not really home since I don't have one. But I have to find a place where I can stay for the night. Homeless problem, you know?
I looked around the house. I still can't believe this. Everything that happened is like a dream. I sat on the chair and reminisce all the bad and few good memories I had during my childhood.
The dreams I had before happened all at once. Knowing my family, having friends, and owning a place where I can stay forever. My vision went blurry because of the tears.
"I became a crybaby since I entered this place." I laughed at my own self when I felt that I am hungry.
I don't think Adam and Avah will be here soon so I decided to prepare a dinner for three.
I prepared the ingredients and utensils that I need and started cooking.
Being an independent at such an early age will really help you. I used to help the cook at the orphanage when I was a child. When I decided to leave the orphanage, I became a waitress and an assistant cook in a small restaurant. I did all the works I could think about at those moments so I can survive. I even became a personal assistant of my rich classmate so I could have a place to stay. I really thought she is my friend until one day I heard that she started a rumor about me being friends with mysterious creatures. She fired me upon hearing that I already know she started the rumor. Later, I found out that she did that because she hates me for being the top student without any help from anyone.
But that belongs to the past now. I already forgave her even though she did not apologize.
After one hour, I finished cooking and prepared the table.
I was about to go back to Adam's place to invite them for dinner when I saw a bluish light on the second box in the living room.