Legend of the Phoenix

I rushed to open the box and saw the necklace glowing.

"What is happening?" I asked myself.

I took the necklace and felt the heat trying to escape from it. The heat doesn't bother me since I am a fire element user but what bothers me more is why is this necklace glowing?

I was about to wear the necklace when the door opened. The color went back to its natural color, so I put it back to the box and welcomed Adam and Avah inside.

"Sorry for barging in, Avah is worried about you so we rushed here unnoticed." Adam explained.

"We brought food so we can dine in together and Adam brought your documents as well."

Adam gave me my personal documents and I went to my room to put it inside a drawer.

On my way downstairs, I saw them preparing the lasagna and cake and then we started eating.

"I believe the girls delivered the goods I told them to sent you?" Adam asked.

"Yes of course. Thank you by the way."

"This steak is so gooooood! I didn't know you know how to cook!" Avah seemed surprised about me being a good cook. Well, I can't blame them since it's our first day of meeting.

"I've been through a lot so I also know a lot of things." I winked at her and she just laugh.

"Kidding aside, these are yummy as well. Did you cook it?" I asked Avah while eating a spoonful lasagna.

"Nope. Cooking isn't my forte. It was Adam who prepared this all." Adam shrugged his shoulders and laughed as well.

"I didn't know that."

"I've been through a lot so I also know a lot of things." Did he just copy me?

"Hey!" I yelled. We just laughed and continue eating.


"Where should I put it?" Avah asked me while holding the plate with a cheese cake.

"I'll be in the living room in a while, you can put it there." I answered while washing the plates.

Me, washing the plates inside the house that was given to me by my parents? I never thought this day would happen.

I took the apron off and dried my hands after washing the plates. I went to the living room and saw them watching T.V.

I sat down and watch the T.V when I saw the second box again. I took a bite of my cheesecake and opened the box.

"Is there any meaning behind this necklace?" I suddenly asked them. They both stopped watching the T.V and looked at me and then the necklace.

"I actually don't like that because it is very hot when I touch it." Avah moved a little vit away from me while watching the necklace.

"Well, there was a legend that your mother told me when I was 6 years old" Adam faced me while trying to touch the necklace but I guess it's too hot for him to handle.

"The owner of this necklace was the first fire element user who transformed into a phoenix. It was believed that when you go beyond your power's limitation, you will find yourself in a dark forest and this creature will be waiting for you there. Waiting for you to release her." I remembered, after the incident happened, I had a dream like this; in the dark forest where I saw the phoenix glowing.

"She also told me that when you become one with the phoenix, not even the powers of the other three elements combined can surpass you. But who knows? That is only a legend that was passed from generation to generation." He ended his speech by turning his gaze to the television.

"Was there anyone who transformed into a phoenix except from the owner?" I have so many questions regarding this necklace but I don't think they are the right person to talk to. If only I have my parents here.

"We never heard of anyone or anything. That's why the story remained a legend." Avah answered me while watching the television.

I think I have to know it myself. How? I don't know.

I put the necklace back to the box and stacked it all. We continue eating our cheesecakes when they decided to go home to sleep.

I decided to put the boxes in one of the rooms upstairs to keep it safe. There are three rooms here on the second floor. Two rooms are facing each other and the third one is in between the two rooms facing the stairs. I opened the first room and saw paintings and other materials that I believed are my parents'.

I closed the door because the room is stuffed with paintings and many art materials such as brushes in different size and palettes with paints that has dried over the years. I opened the second room and saw a large bookshelf filled with different kind of books. There is a table, a chair and a window seat when you feel like reading under the sunlight.

The table is empty so I decided to put the boxes on it. After placing it, I scanned the books and noticed that in each shelf, there are legends to know where to find what.

"Memoire" that is what was written on the third shelf. I kept on scanning the book looking for something that I don't know when I noticed a symbol. I touched the side of the book and took it. I sat on the chair and opened the second box to confirm something.

"It's the same!" the symbol in the book is the same with the necklace. A phoenix with its open wings.

I started reading the first chapter of the book. It's all about the founders of the fire element user. There are lots of names written on it but one thing caught my attention.

"Freah Dublin…" I read the name the same way I pronounce my name.

I scanned it more but it's only about the history of the Ignis. Why does it have to be the same? My name, this person's name?

I decided to put it back when a torn paper fell down.

On the paper, there is a symbol of the phoenix at the top center of the paper. I returned to the chair and sat back to read what was written on it.

The vagueness of the past creates chaos in the future

A mirror once cleansed reveals the true vulture

When goddess descends no one shall stand

For she is the mighty one that was lost in land

She flapped her wings and burned everything

But new world ascends and the autumn is now spring

What is this? Some kind of a poem? And who is this "she"?

"The vagueness of the past..." something in me wants to know what these poem means but I don't have enough knowledge about this.

For a while, I thought this has something to do with the attack that killed my family. But then I remembered that it was the Caeli's greed that pushed them to do such things.

But what if the past was tampered? A make-up story to cover something big?

That's ridiculous. Only evil people would do that and it only happens in the movies.

But my life right now is just like in fictional movies!

I think I'll lose my sanity when I kept on digging things right now.

I fold the paper and put it back to the book. I scanned a little more and found interesting chapters with drawings of different creatures. I read the paragraphs that reaches my sight and then flipped another page to read different things again. I spent almost one hour scanning the book when I reached the last page.

"Property of Marriane George."

Marriane George? Is this my mom's?

I just realized that I never got my parents' name. All of these things happened so suddenly and I was so overwhelmed with what's going on that it slipped my mind. Until now, my mind can't comprehend everything because it might turn into a dream and I'll end up in the streets again.

But I guess I have free time tomorrow so I will just ask the Shaw siblings or the Elders about my parent's name.

I decided to bring the book in my room. I put it on the side table so I can read it fully when I have the time tomorrow.

I hope that when tomorrow comes, I can still feel these soft sheets and comfortable bed embracing my body.