The heat from the sun rays woke me up from my dream. But I did not open my eyes yet.
A tear fell when reality hit me. How stupid am I to think that I have a family and friends and house?
I turned to the left side when I felt the soft sheet blanketed me. I opened my eyes and looked around and found myself in the room where I slept last night.
The tear became tears when I started sobbing. I am such a crybaby.
Of all the nightmares I had before, I wished it's just a dream. And in every sweet dream I had, I wished God won't wake me up.
But now? It's happening. It may look like a fairytale but at least it's real.
I hugged my pillows and decided to take a shower. After taking a shower, I went to the kitchen and searched for coffee and milk and made myself some.
I still can't believe that I have everything I need here without spending money. And on top of that, I am in my parent's house.
"Good morning!" I heard two little voices outside my house so I went to see them.
"Good morning" I replied and smiled at them.
"A special delivery for our new resident!" the girl with the curly hair said while smiling. The other girl handed me the basket.
"Wait here," I told them and rushed to the kitchen to take out everything. I got the other basket they sent me last time and gave it to them.
"Thank you…" I looked at them while raising both of my brows as a sign of asking them their names.
"Mia" "Yasy" they both replied.
"Thank you, Mia and Yasy" I smiled at them and they went home. I closed the door and placed the goods in the fridge and the flowers in another vase and placed it on the table in the living room.
I decided to go back to the library room to drink my coffee while sitting on the window seat. I fixed the curtains and saw a balcony outside the window.
"I did not notice it last night," I said to myself while unlocking the window and stepping in the balcony.
"Wow" I almost lost my breath upon seeing what's in front of me. It's like I am in Switzerland while watching the peaceful river with lots of different flowers blanketing the ground while dancing with the wind. The balcony is full of hydrangea flowers in different colors. My mom loves flowers, doesn't she?
I sat on the window seat and watch the beautiful scenery. I could watch this forever.
"It's beautiful, right?" I looked at the person who talked and saw Adam watching the scenery as well.
"I used to come here often just to lose track of the time." He said and sat with me.
"Good morning" I greeted him and he greeted back.
"We have a problem," he said so I put my mug on the chair in the balcony.
"Remember the invaders?" I just nod at him "I was with the patrol team earlier and saw this written on the tree where the old entrance was situated." He gave me his phone and showed me the picture.
"We know where she is…?" I asked him. They mean… me?
"Am I in danger?" I asked him. I was so amazed by this place that I almost forgot that some people are looking for me and trying to kill me.
"Not unless you leave this fortress unprepared." What does unprepared mean?
"Listen, you will be introduced to the people here, and after that, you will start your training." He took my coffee and drank it leaving me nothing.
"Train for what?" I asked him. I don't know what's happening.
"The bad guys are looking for you. Months from now, you will be sent outside alone or with someone for a mission and you have to master your power before that happens so you can protect yourself. We can't be with you all the time so you have to be strong on your own." I just kept on listening to what he is saying and understanding every bit even though it's driving me crazy.
"When will I be introduced to the villagers?"
"8 am this morning, it's 7:45 am now so we have to go." I took my mug and followed him downstairs
"But I haven't eaten anything yet." I am not hungry yet but anytime soon, I will be.
"Let's just eat when we get there."
We went out of the house and I saw two ladies in their mid-30's taking care of my mother's plants.
"Thank you for your help" I bow down to show them my gratitude and they smiled at me.
"Do they always that?" I asked Adam out of curiosity.
"Do what?"
"Take care of the plants?"
"Yes. Those who don't have a mission on the outside have their roles here. The fairies are in charge of taking care of all the plants here so you don't have to worry."
"Does that mean I will have my role here as well? Sounds exciting!" I kept on following him until we reached a crowded place. He took my hand and we went inside the pavilion and saw the Elders inside.
"You are finally here." Elder Teresa kissed my cheeks and Elder Oriel did the same.
"Good morning, villagers. Thank you for your presence at very short notice. This girl I am with is the only daughter of Marianne and Alex George and the last fire element user." After Adam said those words, there are noises everywhere from different people.
"We were waiting for you. We are glad you are here" A woman in her late 40's held my hand and smiled at me.
I thought the murmurs earlier means they don't want me to be here but now I can see their smiles. I never thought someone out there is happy that I am here, well and alive.
"And…. Let's eat!"
Everyone entered the pavilion and head to the buffet table and went to their respective seats outside the pavilion. It looked like someone held a party in the garden and everyone is enjoying each other's company.
One thing I love the most here is that there are lots of beautiful flowers everywhere and there are some trees bears fruit in every direction. This is truly a paradise.
"Here," Adam handed me a plate.
"Wait, is that all? I mean the introduction? I just think this kind of celebration is too much" I may be the last fire element user but it's only me and there's no need for a buffet.
"In here, we believe that everything should be celebrated" he just smiled at me
"But you only introduced me, that is no big deal."
"There's a lot more to come, Frey" he took my plate and filled it with lots of food. Is he trying to make me fat?
"Where's Avah?"
"She's with the other trainees patrolling the border. She will be here in a while."
We were looking for a vacant table to eat properly when Avah came in and took Adam's watermelon.
"Hey! That's my favorite!" we just laughed at him and then Avah went to the Pavilion to get some food.
"So, how's the border going?" Adam asked while munching the toasted bread with butter.
"So far so good."
"What does that even mean?"
"We found nothing so we guess the invaders already left after leaving a sign." I felt scared when she mentioned the sign.
"Don't worry Frey, no one can get in here without Adam's permission."
"Why? Is he some kind of a head here or whatever?" I asked Avah.
Adam let go of the spoon and fork and postured himself as if telling me that he is the boss here.
"I am the head of the security team here." Oh, so that is why they went with the other guy last time when an invader almost found the entrance.
"What about you Avah?" I looked at Avah who is eating a hotdog.
"I am still a trainee so I don't have designations yet."
"What about me?"
"You will start your training today together with Avah." Really? "And remember that girl you fought with yesterday?" oh god, I remember. I should say sorry to her because I lost my sanity at that time.
"You will be with her too." Avah finished Adam's statement.
"What?" I almost dropped my spoon and fork.
"So, don't expect that your training years will be a haven." Did Avah just smirk at me?
"What should I do?" As much as I could, I don't want to have enemies here.
"Don't worry, you are stronger than her. And also, Adam has your back." I was confused with her last statement. What does it have to do with Adam?
"Shut up, Avah." Avah just chuckled.
"I don't understand." I really don't.
"Well, you know, Madeline Grigg, in short, Maddy is Adam's lover." Adam threw a piece of toasted bread to Avah but she just chuckled.
"Manners, Adam." A woman in her mid-50's scolded Adam. He said sorry and we just laughed at him.
"Is this seat available?" we all stopped laughing when a girl asked Adam a question. Wait, that is the girl I fought with!
Avah leaned towards me a bit and whispered "Speaking of the devil" I chuckled nervously.
Adam looked at us but Avah just smiled, I also smiled but nervously. "No" He replied shortly.
"So, you are the prominent George. You must be very happy with all the attention you have right now."
My nervousness went away and was replaced with irritation. I took a deep breath and smiled at her.
"And you are…? Oh, forgive me, I only know important people" I heard a chuckle beside me. Must be Avah.
I went through hell, and she thinks her little chit-chat scares me?