Chased by a boulder

"That was epic! Did you just see her reaction? Priceless!" Avah kept on talking about what happened earlier at the dining table.

"Yes, Avah, yes." Adam seemed annoyed with Avah. I just shrugged my shoulders and continue walking with them.

We are going to the field right now to start my training. I am actually very nervous as of the moment because I don't know if I'll do good or I'll just keep on destroying things.

"We are here" my heart skipped a beat. I don't think I can do this.

The last time I checked, I went berserk and almost hurt someone. What if that happens now?

"Adam!" a man in his mid-40's shouted and waved his hands at us. We went to his direction and they introduced me.

"Nice to meet you, George. I am John. We used to train with their parents and your mother, back in the days." For a while, I saw a glimpse of hope while shaking his hands until…

"But don't think I'll be good to you in training. Now go change your clothes." He pushed me a little and I almost tripped but I grabbed Adam's shoulder so I recovered my balance. Adam looked at me with teasing face so Avah grabbed my arm and we went to the building outside the field.

"I don't think I can do this." I cried. Avah just laughed at me and said some encouraging words.

"Here, wear this." She handed me the clothes so I went to the dressing room to get dressed.

"This is cool!" I said the moment I stepped out of the dressing room. "This is just like Lara Croft's outfit"

"Here" She handed me the key and tap the locker in her side that has my name on it. Is this my locker?

I put my clothes and shoes inside and went back to the field with Avah.

"I'll leave you two here. I have to go" Adam left us here and went to his office already.

"Okay, let us start. Shaw, go back to your mentor. George, follow me." We parted ways with Avah and all I can do no is cry in the corner. How do I finish this training?

"Since you are a late comer, you can't be with Shaw and the other trainees at your age. Now, show me what you can do with your power" John said right after we reached our destination.

"What?" I asked. I am not deaf, but I think I am stupid. I think I just made him mad?

He moved his hands and seconds after, a big boulder came flying to me.

Has he gone mad?! I ran as fast as I could but the boulder kept on following me. It's getting nearer and nearer and my heart right now wants to explode.

Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please…

"STOP!" I closed my eyes and screamed. I heard a loud crash so I opened my eyes. I saw debris falling from the sky but the boulder is now gone.

"Not bad" John came to me.

"What happened?" I asked him. What just happened?

"The moment you screamed, your body emitted a flame so the moment the boulder almost reached you, it exploded." I did what?

"You can only produce fire when you are scared or angry. So now, we are going to work with how you handle your emotions. By the way, I heard you had a fight with Grigg yesterday." I looked down. I am still ashamed of what I did that day.

"Now form a fist…" I followed him. "And do this" he said while quickly opening his fist.

I did the same thing but nothing happened.

"Quicker!" I did it one more time and quicker yet nothing happened.

"Okay, clear your mind first and don't think about anything unnecessary and do it one more time."

I cleared off my thoughts and did it once more. I saw a little flame but it disappeared after a second.

"I did it!" I said cheerfully but his face seems disappointed.

"Sustain it. Keep it for a long time and make it bigger!" he said so I did what I was told to do. He is asking the impossible thing at this moment. How can I? Somebody, help!

I kept on doing it over and over again until such time I produced a bigger flame as big as my head.

I was so excited about it until he said "Now do it with your other hand"

I did it with my left hand but nothing happened. I kept on doing it until the flame on the other hand vanished. Oh no.

"George" John called me. "Inhale, exhale" I followed him. "Feel the heat, feel your power." I closed my eyes and focused on feeling the heat inside me.

"Now release it." Right after he said that I opened my palms quickly as I could and put all my focus on it.

A deep-orange flame came out of my hands bigger than before. John clapped his hands and he seems happy with the result.

I did not know I could pull that off! I imagined myself dancing because of happiness and sang "I did it" multiple times in my head.

"Now we have to work with how you can attack someone using that fire you created." I closed my fist and the flame vanished. I opened it again and a fire came out. I could do his all day! This is fun!

"You see those scarecrows?" I nod when I saw the figure 5 meters away. "Attack it with your flame"

Attack what? It took me a while to produce these flames and now I'm attacking a scarecrow with these? How?

I positioned myself and attacked the scarecrow with the flame in my hand but the it did not reach the figure. I told you it's hard.

I did it again and again but the I can only reach the 3-meter line.

"Focus George, focus!" John yelled. Easy for you to say but it's hard for me to do.

I closed my eyes again, and started to think of me mastering all these techniques. I felt the heat coursing through my veins. My heart started beating faster and faster every second. I opened my eyes and saw steam coming out from my body. I looked at the scarecrow and attack it with all my might.

I hit and burned the scarecrow together with the things that surrounds it. John took a few steps back and dumped lots of rocks at the scarecrow to extinguish the fire.

My felt dizzy and my vision went blurry. My knees trembled and almost fell to the ground but I quickly gained my balance.

"I said attack the scarecrow, not burn everything in this place" he said that but he didn't seem pissed. I saw him smiled a little.

"We're done" Immediately? That's all? I thought I have to train to become stronger?

"Am I not going to fight someone to use these learned new techniques?" I asked him. I thought I have to fight someone.

"Your true training starts tomorrow. What we did today is just a diagnostic test, if I may say. I just want to know if you can already control your power and I want to measure how strong you are." He explained.

"So, how strong am I?" I asked him hoping I'll receive a nice answer but he just shrug.

"8 A.M tomorrow morning you have to be here. We'll finish at 11 A.M and you have to attend the beginner's class with Leyla. You'll meet her tomorrow." He fixed his things and went outside the field but stopped momentarily and looked at me. "We will be training with the other kids tomorrow. Be prepared not to make yourself a laughing stock." After saying that continued walking.

A laughing stock? Me? Huh! "I'll show you something incredible tomorrow!" I shouted.

Wait. What if he heard it? I shouldn't have said that!