My first mission

We are on our way outside the village. I am with Dan who is driving the car. Minutes later, we reached our destination and found a cab waiting for me. He helped me transfer my things so I thanked him.

I went inside the cab and said 'thankyou' and 'goodbye' to Dan. The trip was silent so I decided to listen to the music in my phone. We reached the hotel few hours later so I checked in and went to my room.

Someone knocked on the door so I opened it. I saw a staff of the hotel and she gave me a box.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Someone told me to give it to you" she smiled and left. I closed the door and opened the box that has a phone and a note inside.

"Turn on the phone and call this number." I obliged and called the number that was written.

"George" the voice sounds like John.

"Who is this?" I asked. I am not sure if this is John so I have to be careful.

"This is John. There is an address at the back of the note. Meet me there." I flipped the note and there is an address written on it.

I was about to ask him why but he ended the call.

I went to the address and it is a café located on the outskirts of a town. I can barely see any people around and the café seemed closed.

I have no choice. I entered the café and found John in there.

"Why did you call me here? I thought you are in Aspiera?" I asked him and sat down.

"Listen George, you can't mention that place here. Someone might hear you" John said. I was scared for a moment and looked around but I regained myself.

"Why are we here?" I asked him.

"We have something to discuss and the village isn't the safest place to talk about it."

I just raised my brows because I can't seem to absorb what he was saying.

"Aspiera is our fortress, there is no safer place other than that" I said to him. It is like a paradise to me.

"Look, we have been investigating these past few years about what really happened on the day the Ignis got ambushed. And the evidences are pointing us to some people who are now living inside Aspiera. We are not yet sure but we are digging deeper so we can finally find the culprit."

"I thought it was the Caeli?" I asked him. My thoughts are now circling inside my mind.

"We still don't know what really happened. Maybe they were forced to do such a thing, maybe they were framed or maybe some Caeli were manipulated by someone who is evil. The possibilities are endless, that is why we can't let our guard down." He explained to me but I cannot fully grasp the idea.

Is he saying that the Caeli are not the real culprit and the real one is living their best life in the fortress? Or I interpreted it differently?

I can't think properly. I don't know what to react. I don't even know what to say!

"I am telling this to you because your life might be in danger. The culprit might be planning their move right now to execute you. You have to be careful George. We can't be at your side all the time to protect you." Execute me? Why would they do that? Because I am an Ignis? And who is that person he is talking about?

I am starting to understand what John is explaining to me. But just by thinking about it makes my blood boil.

"Why don't we just confront that person you are suspecting? I can't stay still here! We are talking about my family and if ever that person really did that, I will burn them to ashes myself!" I feel like anytime now, I am going to explode. This is infuriating me!

"That will just ruin our plan! We can't do something reckless unless we clarify things!"

"Then what am I going to do? Stay still and sit there in silence and act like the past is not killing me?!" I want to cry and destroy everything around me to let out my anger but I calmed myself before doing something reckless. I am on the outside world. I must behave myself.

"You have one week to stay here to calm yourself. Please don't do anything reckless. I have to go back in the village so they will not suspect me. If you have something important to say, call me through this." He showed me his phone and pointed the other phone that the staff gave me.

I nodded at him and he left the café. I still have so many questions left but I am not prepared to hear the answers so I kept it to myself.

I remembered the dream I had the last time. Is this what my mother kept talking about? Is this the darkness of ambiguity? Will the harsh reality that she said will destroy me or will the truth unleash something in me that could destroy everything?

Everything is like a puzzle with missing pieces. What John told me stirred my peaceful mind. After hearing everything, I don't think I'll be satisfied just by staying still and wait for some information from them.

"There is no way I'll keep calm. I have to do something." I left the cafe and started walking to find a cab. I stopped for a while and stare at the bright sky.

"But what am I going to do now?" I asked in frustration.

I don't know anything about the ambush! I don't have any lead or any information that can help me! I kicked the small rock in front of me and waited for it to fall so I could kick it again.

"Oh my god! Dodge!" I shouted when I realized that the rock that I kicked earlier was about to hit a young guy not too far away.

But instead of being sorry, I was surprised with what happened. He evaded the rock by repelling it without touching it with his hands! What did he just do?

Is he a magic user too?

He looked at me and he realized I just saw everything so he quickly run. I followed him to wherever it is.

"Wait!" I shouted but he did not listen. He kept running until we reached the dead end. He stopped and looked for a way out but there is nothing. We are surrounded by very tall buildings and I am blocking the only way out.

"I am not going to hurt you" I assured him.

"Who are you?" he said and I can feel that he is afraid just by hearing his voice.

"I am from Aspiera too" I said, hoping he would calm down but he became more scared and distanced himself away from me.

We are now on a narrow and isolated place and he is trembling.

"Stay away from me! Leave me alone! I am not going to tell you anything!" the young guy is in the verge of crying and he is now shaking.

"I am not going to hurt you, I promise!" I tried everything to calm him but nothing changed.

"Okay. My name is Freya George. I am a fire element user. I promise you I will not do anything bad. I am not going to harm you." I tried to say it calmly so he would stop trembling. I guessed it worked because his face does not look scared anymore. Only surprised. About what?

"Freya George?" he asked and I nodded.

"You mean… the one who grew up in an orphanage? The one who is a fire element user?" He knows me? Now it is my turn to act surprise!

"How did you know that?" I asked him.

"We were looking for you these past few months!" he said and walked towards me slowly. I stepped back.

The way he repelled the rock earlier, it was like he was using the air pressure to avoid being hit. Could he be…?

"No no no no no. Stay still please" he said when he noticed that I am about to run. How can I? He might be some bad guy who was sent to kill me!

"I am not the bad guy here!" he said. Can he read minds too?

"Then who are you?" I asked him. I am not actually waiting for his response. If he does something suspicious right now, either I will run or I will fight him. He's just a fifteen-year-old boy! I can protect myself against him.

"I know where the other Ignis are" I stopped for a while.

"What?!" my eyes widened. He got to be kidding me!