Seeking help from an old friend

"Pardon?" I asked. Maybe I just misheard it. That can't be true after all!

"The Ignis. I know where they are" the what? Ignis? He mean… the fire element users? Like me?

"You got to be kidding me" I said in a very serious tone.

"No! I am serious!" A Caeli is telling me that he knows where the Ignis are? Oh, come on!

"You can come with me if you want" no way!

"Why would I trust you?" I said and decided to leave.

"I am not lying! I swear! You can do whatever you want with me once you find out that I am lying" he raised both of his arms like he is surrendering. I let down my guard a little bit.

"Where are they?" I asked him. He might be lying or he might be telling the truth.

"Somewhere in the southwest region. We are all hiding there" he responded. Aspiera is in the Northeast region.

"No" I rejected his offer.

"I don't trust you" I said firmly.

John told me not to trust anyone and that applies to everyone.

"I understand that. I respect your decision but just in case you change your mind, here is my number." he handed me a small piece of paper.

"Please call me when you change your mind. Everyone is waiting for you" he said that and left me there, still confused.

What does he mean by everyone? Every Ignis? But he is a Caeli! Does that mean Ignis and Caeli are living in harmony in that place? What is happening here?

First, John bombarded me with series of truths that scare the hell out of me and now I met someone who is a real Caeli and I found out that there were Ignis who survived the ambush?

Wait... if there were survivors, my parents might be there too! But what if not? I shouldn't keep my hopes up.

I put his calling card in my pocket and went to accomplish my mission.

I went to the address that was written on the paper but I found nothing. The people there said they don't know anything about the man and it was their first time hearing his name and they haven't seen his face around.

I went to the last address and I hope I can get something from here.

"Excuse me" I approached the lady who is selling fruits and vegetables.

She looked at me so I asked her if she knows him.

"Jose? I know someone named Jose but he is not here anymore. Do you have some pictures of him with you?" I nodded and showed him the picture.

"Yes! That was the Jose I knew. But he left this place already."

"Did he tell you something or do you know where he might be?" I asked her hoping to find some information.

"Sorry but he just vanished. We haven't seen him for almost a year now and he even left his apartment unpaid" she explained.

I thanked her and went on my way.

A dead end.

How am I going to find this man?

I looked at my wrist watch and it's already 2 in the afternoon.

I haven't eaten lunch so I decided to go back to the hotel and eat something. I have one week to find this man but I can't continue my search unless I have some lead.

"Thank you" I said to the hotel staff who brought the food in my room.

I locked the door and went to the bed to eat. I dialed John's number using the spare phone.

"Why did you call me?" He said once he answered the call. What a nice way to greet someone!

"I met some Caeli" I said in a very casual voice.

"You what?!" I almost dropped the phone when he shouted on the other line.

"He told me that he knows where the Ignis are"

"Where are you right now?" He asked me.

"In the hotel"

"What about your mission?"

"The last address is a dead end. The residents in that area said he just vanished so I can say it is a dead end." I explained to him.

"Okay good. Just stay there at the hotel and don't go anywhere. I'll come back tomorrow and meet me at the cafe."


"Do you have his contact information?"

"Yes. It's with me"

"Keep it and we will talk tomorrow. We will decide if we will believe him or not"


"For now, just stay there and do something to find that person with the use of internet. Do not go out of the hotel" he firmly said so I obliged.

He ended the call and I started browsing the internet to find some information about the location of this man. But I found no trace of him anywhere in the internet.

He doesn't have any social media accounts or friends or even relatives that could lead me to him.

"What now?" I asked to myself.

I don't know what is with this man.

Is he some kind of an important person? Why am I looking for him? Is he a criminal who is wanted in Aspiera? I don't really know!

If only I have someone who can help me.

Wait… I have a friend in the orphanage who is a police officer now! maybe he can help me?

But would it be okay to involve them?

I searched for his social media accounts and luckily, I found his account and his address.

I was about to leave my room when I remembered what John told me. I can't get out of here.

Well, maybe I have to wait until tomorrow.


I was not able to sleep properly last night and I got up too early so I took a shower, eat my breakfast and went to visit my police friend.

He should be at their house right now since it's still 6 in the morning.

I took a cab and gave the address to the driver. We arrived there minutes later and I waited outside his house.

"I hope this works" I kept telling to myself.

I am actually nervous as of this moment because this might ruin my mission. But if I don't do this, I can't find him too and that will ruin my mission as well!

I don't know what to do.

I was about to leave when I heard the gate opened and a guy wearing a police uniform got out.

"Andy!" I called him. I have no other choice.

"Who—Freya?!" he seemed surprise upon seeing me.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you for many months, are you okay?" I can feel that he is a little bit worried about me.

He was the only person who never judged me when we were in the orphanage.

"Yes. I am fine. I actually have a work now" I said. I don't think it is a lie since I am really working right now.

"Really? That is good to hear! I am happy for you" he smiled at me and tap my shoulders.

"Actually, I want to ask you a favor. But it will be fine if you will not help me, I don't want to bother you and---" I stopped talking when he started laughing.

"You don't have to explain! I will help you with everything." I smiled at him and thanked him.

I told him that I am looking for someone as part of my work. I even lied to him that the person I am looking for is the son of my boss and he is dying and he wants to meet him for the last time.

I am sorry, Andy but I can't tell you the real truth.

We exchanged numbers and he told me that he will call me once he finds the person I am looking for. He even congratulated me for having a good life finally.

We parted ways after and I texted John that I will be waiting at the café for him.

I still can't forget the boy I met yesterday. I don't know if I should believe him or not. I need to talk to John so he can tell me what to do.

This might help us in our investigations too.

I just hope things go well.