
I am already at the café and I saw John opening the door.

"Tell me everything" he said right after he sat on the chair.

I told him what happened after he left the café as well as how my mission went. I decided not to tell him that I asked some person to help me find Jose because he might scold me and that's the last thing I want to happen right now.

I gave him the piece of paper containing the number of the boy I met yesterday.

"Do you think we should trust him?" I asked John.

"We still don't know."

"I'll go" I said. I am actually nervous.

"No" he firmly objective. "I cannot send you on a place where I can't guarantee your safety."

"But how can we know that what he is saying is all true? I am the only person who can go there."

"I will find a way." I want to object but I just nodded at him.

"You can't do any unnecessary things regarding this matter. Just focus on your mission" he said and got up.

"Where are you going?" is he leaving already?

"I cannot stay here that long. I have to go back to Aspiera." He said and started walking towards the door and left.

Now I am all alone in this café with no customers. I don't even know if this business is still running or John just used it as a hideout.

I got out of the café and took a cab. I told the driver the place I want to go and he just obliged.


After an hour of travelling, I have finally arrived.

This place is so big! How can I know I am at the right place?

I decided to scout the place hoping that I can find any clues regarding their whereabouts.

I am sorry John but my curiosity won't let me sleep at night. I have to know, at least, where they are and what they are doing. I will not let myself get in trouble; I promise.

Good thing I am wearing an army green cropped button-down jacket, a black cap and a sun glasses. Maybe I can disguise myself with these and they won't be able to know who I am. The boy I met yesterday might have told the other people already. I can't afford to be seen here because I don't know what might happen.

Yes, I don't know what might happen, yet here I am roaming around the place not thinking that this might be a trap and I might get killed.

I hate myself sometimes for jumping into things without thinking about my safety first.

"How much is this?" I asked the woman while pointing at the cup filled with lots of fruits.

I am really hungry and the fruits seemed so refreshing.

I paid the woman and thanked her. I searched for some chairs around and luckily, I found some and they are still empty.

I sat at the chair and watch the people while doing their own chores.

"This is so sweeeeet" I said to myself.

I can still remember how difficult my life is before all of this happened, I was so alone in the streets. My life in the orphanage is very depressing that is why I decided to try my luck living alone.

But maybe it's true, you cannot appreciate the good things in life without suffering.

"Walk faster or I'll leave you!" I looked at the two person which I think are siblings.

I just smiled. What could have happened if my parents are here? Maybe I am playing with my sibling right now.

"Coming!" the boy in his teens answered and rushed towards his sister.

I looked at them once more and I quickly stood up. I searched for a garbage can and threw the cup away and tailed the siblings.

That is the boy I met yesterday!

I don't think if this is good or bad luck. Good because I found him or bad because I might get in trouble if they happened to be the bad guys.

Well, whatever. I am already here. There is no turning back.

I silently followed them and I made sure that I don't look suspicious. I've seen so many movies where people get caught following someone because they are so careless so I won't let that to happen to me.

I saw them enter the forest and disappeared after passing a big tree. I looked around but I saw no trace of human being in this forest.

Is that their entrance?

Well, obviously, I can't get any nearer. If their security is just like ours, people inside might start to hunt me once they will know that there is someone who wants to trespass in their territory.

This place is huge but Aspiera is bigger. But that doesn't mean that the people inside are weaker. If what he is saying is true and they really did survive the attack, they have incredible magic.

What the boy said yesterday gave me a little hope. My family might be alive. Maybe there is still a chance of us being together.

Okay, don't let your hopes drown you, Frey.

I was about to go back to the city when I heard foot steps not so far from where I am standing.

This is not good!

I looked around trying to find a way to get out of here but I found nothing. Once I walk away from this tree, I am hundred percent sure they will notice me.

This is not good. This is not good. This is not good!

I can hear their footsteps and it's getting nearer every second.

Where should I hide? I don't know where to go!

I heard a chittering sound of birds right above me. If I am not on this situation, I would have climb up there and listen to your songs birdie, but I am on a dangerous situation right now.

Climb up… climb u---

"I thought I saw someone standing in here"

"Man, you really need to sleep early. You are just imagining things"

"Damn, I've been sleeping so late these past few days!"

"We have to patrol the other borders too. Let's go!"

I almost lost my breath trying to conceal my presence. That was close!

I carefully moved my legs trying not to break any dead twigs that can create a sound. The bird is now staring at me, I guess he, too, is confused. Sorry for ruining your song, birdie.

After this, I will really thank John for all those deadly trainings I went through. I don't know how many times it saved me.

Oh, he shouldn't know that I went here.

I waited for them to disappear in my sight and when I was sure that they are already gone, I went down and quickly went back to where I was.

I waited for an empty cab and went back to the hotel where I was staying at.

I have to take a shower after climbing a tree because I need to freshen up a bit.

It's already 1 in the afternoon so I decided to grab some food to eat for lunch. I went down and ordered some goodies and searched for an empty table.

My phone rang and the moment I saw Andy's name, I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I greeted him and he did the same.

"I found him- the person you are looking for." He said and I felt excited for a bit.

"But Freya, I don't think it's safe to be around him" I can hear in his voice that he is worried.

"Why?" I asked. My life is not safe anywhere, Andy. If you only knew.

"There is something off about him." He explained. I hope he did not learn anything unusual. That can put me in trouble!

Well, you could have sort things out before relying on your human friend, Frey. What a nice move! Now, how will you handle a situation if a problem occurs?

"Like… what?" I hope he does not know anything.

"Well, in his place, a week won't pass without a tornado happening. I mean, it is a natural disaster but, isn't it peculiar that it happens every week?" so Jose is a Caeli? Is that why John told me it's a bit personal?

"Maybe there are abnormalities in that place's weather. Don't tell me you believe in supernatural things?" I faked a laugh and thankfully he laughed too.

"You are right, maybe I am overthinking." Yes, you are. I hope you are.

"When and where are we going to meet?" I asked him. I need the information as soon as possible.

"I would love to meet you again and talk about things but I was caught up with these paper works. I have so many reports to finish." Thank god! I am not ready to be interrogated by him!

"Oh, that is sad."

"Yes, it really is. So, I guess I'll just send the information to you through mail? Would that be okay?"

"Yes, of course. I am more than happy with that. I really am thankful that you helped me."

"Anytime, Frey. You can always count on me" we bid our goodbyes and little later, I received the mail.

I quickly finished my meal and went back to my room to change.

I hope this goes well.