My senses came back when I felt a warm and wet towel in my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw a silhouette of a man with its back facing me.
I took the wet towel and placed it on the basin beside me and decided to sit up to clearly see the man I saw earlier.
I still can't remember what happened after the fight I had with Jose.
I noticed that the wounds in my body are now completely healed and I can't see any scars from the fresh wounds I gained during the fight.
"You're awake" I looked at the direction where the man is standing and my heart started beating faster.
I quickly got out of the bed and went to the door to take my exit but in a blink of an eye, he is already blocking the door with a glass of milk in his hands.
"No need to panic, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise" who would believe that?
"You almost killed me the last time! How can I remain calm?" I yelled at him while taking a few steps back.
I am inside the house of Jose! The person who almost killed me! Tell me, how can I not panic?
"Almost, but I did not" he calmly said and put the glass of milk in the tray.
Am I still dreaming? Or this is hell?
"Okay, let me explain what happened to you two days ago" he grabbed the stool beside the table where the tray is placed.
Two days ago? What does he mean by that?
"You lost consciousness during our fight. You lost too much blood that's why you are here in my house. I couldn't believe you would be easily defeated!" he said like he was just telling a children's story.
"And whose fault is that?!" I angrily asked him. He was the one attacked me like I am a monster that has to be taken down quickly.
"It's not my fault that you are weak! I thought you could withstand my attacks since you are a George!" what does he know about my family? Who exactly is this person?
"Who are you? Why do you know so much about me?"
He was about to answer my question when his phone rang.
"Hello?" he said
"Oh, she's fine. She's already awake." He glanced at me "You want to talk to her? Sure." He, then, gave me the phone.
I was skeptical to accept it but he threw his phone on the bed, it bounced back but luckily, I was able to catch it.
I slowly put the phone in my ears and wait for the person on the other side talk.
"Freya?" I heard a familiar voice.
"John?" I asked in disbelief. This can't be happening!
Is John his accomplice? Did John give me this mission so this man can kill me? Is he an enemy too?
"Thank God you are fine!" he said like all his worries quickly vanished while hearing my voice.
"What's happening?" that's all I could say.
I don't know if my hunches are true but I hope it's not. I don't know what I would feel if John happened to be my enemy too.
"Everything that Jose will say is the truth and I advise you to just listen to him. Sometimes he goes overboard but he is not a bad person, I assure you that." Why should I believe you? I almost died in his hands; how can I trust him?
"I know you are doubting me right now but please just believe me. I purposely sent you in this mission because there is something that you must retrieve from him."
I don't know what to react, I don't know what to say and I don't even know what to do!
"I have to end this call now. Just listen to him Freya. Trust me." he said and ended the call.
I saw Jose entering the room with another tray that has foods in his hand. I was so focused on John that I did not noticed his disappearance.
"Eat first before we talk." He put the tray on the mini table and started to get out of the room but he stopped half-way and faced me.
"And don't try to escape. You won't like it" he said calmly but I can sense peril in his words.
He finally got out and I was able to breath freely.
What kind of trouble am I in?
I decided to eat the foods on the tray together with the milk that he prepared.
There should be no poison sprinkled on this food, right?
It did not take me five minutes to finish everything because I can feel my hunger creeping inside my bones.
How many days did I starve to eat this much?
After eating, I went out of my room and took the dishes out. I went to the kitchen not too far away from the room I am staying but I saw Jose leisurely sitting on the sofa while watching the news and I subconsciously took a step back.
"Go on. I don't bite" he said without even looking at me.
You don't bite, you only kill person for fun.
After reaching the kitchen, I noticed that the sink is perfectly cleaned.
"You can't judge me by my looks and actions" he said as if hearing the words in my mind.
Can he read minds too?
I just rolled my eyes and washed the dishes.
I decided to trust this man since John trust him too. Afterall, I have no choice since I am in his house and he is very, very strong and I am way too weak to oppose him.
He seemed perfectly relaxed like a cool business man in a meeting. His presence is very different from the man I fought the last time.
Maybe he is his twin?
"Sit here" he commanded and turned off the T.V.
I noticed a little box on the table and an envelope.
"You can talk, but don't talk too much. Just listen to what I am going to say because I hate repeating myself." he crossed his legs and sipped a wine.
"I am your father's right-hand man and John is my friend…"
"…This box contains the key that can open the second box that the elders gave you…"
"… And inside this envelope is your real mission but it's already done so you only have to give it to John or whoever is in charge."
My mind can't process everything.
I feel like there's a bomb thrown at me triple times.
What did he just say?
"You can ask questions if you like" my thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly talked.
"You are father's what?"
"This box… this key… and this real mission- what exactly is happening here!?"
I could no longer contain this unknown feeling inside me.
The moment I stepped out of Aspiera, I've been bombarded with series of surprises. There are lots of unbelievable events that happened and now, it keeps on happening. there are so many information's about my past, my life and my family but I can't seem to digest it all.
And now…
After being in the brink of death, I learned that the person who tried to kill me is my father's right-hand man?
"I am telling you what I know, that is what's happening here" he said like it was nothing.
"Hold on… let me ask you question… no, questions. Lots of questions"
"Go on" he said and put the wine glass on the table.
"Why did you try to kill me?"
"I did not try to kill you. I was having fun. John told me to give you a little beating but I guess I overestimated you so"
"How did I end up here?"
"You lost too much blood so I healed you."
"How many days have I been sleeping?"
"Two days, approximately" Two days?!
"How are you related to my father?"
"I told you I am his right-hand man"
"How about this key? How did you know about the box?"
"I am your father's right-hand man; I know almost everything about you"
"What do you exactly mean about my real mission?"
"I told John that I have to meet you personally so he gave you a false mission and that is finding me."
"Who finished my real mission?"
"Me. I got bored while waiting for you so I finished it last week"
I kept throwing questions at him to clarify things and I was glad his answers are direct to the point.
"What happened after the attack? What happened to my parents?" I asked him, hoping to find answers.
I was eagerly waiting for his reply but he just shrug.
"Why won't you answer me?" I asked in a raised voice.
"I told you that you can ask questions but I never said that I'll answer all of them"
That's unfair!
"Now, open this box" he pushed the little box in my direction so I took it.
I opened it but it is not the key that I expected.
"This is an odd key"