"That is not the real key, silly brat!"
I looked at him with raised brows.
I searched for another key inside the box but I found nothing.
The only thing I found inside the box is this red crystal- or whatever it is that's in my hand. It was covered with a very smooth black cloth. I see no keys in here!
"But there's nothing in here"
"The key that you are looking for is inside that diamond"
I almost dropped the red crystal that I am holding.
"This is a what?!" a diamond? A red diamond? That's impossible!
He is just staring at me, too tired to repeat what he just said.
I quickly returned the red crystal in the box and covered it with the black cloth very carefully.
This can't be a diamond! Though, I haven't seen one in my entire life but this can't be a diamond! It's just too big! It's smaller than my fist but it's too big compared to the usual.
"I am not forcing you to believe me. Your mother was the one who told me about that diamond. It has a key inside that can open the box that you have in your possession."
I looked at the box again and opened it.
"How can I get this key out?" I asked in curiosity.
As far as I remember, diamonds are very hard to break.
"You have to melt it" he just simply said.
I stared at it and held it very carefully. I released a blue flame in my hand where I am holding the red diamond but after a minute, nothing changed.
I looked at Jose with puzzled face.
"You can't melt it. You are too weak" he calmly said like he was talking to an emotionless robot.
How could he? That hurts!
"Then what am I going to do with these?" I asked. If I can't melt it, then I can't open the box that was left to me by my parents.
I don't exactly know the value of what's inside that box but I believe it's worth more than this red diamond that was used to hide this key. I can't actually see through this diamond so I can't see any key inside.
My parents are too extra!
"I think you have to go back to Aspiera now" he said and stood up.
He went to the kitchen and put the glass on the sink.
"Already?" I asked while carefully putting the red diamond on the box.
"What? You want to stay here and get another deadly beating?" his words gave me goosebumps.
"You are right. I should probably go now." I quickly stood up and took my things in my room.
When I was done packing my things. I quickly got out. I am putting myself in danger just by staying here.
"Hey!" my body froze and I slowly looked at him.
"You forgot this" he said and threw a little cage at me.
"What is this?" I asked. Can't he give me everything all at once? He keeps throwing bombs. Not literally though.
"Open it" I did what he told me to and there is a dragon-like creature inside the cage as big as a bottle of water. It quickly got out and rested on my shoulder.
I want to struggle because I thought it will harm me but Jose interrupted me.
"That's a baby dragon. A magical beast roaming around the streets of the city. Don't worry, I tamed him already"
I just nodded and left the cage in front of his door.
"Don't lose him. Bringing him back to Aspiera is your real mission" I hear him say but I just raised my right hand and gave him a thumbs up.
Few moments later and I heard him shutting the door.
"Thanks Jose!" I sarcastically yelled.
I'm already few steps away from his house when the door suddenly opened. I turned back and looked at him.
"It's Joseph, by the way. And I am 17 years older than you so you better watch your manners, little George" he coldly said.
I quickly got out of his residence and sprinted.
I am already at the hotel packing my things. I want to go home already. I miss everything at Aspiera and I want to go back there quickly.
But I still can't forget the things John told me.
This mission is one hell of a ride. A lot has happened and I met many people.
I felt like I don't know myself at all. They know me more than I do. They know my family more than I do. And it frustrates me because it should be me telling them stories about my parents but it is me being fed with information about them.
I got out of the hotel after packing and saw the cab that is waiting for me. I got in and the driver started the engine.
The journey was very silent so I was left with my thoughts.
I've known many things from this one-week mission but there are dots I still can't connect. It felt like I am living in oblivion. With all of this information, it still won't suffice my curiosity
My mind was so busy wandering when the car stopped and the driver told me I already arrived at my destination.
I got out of the car and the baby dragon that was inside my jacket quickly got out gasping for fresh air.
I have to walk my way up here because the outside cabs are prohibited in this area. The entrance is still few kilometers away but it should be fine.
I started walking and the baby dragon is still resting on my head.
How can they call this a beast? It is very charming and cute to be called one!
"Right little one?" I said as if I am speaking to a little child on my head.
I continued walking while playing with the baby dragon. I named him Renji since his color is orange. I actually planned to name him Rangey but just listening to it makes me cringe.
I still can't see the entrance but I am sure I am following the right path. Maybe I'm still too far or there is something wrong with the forest?
I am starting to get suspicious about my surrounding.
Could there be an intruder who can manipulate the surroundings? Are there no patrols in here or this place is just too far for the patrols to guard?
I don't know what is happening but I don't feel good about it. I am sensing trouble.
I still followed the path but my sensum is working. If there's an attack, I'd be able to detect it and evade it.
I can sense that there is something wrong with the path I am taking but I see no harm. It is just a walkway inside a forest covered with grass and surrounded with trees.
I slowed down and looked around.
What is it? Why am I anxious? Why do I feel like something is not right but I can't pinpoint what it is?
I took another step forward and my body sensed that there is no ground anymore. Before I could even react, my body fell on a cliff!
I see no cliff when I was walking! How come?
I screamed so hard I felt like my organs would explode. Luckily, the cliff is not as deep as I thought.
Wait, this is not a cliff! This is a big hole purposely dug to trap something or someone!
Did the patrols do this to trap intruders?
I stood up and cleaned myself.
I can't believe I fell on a trap! How fool can I be?
I am probably the only one who is stupid enough not to notice anything peculiar! How dumb am I---
"Uhm…" I looked at the direction where the sound came from and saw a man not so older than me.
"Oh, I'm not alone" I subconsciously said.
I am not unlucky at all!
He just smiled awkwardly.
"How did you get here?" I asked. Probably the most stupid question I have ever asked this day.
"I fell…?" he answered like he was telling me that the answer is already obvious.
I just want to slap my forehead right now.
"Can you help me get out of here?" I asked him.
I can't stay here for longer. I have to go home already and report my mission.
He didn't say anything but he nodded.
The hole is not that deep but it took us few minutes to get out. I'm just glad he is tall so climbing the hole is an easy-peasy thing.
We cleaned ourselves because our body was covered with dirt.
"You live in Aspiera too?" I curiously asked him.
I haven't seen his face since I entered Aspiera. Maybe he just got from his mission too?
"Yes." he simply said, avoiding a conversation.
We started walking away from the hole but the surroundings suddenly change into an endless white… dimension?
I subconsciously grabbed his arm.
"What exactly is happening here?" I asked as if I can get any information.
I noticed that I am still holding his arm so I released it quickly. That's embarrassing!
I quickly distanced myself from him.
"Did you do this?" I asked him accusingly.
"No" he replied with a serious face.
"Prove it!" I demanded. I can't believe I trusted him when I don't even know him!
He waved his hands a little and a small black hole appeared in front of me vacuuming anything near.
"…and how does that prove your innocence?" I asked confusedly.
"I use dark magic; this is spatial magic" he answered as if that was very obvious.
"Then who did this?" I feel like I am starting to lose my sanity now.
I already had a crazy week! What's more?
"I did"