What happened to me?

Yuki Sakura noticed a big issue when she woke up; she did not recognize her surroundings at all!

She was being transported in a human sized cage, at this moment, she also saw that on top of the cage was a cover.

She clutches the metal bars.

She was a cruel and ruthless killer in the modern world, the best in the mafia gang.

Sakura was the best alongside the gang leader, Yun Haru.

In the end of a war, Sakura was blown to shreds by a bomb.

She never expected that the leader would become a traitor, but she was supposed to be dead.

"So where am I?" whispered sakura.

Not being able to see her surroundings beyond the cover, Sakura tries to use her senses.

After listening for awhile, she overheard two voices in the far distance.

"Hey man, how did the mission go?" said one of them.

"She wasn't really a problem. Her family drugged her and told me she was behind the place. I wonder why the stepmother hates her so much to just be able to try to get rid of her" said the other.

"oh wow, well it is not our problem as long as we get paid." said the first of them.

Sakura realized what was happening as she was struck with memories that aren't her own.

She realized she transmigrated into a fourteen years old girls body, her stepmother and the woman's two daughter's did not like the little girl.
she was a useless trash with no cultivation and a target for the sister's constant bullying, as she was the favorite of the general, her father. One of the sisters was called Erica and the other was Johanna, they were both pretty but jealous of Sakura's beauty, constantly when the father left they would starve her for multiple days and laugh at her, making her life worse than a slave. Recently the only step sister around was Erica while the other went on an adventure to who knows where.

Her father, Yuki Haruto, was currently in a war with the other kingdoms, even though he was away.
He usually spoiled the young girl due to her lack of ability to cultivate, also because he was unable to protect her mother.

Luckily for her, the young girl's name was the same as her own.

She was supposedly living in Azure kingdom but she's not so sure because she can't see beyond the cage. The kingdom that represents the Azure dragon, but no one has seen the dragon for many decades.

On this continent, it had four kingdoms, like the Four Gaurdians. The Four Gaurdians consists of White tiger, Azure dragon, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise.

No one has seen or heard about these majestic beasts in decades, but everyone hopes to gain there trust and rise to the fullest.

As Sakura was thinking of her predicament, she heard footsteps coming near.

She lies down on the cage floor and acts as though she was asleep.

"We have to bring her to the leader really soon or else we'll get a punishment again, jason." said one man

"Mat hurry, because I'm not going to get whipped a hundred times for being late. " said the annoyed Jason.

Next thing Sakura knows the cage door was opened, and she was being dragged on what it seems to be grass and dirt.

She opens her eyes a little to peek at her surroundings. The sky was dark with the moonlight shining above, she was in a forest, with a bunch of tents and fire pits.

One of the men who got her was extremely buff with red hair and is wearing a grey robe with the sleeves cut off. which seemed to be Jason, while the other was a close resemblance to a scholar with little muscle and long black hair tied into a pony tail, wearing a red robe. which she thought should be mat.

As she was being dragged she came close to a chain with a spike, Sakura grabs it and pulled the buff mans arm and swung him above her to the ground hitting a big rock, knocking him out for a few seconds.

The scholar ran towards her ready to strike with a fist, but Sakura threw the spike straight towards the man's head.

Unfortunately she missed, so she had to dodge a few of his attacks, in the end she ended up getting hit in the stomach, puking out some blood.

I really need to train this body..

feeling exhausted, Sakura as fast as she could wrapped the chain around his neck to his leg. Hoping to end this soon as her body can't move at this speed. While they were fighting, Jason who was on the ground seen what was happening and got up ready to pounce.

Getting out of the chains. Mat started to use martial arts and lucky for her, she knew many arts. While dodging; Sakura's senses told her the man named Jason should be behind her.

She thought of a good idea, as mat was getting ready to punch and the other trying to capture her, she dodged quick and the two collided straight into each other.

As both of them fell on the ground she ran as fast as she could to get out of there.

Hearing the commotion the leader of the gang and a few men came out of his tent.

Seeing his men on the ground he yelled "What happened?" in a state of confusion.

"We got manhandled by the girl, Ayakashi." said james

Seeing the young girl running. Ayakashi screeched "run after her, if she gets away all of you are going into the mass grave with the beasts."

Hearing that, all of the gang grabbed nets, knives, rope, and clevers. Chasing after her as soon as they can.

Meanwhile Sakura got farther than she expected, looking around her surroundings she found a dark cave behind some large bushes. Running towards the cave and going through the bushes, using the only light source she has the moon to help her see, she can only see halfway inside the cave. The ground had rocks and a few boulders.

Sensing no one or anything she walked into the cave.

Maybe if I hide in there I can rest for a bit. she thought.

Hiding behind a boulder she lays down, exhausted from all the running.

"it looks like I can rest here for awhile." she whispered.

Noticing the gang passed by after some time, sensing no one near, she closed her eyes intending to sleep for a couple minutes so her sore body can heal a little.

In her dream she had multiple images overlapping each other. she was wondering what was going on. Then she realized it must be this bodies memories. she came to realize the girl was very weak and sickly, she was a beauty no doubt. But no one cared for her while her father was away. Her stepmother took everything her mother gave her, then told the maids to throw her at the back of the mansion in a locked shed. The problem was with her weak constitution and not having enough nutrients. Once the drug was put into her by a maid she started to not be able to move. She was also locked into the shed for almost a whole week with just water. The girl could not hold on, feeling rather sad about her, sakura decided I'll do my best to take back everything you've held dearly.

Out of her expectations someone deep in the cave was actually watching her.
Noticing she was deep asleep he got close, he was a man of white long hair and Black robes with white clouds on the hems.

"Sato come here" said the man

Coming out of nowhere a man with black hair and a white robe. Sato responded "what shall you need of this subordinate, my lord."

Seeing his subordinate, Katsuo told him "find out what happened within the area in one hour."

Hearing the order from his master he left without a trace.

Pondering about the young girl. he noticed she has fair skin, red lips, black long hair, and slanted eyes. She was also wearing a white robe but it was stained with blood. He noticed it seemed as though she had been in a fight. Feeling uneasy he called out "Kenshin."

"Yes, my lord" replied Kenshin. He was a man of few words but he was very truthful. He had a white robe and brown short hair.
Katsuo usually used him regarding the clans matters regarding their people.

"Find out her origins at dawn, also check if her right arms wrist has a cherry blossom on it, and if so see what color." said Katsuo.

Remembering many years ago his clan lost one of the most precious decendants. No one knew where she went. she was a part of katsuo's clan. Their people can transform into foxes(kitsune) when they wish. If their cherry blossom on their wrist showed a specified color such as black they can weld dark magic. if it's white they can have pure magic. If one cultivates they get stronger. The woman that was lost from their clan was found dead on the edge of a cliff.

No one knew why or how, but after months of investigation they found out she loved an ordinary man and gave birth to a young girl.

Not once seeing them or knowing who was the man or ever seeing the child. The clan has been trying to track down the family but had only one lead and that was a white cherry blossom.
It was rare to have a white cherry blossom in the clan as they can have the most power if joined together with dark magic.

Kenshin calling out "there is a white cherry blossom, my lord."

Coming out of his thoughts Katsuo finally realized he found her after so many years..

"What do we do, sir." replied his subordinate with obvious signs of surprise.

Just as they were discussing, Sato returned with a grim face.

"Oh you're here too Kenshin." said Sato. Turning towards Katsuo he bowed.

" I believe there is news regarding the matter, Sato?" asked Katsuo

"Yes, my lord, regarding the matter there was a gang after the young lady as they were paid to get rid of her in any way possible by her stepmother." replied Sato

In utter shock Kenshin yelled "how dare they, they should----". before finishing what he said right then Katsuo kicked him straight out of the cave.

" If you do not know how to be quiet, I can sew your mouth shut for you." threatened Katsuo.

Sato and Kenshin realized they were being a bit to loud as they can accidentally wake the girl.

Noticing the slight frown on her face they moved towards a farther part of the cave.

"My Lord what shall we do? she's the missing child of the clan." asked Kenshin

"Wait she's the missing girl!" yelled Sato with obvious signs of shock.

"Yes now be quiet.." said Kenshin with obvious anger towards Sato for being loud.

Thinking, Katsuo believed that Sakura should come back to the clan, but the best bet was to talk with her before anything else.

"we'll figure it out once she awakes, for now hide yourselves, after you start a fire." said Katsuo with a sigh.

After making a small fire, Sato and Kenshin both went outside guarding the cave from the shadows. Katsuo went and sat on a rock preparing to cultivate while waiting for Sakura to awake.

In a span of three hours Katsuo sensed some movement. In that moment Sakura feeling as though she was stiff from lying to much started to stretch, sitting up yawning, she opened her eyes. Seeing someone in front of her, she screamed, putting up her guard against the strange man.

All of a sudden two people came in the cave and screamed "what happened?"

Staring at these people, Sakura asked "who are you people?"

Pondering over what to say to her Katsuo went ahead.

"When you stumbled in the cave I was in the deep parts of it exploring, my two subordinates managed two see you and reported it to me." said Katsuo

" So why are you all around me, I don't know any of you?" replied Sakura in suspicion.

"We noticed you were being chased by a gang and thought of trying to help, we chased them away for you, anyways i'm Sato, that's Kenshin, and he is our leader, Katsuo" said Sato introducing them.

Maybe I should run I don't think any of these guys are good news....

Standing up Sakura said "well thanks but I have to go."

Knowing she wanted to go, the three guys wanted to make her stay. Sakura was the lost clan member and they really needed her for the clan if not, she may encounter danger up ahead.

"you cannot go." said Katsuo calmly, but inside he had an inner turmoil.

"and why is that?" asked Sakura in a state of curiosity.

"We would like you to know some things that we have found out about your lineage." replied Katsuo.

"Which is?"asked Sakura feeling rather annoyed.

Knowing she was getting irritated they went ahead and said "your mother".

Feeling surprised by the turn of events she wanted to know more because she promised to take everything back for the dead girl. Not only that but she needed as much information about this life.

" What exactly do you know?" feeling conflicted she said.