Should I?

Feeling surprised by the turn of events she wanted to know more, because she promised she take everything back for the dead girl..

" What exactly do you know?" feeling conflicted she said.

Even though he may know whatever happened it doesn't mean he's telling the truth.. but should I believe him?.. no... maybe.. I guess I have to try.

Sakura wants to know for the sake of the previous owners soul, but she's not sure if it is a trap.

"Your mother was part of our clan, a direct decendant of one of the greatest generals. You also have family in the clan." said Kenshin, interrupting her thoughts.

Knowing that her stepmother and stepsisters may harm her when she returns to the mansion, it's best to wait for her father to arrive before going. Doing this she can prepare whatever she may need and plan what to do in the meantime for her resources.

"Mind you it's best if we leave, due to the fact those people might come back" said sato.

Deciding what she wanted to do Sakura asked "where will we be going? Just so you know I will not be staying for long. I just want to know what happened and will be on my way after."

Seeing she was quick to answer the two subordinates were dumbfounded. They thought she would take at least a while to decide but it seems she was quick witted.

"miss, we understand that you may feel uneasy with us being so sudden but our clan has been searching for you for a long time. Your grandfather has been hoping for you to return as you are part of your mothers lineage" replied Kenshin.

" Since you already agreed, shall we go ahead to the clan?" asked Katsuo getting annoyed by the banter. "lead the way." replied Sakura.

Going outside the cave, Sakura noticed that the forest was rather beautiful, way better than the hustle and bustle of the modern era. She felt as though her mind refreshed. The trees were the color of fall, leaves fell on the ground as though there was no care in the world.

Remembering how in her past life she never had the chance to relax, she was constantly doing missions for the mafia, having to struggle through life.

Sakura as though she felt she can finally take a breather looked up in surprise at the flying creature. Wonder in her eyes. Seeing Sakura in surprise, katsuo explained " this is my magical beast, a Griffin."

Staring at the griffin in shock, she was utterly speechless. The majestic creature was supposed to be a folklore but yet here in front of me is one. While Sakura thought this two other wing creatures landed in front of her.

She could not believe it, two creatures with the body of a white lion and the wings of an eagle just appeared. She was now considering maybe in this world all the folklore and stories may actually be real.

Sakura in a state of shock whispered " if I may be corrected there may even be Pegasus that may even be real in this continent."

"That is correct, do you not know all the beasts that you can acquire with a certain level of cultivation? you also may consist of one of the five elements through cultivation." asked Katsuo

coming up with an excuse, Sakura blushed and said " no, I was basically always in the mansion, as I didn't study much about cultivation. I do not have any cultivation." Sakura knowing she may be able to fix her cultivation with some medicine, but she doesn't know if this era has the utensils she could possibly use.

"well we may be we can fix that when we get to the clan miss Sakura." suggested Kenshin with a little hope.

Offering a hand to Sakura, Katsuo lifted her up onto the griffin, he sat beside her securing that she won't fall. "I'm not going to fall off right?" asked Sakura, feeling nervous about getting on the griffin she holds tight on the reigns that Katsuo was holding.

"Don't worry this isn't our first time flying, you may even enjoy it." said the chuckling Sato.

feeling doubtful Sakura takes a deep breath bracing for the impact. With a slight smirk Katsuo lead a whistle as soon as the majestic beings heard it they started to fly off the ground and up into the sky.

Feeling as the impact was too strong she fell back onto Katsuo's chest. "you alright?" he asked.

Sakura nodded even though she was a bit frantic but after awhile she saw various things for the first time. She noticed she was deep in the woods once they left, she saw many villages, townhouses, and different beings.

Feeling curious she asked, "where are we?"

" The forest is called Aokigahara, known as the sea of trees." Kenshin told her. The place was once made of lava but eventually it got hard and started to grow nature and now it is the biggest forest on the continent.

Flying away from the forest. Sakura pondered what she may see on the flight and hoping to get down quickly. Unfortunately for her the flight took five hours to reach the kingdoms center, she felt jetlagged and stiff. All of a sudden they heard a loud screech.

"What was that?!" yelled Sakura. Katsuo looking around suddenly yelled "fly straight down were being tailed!"

"Yes, My Lord." said the subordinates.

While going down they noticed a Roc, a giant sized bird, it is about as big as the griffin, bigger than humans.

Seems as though the other clans are after us, thought Katsuo. Seeing as though the roc was getting close she noticed a man was on top of the giant bird, he had long black hair, a black robe with red on the hem, suddenly he got right in front of them and said." hello Kitsuo sorry to interrupt, but I need to take that girl."

forcing to stop, Kitsuo responded with a glare " why is that, Haru?" noticing he had the same name as her previous gang leader, Sakura started to think of ways to get far away.

"I'm glad you have asked, I have been informed by a little gang that, this girl you have here has a white cherry blossom on her wrist. Everyone on the continent knows if you have a pure one from your clan any person can become the strongest on the continent. Not only in cultivation but hidden power. It is so rare to actually find one of high caliber." replied the strange man.

Feeling curious about this she looked down at her wrist and just noticed she did have a cherry blossom. But if this cherry blossom means power and help in cultivation why do I not have cultivation thought the girl.

While she was deep in thoughts, Haru suddenly shot a fire ball straight towards them. Kitsuo making his griffin fly to the ground told Sakura "find somewhere to hide, we'll be back for you." turning to Sato "stay and protect her well." whispered Kitsuo heading back to deal with Haru.

With a whistle the beasts took the hint and flew back to the clan, while Katsuo went to deal with the enemy.

Sato nodded in affirmation. Watching Kitsuo and Kenshin going Sakura looked to Sato, heaving a big sigh Sato said "let's go, quickly. He is here for you so we must find somewhere safe."

Running as fast as they could they disappeared between buildings.

"You really think letting them get away will stop me?" asked Haru.

"Not really, but we can try." challenged Kitsuo.

Running towards each other they used qing dong and jumped, starting to fight with everything they got, kicking Katsuo into a house breaking the wall, Haru asked "even though I just seen the girl now, I can tell she has a great power locked inside her."

Getting up from the broken wall, Katsuo yelled in anger " you will never experience that power as long as I live! Kenshin now!"

Without realizing Kenshin's presence, Haru got hit by various attacks, hitting straight into Haru's ribs they heard a loud crack, suddenly he puked blood as he sat on the ground.

" ha ha ha, you actually got me, by now my subordinates should have reached the girl right now." reacted Haru.

With quick speed Kenshin and Katsuo disappeared, looking for Sato and Sakura.
Haru laying there laughing thought. Why does it feel like he knows that girl from somewhere, but where?.

Sakura and Sota running to a far distance in the kingdom was getting close to the emperor's castle, taking a small breather in an alley near a fountain they were stopped by a group of men, dressed in black robes with black masks they were obviously not friendly.

"what do you need of us gentleman?" asked Sato feeling suspicious of the group.

"we're here to take the girl to our leader, Haru." replied one of the men.

"Well I guess that's too bad then, you would have to get through me first." replied Sato, whispering to Sakura, "run to the castle the emperor should help you, just tell him the Yamiyo clan is ready to take their favor.

"I can't just leave you, especially with this many people! exclaimed Sakura.

"Just go!" he said. Without moving Sakura stayed by Sato. he was irritated because he didn't know what to do to save him and her. Taking a deep breath, he decided to just focus on the eight men.

Not within his expectations, Sakura ran and did a back flip kicking one of the men in the face and then grabbed one of the others head and twisted it all the way around, making the man dead. Seeing as she was taking them down, he hurried and fought the two of the others using his earth cultivation he punched the concrete and the earth shook as though there was an earthquake opening a hole in the ground consuming two of the enemies.

Feeling the ground shaking the men were having a hard time standing, noticing their numbers decreasing they fought harder.

Fighting two of the men Sakura felt as though her little body really needs to be trained. As she fought she felt as though the enemies were getting stronger, making her unable to take a breather, running as fast as a ghost she appeared behind them and broke their necks, behind her one of the men started to use a fireball ready to attack.

Seeing this Sota stomped the ground causing a pillar to rise and hit into the mans chest cavity.

The other three enemies, who saw what sota did went straight towards him, kicking sota in the stomach he hit onto a fountain, spewing some blood from the attack, he got up and ran full speed to the enemies, it was as though he was nothing but a shadow, one of the three fell down they looked behind them and noticed their comrade's heart was torn from his chest but Sato was as though he disappeared, next one felt as though his arm was torn off, seeing as his arm was on the ground he screamed and then fainted from blood loss.

Noticing the abnormality the last one tried to run but as soon as he tried, Katsuo and Kenshin appeared. Katsuo seeing an enemy grabbed his head and tore it off the man's shoulders, as though it was a twig.

Seeing the mess of dead bodies everywhere, katsuo asked "where's Sakura?"

Noticing Sakura was missing they started to panic. running around the streets of the kingdom. after an hour of running around, they met back at the alley to see if Sakura could have possibly returned.

What they didn't know was Sakura was in a small food stall eating a bowl of noodles.

Ahh how I wish things weren't so complicated, she thought.

After eating she didn't know how long she was gone, returning back at the alley she heard Sota complained "I don't know where she could've gone, she was right here during the fight but as soon as you two showed up she disappeared.

Not realizing behind them Sakura sat there and suddenly asked "what happened?"

The three jumped in shock and one after another asked.

"where were you?"

"why did you disappear?"

"you could've been hurt, we've been looking for you for an hour."