Meeting the emperor.

Not realizing behind them Sakura sat there and suddenly asked "what happened?"

The three jumped in shock and one after another asked.

"where were you?"

"why did you disappear?"

"you could've been hurt, we've been looking for you for an hour."

Seeing the worry on their faces she replied" while you were finishing your fight, I got hungry and found a noodle shop." shrugging her shoulders.

all of them were surprised, as though they haven't been searching for her for over an hour, they were rather confused.

Sato asked "where did you get the money to get the noodles. We thought you were broke as you were in the predicament with the gang when we found you, and also because you haven't had anything with you either." he was very confused but relieved that she wasn't hurt.

walking up to the man she handed him his bag that was supposed to have his money.

"how did you get my bag?' he asked

"well as you were busy, I came behind you and saw that it was loose. I thought you would take a while so I grabbed a bite to eat with it." responded Sakura calmly.

Feeling defeated Sato heard chuckling beside him, seeing Kenshin stiffling his laughter Sato punched him in the arm and said "shut up, I was trying to save that for a night at the brothel."

"you weren't going to need it anyways as you will have a mission as soon as we get to the castle to meet the emperor, now let's get going." said Katsuo sternly.

feeling glad that they didn't ask about how she defeated some of the enemies, she thought it was better left to be forgotten.

As they were walking Sakura saw that they were walking through a market, suddenly something caught her eye. wondering what it was she decided to go take a look. what she saw was a beast shop, it seemed that the place tamed and sold beasts.

Looking around an egg as big as a forearm and tinted red and black caught her eye, it was though the egg was glowing, she felt as she needed to take it and protect it.

Running out of the shop she caught up to Katsuo and asked "can I borrow some money?" seemingly surprised that she would jump right in front of them just to ask for some taels.

Seeing as if he could bargain with her, Katsuo thought maybe there is a way to get her interest in the clan to make her be able to stay. I have to bring her to see her grandfather so she would understand the fate her mother proposed for the future.

Turning towards his subordinates " find a carriage, we'll need one soon." ordered Katsuo. Disappearing as though they were never there, Katsuo and Sakura walked back to the beast shop. Seeing two customers coming into the shop the old man said: "Welcome to my shop, do you need of any assistance my lord?"

" No I believe we have already found what we were looking for." replied Katsuo staring at Sakura.

Grabbing the egg Sakura went up to the old man, he was wearing a green robe and had a long white beard. "if you do not mind we would like to buy the egg?" asked Sakura

Seeming surprised she picked an egg, he thought I'll just ask a few questions that I've been meaning to ask for awhile in the carriage.

"I'm surprised you have picked the egg young lady, unfortunately it has not once cracked or anything in two decades, I just use it as a decoration since I doubt it'll ever crack in this lifetime." said the old man with a look a discourage.

"well that's okay, it is a beautiful egg after all." replied Sakura with a smile and a look of curiosity.

Heaving a sigh the old man said "okay, that be seven silver taels."

Not expecting the egg to be that much she started to feel regret. Not having a problem with the price Katsuo said "if your having regret about borrowing money, you can always repay me back."

thinking it was a good idea and it would work with her predicament. she believed that she will eventually pay him back so that she won't have any debts.

"Glad that my lord is happy with his purchase, come back next time." said the old man

Walking out of the beast shop in front of them lay a white carriage. The creature that pulled the carriage was a brown bear with large fangs. "We got the best one they had my lord." said Sato.

"it's a bear." whispered Sakura still not use to seeing so many strange things. I need to grow stronger..

"shall we?" asked Katsuo holding out a hand to help her get into the carriage.

"ah, yes." replied Sakura getting out of her thoughts.

Getting in the carriage finally resting her feet she felt all the exhaustion from the trip take over, soon enough she fell asleep holding the egg in her lap.

Seeing as she was asleep one of the subordinates asked " my lord what are we going to do once we get to the palace?"

Thinking about everything, Katsuo said " We are going to have to take everything as it goes, due to her not knowing my identity or what power she holds, it would take some time for her to understand. Especially what her current family might try to do once they find out she's alive.

At this moment in the Yuki mansion.

"Mother I got a report from the gang that she escaped, also they have been attacked by a strange man that came out of nowhere." yelled Erica feeling panicked. Erica was a Blonde with dark brown eyes, and was wearing a blue dress with many accessories.

"Dear you shouldn't be bothered with such things, you are close to a marriageable age. you should be seeking favor with young nobles to hold a wise future. Even if the girl escaped, running around the forest with her weak state, I'm pretty sure she would be eaten by some wild beast. Now hush about those things we don't know when your father will be back, you know he cares so much for her." replied her mother.

just a couple minutes after she spoke they heard a loud bang from her door and they both jumped, quickly calming their nerves, the mother and daughter quickly composed themselves.

The general came home. "Hello my lovely wife, Erica, I'm back from the war. invite Sakura and get ready we'll be going out tonight." said the general gleefully.

" I'm sorry dear but we don't know where Sakura went she has been missing for a week, we sent you a letter about the matter but it seems you didn't get it." said his wife with tears in her eyes. "we tried to find her, even Erica has been searching her day and night."

Just finding out his precious daughter was missing he ran out of the house.

Seeing the general gone, the mother wiped her tears with a smile and said to her daughter "soon everything will be yours." with a slight chuckle.

Grabbing one of the horses from the stables. The general rode speedily through the roads towards the palace, it was only morning, he felt horrible. He didn't know what to do other than going to the emperor, Sakura was very precious, even though she didn't have cultivation he knew from her mother she had a great power within and that power can get out of control if triggered. Even though he didn't know why she didn't have cultivation he has been investigating for years who killed her mother.

All he could do right now is hope she is safe.

On the chariot everyone was quiet. stirring from her sleep, Sakura finally woke up. she felt as though something was moving inside the egg. She looked on with interest interest Wondering if she should ask Katsuo or Kenshin as they were both in the carriage with her, while Sato was driving it. Suddenly she felt a prick on her finger that made her jump.

"what's wrong?" asked Katsuo wondering what made her jump.

" I felt as though my finger was pricked, before that I felt like something was moving inside the egg." said the confused Sakura. noticing her finger was bleeding she put it in her mouth. Seeing this Kenshin gave her a hanky, Sakura accepted the hanky and wrapped her finger.

"Sato, make the carriage go faster, I think we're going to have a problem. said Katsuo with urgency.

Wondering what was the problem she was just about to ask when suddenly she saw someone on a horse riding as fast as the wind past the carriage. She felt as though he was rather familiar, but couldn't her finger on it.

"seems as your father may have some problems today my lord." said Kenshin.

" maybe, I try not to get into the affairs because I'm too busy with the clan." replied Katsuo closing his eyes in disinterest.

Confused Sakura tries not to think about it as it has nothing to do with her.

Arriving at the palace. One of the palace gaurds stopped them and said " stop, who is wishing to enter?"

Sato whispered to the gaurds and gained the right to enter.

Sakura asked " what did he say?" noticing her curiosity.

Sato said "I told him the Yamiyo clan is here to discuss business matters." not wanting her to know Katsuo's identity till he's ready, he told a little white lie.

Stopping in front of the palace, they walk in through the corridor, looking around in awe Sakura wondered how it must be like to be rich. Getting close to the throne room they overheard.

" I'm sorry your majesty for the intrusion but my daughter is missing, my wife says she has been gone for a week or more, I'm not sure what to do, I would be grateful if I could use part of the army to look for her in the city or the forests nearby." said the general with worry

" I understand if you need them but I can only allow a small number of troops, but since we greatly appreciated your hard work for fighting for the kingdom I'll allow you to use them for a couple of days General Yuki" said the king.

Walking into the Hall, an eunuch announced "Your highness, the prince requests an audience."

"Let him in." called out the king greatly happy for his son's return.

Walking into the throne room Katsuo, Sato, Kenshin, and Sakura came in and bowed.

Noticing his daughter,the general didn't care for manners he ran to her and embraced her.

"Sakura where did you go?" asked General Yuki. clear worry and tears near his eyes, you could tell he was very stressed and happy to find his daughter safe. Looking down at her, her clothes were dirty with some blood with the cloth.

" who did this to you?" clear disbelief on his face, "who dares to harm my precious daughter." anger rising before he can say any more Katsuo interrupted.

"We found her in Aokigahara forest. It seemed she was captured and escaped, she was hiding in a cave." stated Katsuo

Walking down from his throne, the king came up to his son Katsuo he asked "is this true?" with furrowed brows. With so many things happening this morning, he could tell it was going to be a long day.

"Yes imperial father." replied Katsuo.

Sakura in disbelief, I've been around a prince this entire time and his father is the emperor. while deep in her thoughts the king came up to her.

" Do you remember who captured you, or anything else, may I know your name?" asked the king.

Stuttering "yes your highness I overheard from one of the men that captured me, supposedly my stepmother orchestrated the incident. my name is Yuki Sakura." Sakura replied in embarrassment.

Turning towards Katsuo's subordinates the king said " You two take miss Yuki to a room and get a maid to help clean her up."