Arranged marriage?!

Turning towards Katsuo's subordinates the king said " You two take miss Yuki to a room and get a maid to help clean her up."

The subordinates bowed and Sakura followed. Entering the room given to her while carrying the egg she looked around in wonder. in the middle of the room was a king size bed with red covers, the windows had red curtains. there was a couch with a coffee table on the other side of the room. Leaving her to herself the subordinates went to find a maid to help her clean herself.

Finally left alone Sakura put the egg on the bed and sat down taking a deep breath. Thinking that maybe her body may be poisoned would most likely be an answer to why the body was weak and without cultivation. She used her fingers to check her pulse and closed her eyes. Noticing her meridian is blocked and there seemed poisoning deep withing her bones she wondered where could she get the herbs and needles to get rid of such a thing.

When she was in the mafia she had to always cover her own wounds, always being on a mission without rest she learned medical knowledge in case anything life threatening happened. fortunately she could use the knowledge in this lifetime, glad she had something in handy she only hope the herbs was the same as her last life.

Without noticing a maid came in seeing the young girls appearance she asked " Do you need anything young miss?"

Coming out of her thoughts she was shocked someone was in her room, she thought this must be the maid that could help me.

Seeing maybe she could have some help she asked " would it be possible if I can get some herbs?"

"yes my lady, at least if it is in my reach I would be able to." replied the maid with interest.

"that be great, could you get me a paper and a brush." said Sakura in excitement.

Handing the young miss the paper and brush alongside with ink, Sakura wrote a list of herbs and how many she needed. on the list she wrote Lavender, Blazing Phoenix tear, blood rose, saber's leaf, and some others. the hardest one to get was the Blazing Phoenix tear due to having to collect it from a real Phoenix. Handing it to the maid, she looked it over, "I believe I may not be able to get the Blazing Phoenix tear and blood rose but I'll ask his majesty and the prince." said the maid.

"I would be very grateful, thank you." replied Sakura. Bowing to the young miss she left the room to go ask the king of it would be possible if the young miss can use the herbs.

Once the maid left, Sakura stood in front of a mirror, she was surprised with the body, it was no doubt that once she comes of age she would be a beauty. grateful that she has a new lease on life she whispered in a prayer" thank you Sakura, I promise to return everything they've done to you. You can now rest well in peace."

Currently in the throne room the king said to the general " you may want to go back to your residence and deal with that so called family you hold. Until they are gone the young lady can rest here, as she would be my daughter in law once she comes of age." Hearing what the king suggested he bowed to him and left the throne room, with feelings of rage he climbed into the horse ready to get revenge for his daughter.

"Have you found the missing clan member?" asked the king.

"This filial son of yours have indeed found her, she is the young lady of the general imperial father." responded Katsuo. Surprised with the sudden information they headed towards the king's study. Sitting down the king said "You know you would have to marry her once she comes of age. she is too important to be able to let go of, also her mother and I agreed you two would get married before she died, it was her last wish.

Knowing he had an arranged marriage and her having such things happen makes it all the more reason she should stay here within the clan thought Katsuo

I'm sorry to say this imperial father, but she do not plan to stay in the clan." Katsuo said. Feeling upset over the turn of events the king told his son" no matter what you do you have to try, even if she wants herbs, training, or anything you have to get her to join the clan."

Hearing a knock on the door the king yelled "enter." Entering a maid bowed and said " your majesty, the young miss asked me if we could possibly get her this list of herbs, I am not sure what she needs of them."

Handing the paper to the king, he looked it over, "go ahead and give the herbs to her, get them from the vault, also no matter what she may ask you can give it to her as long as she don't leave. Once she is done ask her to come here as we have something to ask of her. you are now dismissed." said the king.

The maid bowed and left the room.

"imperial father another problem Sakura said she does not have cultivation energy." telling the king.

"She may have some but we can ask the imperial physician to check her meridian. for the meantime head back to your living quarters and have a rest." responded the king. Standing up and bowed Katsuo left to his quarters.

Returning to the young misses quarters, the maid went into the room seeing as the young miss is lost in thoughts next to the window, she approached her and said "young miss I have brought the herbs you asked for."

Looking towards the maid Sakura said " Thank you, may I ask what is your name?" Shocked that the young lady asked for her name she responded "My name is Yua, as I do not have a last name. Do you need anything else young miss?" "You can call me Sakura for now on, also if you do not mind could you run the bath and put the herbs in the water please." questioned Sakura.

Nodding her head Yua went and filled the bath with water and the herbs, seeing the color change, she asked " Miss Sakura, is the water supposed to change?" clear confusion on her face, Sakura laughed "yes it is, it is a medicine that I made to help me." Hearing this she didn't ask any more questions. "Yua I'll be in the bath for awhile, you can go back and rest. thanks for everything." Leaving the bathroom the maid went back to finish the palace chores.

while looking at the bath, she noticed the color was bright green. Remembering the remedy of the medicine, Sakura had to sit in the bath for about three to five hours. To be able to clean out her Meriden she had to take the medicine for about seven to nine days.

Once she got into the bath after submerging her whole body into the water she felt excruciating pain everywhere knowing that this is the only way to cleanse her meridian she clenched her hands and teeth, trying hard to not scream in anguish, Sweat dripped from her head, black stuff coming out of her pores, the black stuff was originally the poison that was deep in her meridian and bones.

Meanwhile at the generals mansion.

General Yuki finally getting to the mansion got off his horse and handed the reigns to one of the gaurds.

Walking into the house he inquired a maid "where's your madam?" Seeing the master of the house she responded "madam is in her room reading a book. He let the maid continue her duties and went up the staircase towards the room. Slamming open the door he scared his wife.

"What's wrong dear?" asked the confused woman. before she could say anything else she received a slap and fell to the floor. "how dare you try to harm Sakura?" he yelled with anger and disgust.

"What do you mean, I did not do anything to Sakura?" said the stepmother with tears in her eyes, with a pitiful face. "Do not play dumb, Sakura was escorted to the palace with the assistance of the prince. She had been captured by a gang according to your guidance, what has she ever done to you!" bellowed the general.

Standing up chuckling the stepmother laughed "of course, it all started from her mother she took you away before I had a chance, everything she owns belongs to me and my daughter's. the bitch and her mother can both die. I'll admit it I killed her mother and I do not regret---" before she could finish her sentence, she flew towards the wall with a kick to her stomach. Blood dripping from her mouth and stomach she said "I hope you regret it all." before dying from blood loss and a weak composition.

Calling a couple of gaurds and maids, he told the gaurds to find somewhere and get rid of the Madam's body and asked the maids to clean up the blood. After that he decided to wash up before heading back to the castle.

Not realizing someone was watching, he went into his Chambers, the person that was watching was Erica, she had tears in her eyes mourning for her now deceased mother. I will get you vengeance mother she thought, even if it takes everything, especially towards Sakura. if it wasn't for her being alive still, this would not have happened.

Currently at the palace:

Finishing her bath, Sakura stood up, feeling as though she could pass out at any moment. getting out of it she started to wipe her body with a towel and a little bit of water. looking at the towel due to the poison coming out of her pores the towel turned black. wrapping herself up with a bath robe she stepped out of the bathroom and towards the wardrobe. she looked inside there was many bright dresses, looking into the corner of the wardrobe she found a beautiful blue robe with white clouds. Putting it on she felt refreshed. Hearing a knock on the door, she went and opened it, seeing her young miss open the door. Yua asked "miss Sakura his majesty the king wishes to speak with you."

"Lead the way Yua." replied Sakura. walking with Yua they came to a large door, knocking they heard a voice from inside say enter. walking in Sakura spotted Katsuo, the king, and someone she did not know. "Sakura please take a seat, we have a few things to discuss, firstly before that I wanted the imperial physician to check your health and meridian, if you do not mind of course." suggested the King.

"I guess I do not mind at all." Sakura responded, holding out her wrist so the physician can check, waiting for him to finish he said " it seems her body constitution is very weak, she would have to take in a lot of nutrients and maybe a few pills, her meridian's were blocked with some kind of poison which I do not know what kind it may have been, also parts of her meridian seems as it have been recently cleansed." turning towards the little girl he asked "did you or someone recently tried to cleanse your meridian?" listening to his question, Sakura answered "yes, a couple hours ago I gotten some herbs and put them in a bath, the concoction gotten some of the poison out but unfortunately I would have to constantly take the herb bath to be able to cleanse it completely." Not knowing the poison the physician inquired "do you know the poison that was in your body?"

"Of course, it was raging whirlwind, this certain poison does not occur, it is especially quite rare, the effects of the poison resolves around the time a person intakes the solution and it would damage the body in about five days making the person unable to cultivate and gain a weak constitution, I would have to train my body until it gets better but other than that the cultivation would come back quicker. stated Sakura.