Arranged Marriage pt.2

Hearing her explanation, the imperial physician suggested she come by the medical room sometime soon to explain to him more about the poison and how to solve it in case another happens one day. Seeing she agreed he left the study to continue his work.

Katsuo suddenly said "I did not know you had medical knowledge." knowing he was curious Sakura said " we have not known each other long enough to be able to distinguish my character."

Seeing the youngster's forgetting why they were called here in the first place, interrupting them the King said "back to what is at hand. Sakura before your mother died she and I actually had an agreement, she was really worried for your future and asked a big favor from us. Fiona had arranged your marriage for you."

Hearing the sudden news of marriage she couldn't believe it was already planned. "I thought i would have a say over my marriage. who would I be marrying?" she asked worriedly.

Pointing towards Katsuo the King assured her "you will come of age at the age of sixteen, for boys they come of age at eighteen. also if you and Katsuo both disagree to the marriage it wont be a problem.

Before you decide that your mother, Fiona, also left you a house in the back courtyard, she said to keep it locked til you have an emergency and there may be things that may be of help to you. What we are trying to say is we want you to stay at the palace as your father will be dealing with the people who have harmed you, also he'll be heading to the north to help gaurd the northern wall. The general feels that it would be safer for you."

Feeling as she had no choice other than living in the palace she decided she'll stay, about the marriage arrangement she felt Katsuo to be a good person so she did not deny it, she believed if it was meant to be let fate decide the path. another reason she still had almost two years two decide fully.

Coming to a decision Sakura assured them " I guess I have no choice, if it is alright with you, I'll let fate decide." turning to Katsuo. His response was" I'm okay with it." he honestly did not know she would be okay with the arrangement, but he was happy that she had an open mind.

"one more thing, Katsuo after her meridian's are cleansed I want you to help her practice cultivation and maybe in the future help her pick a clan to join. " said the King winking towards his son.

"Yes imperial father." turning towards Sakura "We'll be eating dinner, would you like to accompany us?"

Hearing that she could eat, Sakura nodded her head like a rattle. Heading towards the dining hall, they took there seats, the table was able to accompany more than twelve people but only three sat, sitting next to her the King and Katsuo only sat Sakura asked, "where's the queen, shouldn't she be dining too?" hearing this Katsuo and the king were shocked with this question. Katsuo answered imperial mother is currently sick, she would love to meet you but right now she needs bed rest." wondering what the queen looks like she could only sigh and wait for her to feel a row maids brought in a feast of various things, seeing this her stomach growled, looking up in embarrassment, the King and Katsuo let out a chuckle.

"No need to be formal, now that everything is going well, eat as much as you like." said the king with a grin. As her wish came true she digged in, Sakura felt as though she had not been able to eat in ages, eating five plates of food she finally finished, Looking up she noticed the king and Katsuo were already done and they were staring at her with a grin.

One thought does she have a bottomless pit for a stomach. and the other thought was the general residence not feeding this child.

Many thoughts were going around but all sakura thought was why are they staring at me, it's creeping me out.

Remembering something the King asked " now that we have figured out you were the missing child of the clan. we would like to hold a gathering for your safe return, also because you two did not disagree with the terms of marriage, we thought it'll be easier for you to join the Yamiyo clan. is there anything else you would like to do sakura?"

" I guess I do not have anything against it but I would like to know more about the clan before joining also would like to learn archery while I practice cultivation. replied Sakura.

Hearing that she had nothing against the clan and learning she was interested in archery, he decided that he should let Katsuo and Sakura spend more time together to grow a bond thinking this he appointed Katsuo to teach her in many things.

Not having a problem with the order, he nodded his head in understanding, knowing what his father was planning. He thought, father if only you knew, she is not as simple as she seems, this was the reason why he got interested in sakura and was willing to teach her.

While chatting an eunuch walked in to the dining hall announcing General Yuki's return. Seeing this the king jokingly said, "if you have not came here any time soon I thought I would end up stealing your daughter as she is very interesting, she even knew medical knowledge, along with wanting to learn archery. Not only that we recently found out she is trying to cleanse the poison in her meridians."

Hearing what the king said he was astonished but then he heard the last sentence. "wait, she was poisoned? asked the general, feeling as though he did not do enough to protect her, "I'm sorry that I did not protect you well" he said with deep regret.

"it is alright father, like the king said, I know how to get rid of it as I do hold medical knowledge." informed Sakura.

While thinking the general wondered when did she get to know medicine, he never saw her read them while he was home but he can not judge because he was barely home. he went ahead and asked in curiosity "Sakura when did you learn medicine, it's great that you learned it and it seems you can heal yourself, finally things turned out good, you can become a well known doctor if you put your heart into it."

knowing she had a wonderful potential in learning, he had never been home to teach her things but it seems she did not even need him anymore, learning his little girl is not so little anymore, he wished he could have been there for her more.

Many hours past and the maids and servants came to clean the dining hall, seeing as time past by fast the King stood up asked "Well since dinner has been finished and matters has been solved for the time being, I think it is about time we take Sakura to her courtyard, as it should be cleaned by now." Following the king to the back courtyard of the palace, up ahead she saw a row of maids and a beautiful two story house, it had flowers in the garden a fountain, a gazebo in the garden, the house was white and blue with a balcony, it was a dream house for sure, in a trance Sakura kept staring for a long time, stopping herself from staring so much.

she heard the general say "this house use to be your mothers, she loved flowers very much, everything inside has not been touched so you will find many of her things, there is one thing she left you, on a desk in your room there is a locked book, she always said you would be able to open it but I'm not so sure but one thing is certain she really is protecting you till this day. Be sure to stay safe while I head to the border for awhile." turning towards Katsuo and the king he said "make sure my daughter stay safe or else." finishing what he said he went towards his stallion looking at his daughter for one last time before he depart.

Sakura knew he missed her mother, now he is parting with her for awhile, she waved at him with a smile and he waved back before he left, heaving a deep sigh and turning back towards the house the maids start to introduce themselves she noticed one of the maids was Yua so she smiled. Nodding towards each of them when they finished, she told them "you all must be tired for the rest of the day I want you to rest, but Yua please stay as I want you to stay near." Hearing this the rest of the maids except Yua went to the servants quarters.

"Well we're going to go have a rest, Katsuo lives in the next courtyard over so if you need anything else you can ask him. said the King.

Leaving the youngster's, the king went to the castle to see how the queen is. Thinking of helping the queen feel better, Sakura asked "what illness does your mother have?" hearing the question, he did not know what to say, he responded "I'm not exactly sure, the imperial physician could not distinguish it."

"Maybe tomorrow I can check if there is anything I can do to help." Sakura suggested. Not sure whether she can help or not he did not want her to end up being sick either.

"I don't know sakura, the Queen's illness is very serious, we do not know whether or not anyone can get it. he said dejectedly.

"even though you think that way, if we do get married in the future she'll end up as my mother in law, so now you can not stop me." saying this she knew she had won this conversation with a slight smirk she also said "we'll be seeing your mother first thing in the morning." before going into the house with Yua and shutting the door before he can say anything else.

Seeing the turn of events, with a straight face, not realizing his ears are all pink. He thought well things will be very interesting, with a cough he walked towards his courtyard, seeing Sato and Kenshin waiting for him, he asked "has Haru from the fire crane clan make any moves?"

"No sir, it seems his wound has yet to heal so he has been in the clan for awhile." replied Sato. Nodding his head before he went to the courtyard he inquired "have you found the spy that has been lurking in the clan?" another no was answered by Sato, telling his subordinates to make sure to be on a lookout, he went inside to rest.

While everyone went to sleep Sakura was still awake, thinking carefully she asked her maid "Yua could you get me a black shirt, pants, and a mask?" hearing the question she replied "yes I can but what do you need them for miss Sakura?"

"I'm gonna tell you a very important thing, but I need to make sure I can trust you, would you be willing?"she asked.

Figuring it must be very important, Yua nodded. "In case in the future I ever need help. I want to have my own people, people who are loyal and can become the strongest. if you pledge your loyalty to me I'll make sure you do not have to struggle ever again, you can not tell anyone what we do." suggested Sakura.

Hearing this she was not sure but Yua knew the young miss was kind in whatever she does so she nodded and pledged loyalty.

Seeing as Yua agree she asked her to get two pairs of black clothes, shoes, and masks without anyone noticing.