My mother might still be alive?!

While Yua went out to get the supplies she asked for, Sakura looked around the house, it was beautifully decorated, walking up to her room she looked around just as her father said, there was a lock on what seemed to be a diary and under the book seemed to be a locked box with a code. thinking of all the memories the previous owner had she came upon a scene of the mother and daughter planting flowers in a garden the mother said in the memory "if you ever come upon something the best was to deal with it is by going outside and taking a fresh breath of flowers." going through other memories one showed in particular of a painting of the mother and daughter holding a white rose.

Thinking these may be clues, Sakura went through the house looking for the particular painting or one that may resemble the portrait. Checking every room in the house, except one she walks in and noticed it was in fact a study with various books about the kingdoms history, some with cultivation, literature, and last but not least medicine.

One particular book stood out amongst them all. On the book it read, Yuki Fiona, knowing the title is the name of her mother, opening the book she saw a picture of her and her mom, it was just like the portrait, lifting the book up a key fell on the ground.

Bending down and picking up the key she walked to her room and used the key on the book, the lock came undone. seeing this she read the contents, it read, to my dearest daughter, I'm sorry that I have not been around all this time. if I could I would have protected you to my fullest, unfortunately matters got the best of me. By now you should have found out about your engagement to the prince.

The reason for the engagement was to protect you, when I gave birth to you I saw part of your future I also know that the soul in my daughters body is not entirely her, what you may not know was in fact you and my daughter are actually one person. Just different realms, same soul different character, you may not understand quite much but in simple terms your soul was split in half making two of you, but your previous life made you come back to your original body, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm glad to finally see you in one piece.

Katsuo, the prince, will help guide you. once you're ready, you and Katsuo can come find me.

You're a very clever girl, very bright. once you realize every clue I left you I'm pretty sure you will. The Reason why I am not around is because I had to fake my death to be able to protect you from a certain dark and ruthless clan. Even now they have been trying to find me, I had to get stronger, and soon I'll be able to stand beside you. In the box is a bow and a sword they are enchanted, it will help you a lot on your journey. Let the world realize your power my dear, I love you. always yours, your mother. Fiona.

Finishing the book Sakura looked up with tears in her eyes. She did not understand much but apparently this body was hers, just that her soul got split in two for some reason, how can this happen, well I can not judge because it is like how can a person die in one life and transmigrate into another. The main thing I should focus on is that my mother is still alive, does father know this or anyone, or is it just me? putting it behind her she went to look for the other key, heading towards the garden she saw a black Shadow standing on the wall was watching, Sakura did not know whether or not to try to capture them, thinking of observing the person she acted as though she was only looking at the garden if the person does not attack she sees no reason to mind it for now.

Sakura as though acting like a sweet innocent little girl she plucked a flower from the garden. looking up towards the moon she noticed the black shadow was gone. Sakura decided if the person shows up again she will find out why he was sneaking around.


Heading towards his clan, the black shadow entered the black building "reporting to master, the girl you seek is residing in the palace, apparently she has been engaged to the prince."

Hearing this Haru the clan leader let out a laugh with a wicked smile "I see, keep watch over her let me know anything that seems out of the ordinary, also what is her name." "the young girl's name is Sakura my lord." replied the shadow. dismissing him, he left without a trace. Thinking, Haru believed the girl was no other than his subordinate from the mafia, he believed it was such a coincidence for her to be in this realm also, but in case he gotten her identity wrong he wanted his subordinate to investigate her more if she was the Sakura he knew he would not allow her to get away again, leaving the room Haru went to his chambers with deep thoughts.


Silently looking through the flower pots and through the garden, Sakura came upon a single white rose by the gazebo looking near the flower she found the last key, Heading back into the house up to her room she opened the box. looking inside, the bow was in fact a certain type to launch multiple arrows, while the sword was double bladed, what seemed to be a small jade in the handle. it seems you have to pour some cultivation to be able to have the full power of the weapons.

Believing they had some use she decided she would use them tonight. When she asked Yua to get black clothes and masks she was intending to head through the kingdom to see if she could stumble upon any cheap weapons but seems in her case she does not need to anyone, but she can try to get some target practice. Knowing most kingdoms has criminal activity and her being a former mafia assassin, she believed she would not have a problem with the weapons, especially the sword, but she needed to practice with the bow because it is not like she could use a gun in this era.

Walking back to the young misses courtyard she announced "miss Sakura I'm back with everything you needed." looking around she did not see her walking up stairs she saw Sakura looking at the weapons inside the box, Yua exclaimed "such beautiful weapons miss Sakura, did your mother leave them for you?" "yes she did, I want you to change in one of the sets of clothes, I'll use the other." said Sakura.

"where are we going if I may ask?" asked Yua. "we will be heading towards town, also it will give you a better idea of what we shall be doing, alongside I can help train you for the better, I want us to be able to help protect our friends and families if we have to, but morally it is just in case we stumble upon any danger." informed Sakura, getting ready in the black clothes they we're ready to go, hiding in the shadows while sneaking through the gate they left quickly. Teaching Yua to stay in the shadows they went around quickly.

Taking a rest near a market they heard a commotion, what they saw was a little boy curled up on the ground getting beaten up by a group of men. Seeing this Sakura told Yua to stay, going up to the group she grabbed a man's arm and broke it with little strength, the others shocked yelled "what the hell what did you do that for?" while Sakura asked "why are you beating up a little kid?. "he stole something and we're trying to get it back?"said the leader of the group.

The little boy screamed "no I did not you tried to steal from me, trying to steal the only thing my parents left me." "shut up kid." yelled another man. Hearing the explanation from the child. Sakura smirked thinking this is a perfect time to take a stretch and test her skills, she grabbed two of the men by the arms and flipped them, hitting into the ground they let out a groan, the other two men seeing this charged towards Sakura, jumping up in the air in a 360 degree turn she kicked them both in the face and then punched their acupuncture points making them unmovable. Getting up off the ground the ran up to Sakura and put their cultivation into their fists landing a punch, unfortunately Sakura saw this ahead of time moving out of the way it landed on a side of the building making it crumble, grabbing their arms she broke them before they can try to cultivate any more moves.

Moving towards the boy she crouched down and asked if his parents or grandparents are around. the boy shook his head no and learning that he was just an orphan she felt sad for him.

Sakura asked " would you like to accompany me and work as a personal servant? you would not be a slave or anything, more like a subordinate, also I can help you train and get stronger, what is your name?"

Hearing that he does not have to wander around in the slums anymore with tears in his eyes he answered " my name is kaito." while nodding his head, feeling her young misses kind heart Yua felt as though she made the right choice to follow Sakura.

"alright Kaito, follow us closely, we will be taking you back to the palace, you can stay there without any worries. replied Sakura patting his head. Walking back she asked" how old are you Kaito?" "I will be nine next spring." he said. Finally getting back to the palace Yua and Sakura had to hide Kaito while sneaking in to the courtyard, without being seen they hurried inside the house, closing the door the let go of a deep breath, Yua and Sakura looking towards each other let out a giggle as it was midnight they were tired the house held five rooms, Sakura let Yua claim one and Kaito claimed another. before going to rest all of them sat together, getting close over a hot meal, they all fell asleep with a contented heart and no worries.

Waking up early Sakura knew she woke up before Kaito and Yua, walking outside she thought she could practice some martial arts stances, feeling in peace she finished after an hour remembering she had to take her herbal bath, she put the herbs in and soaked in it for another three to five hours, again she felt excruciating pain all over but this time it magnified multiple times, she felt as though she would actually faint if she stayed in, clenching her teeth she sank in to deep darkness.

In a room she got up noticing fire everywhere, she was stuck in the room the door was blocked by raging flames suddenly she heard a voice screamed "Sakura!!!" busting down the door entered whom it appeared was her mother, "Sakura hurry the house is burning down." grabbing Sakura she ran deep into the forest, breathing hard she kept looking back, seeing her mother panicked Sakura asked "what's going on momma?" Not answering her mother kept running, arriving at the palace she stumbled into the throne room. in a panic Fiona (Sakura's mom) she said " Reo please watch over her, the other clans are not going to hold off any longer." handing Sakura to the king, before she could say anything he yelled 'Fiona you can not go!" Turning around Sakura's mother smiled then she ran far away from the palace. Remembering the last time she saw her mother was a sad smile before she ran leaving her with the King.

Waking up in sweat, she noticed she was in the herbal bath, getting out she cleaned herself up, thinking about the dream, she knew it was not only that, it was a memory long forgotten. Leaving the bathroom she went and got dressed. Noticing Yua and Kaito awake she asked Yua to make her a light breakfast for them. Sakura did not want to treat Yua or Kaito like servants, she wanted them to rely on her like a close friend. No matter what she always had a kind heart but was always having to shield it like stone in the past, she chose to live for herself and those around her.