Slow Death...

Finishing breakfast, before she left to meet up with Katsuo she instructed Yua to teach Kaito how to do some chores and if they needed anything from the kingdom, outside the castle to let her know.

Walking out of the house she saw Katsuo waiting for her "what are you doing here?" she asked. "Did you not want to see imperial mother?" he asked with furrowed brows, "ah yes lead the way if you may" Sakura replied.

Walking into the palace he lead her to the Queen's courtyard. walking inside Katsuo and Sakura bowed, "Greetings to imperial mother, I have brought miss Sakura to see if she can help you with your condition" he suggested. Seeing the young lady in front of her she weakly replied "you must be my soon to be daughter in law. Let mother see you more clearly." seeing the queen struggling to sit up on the bed, Sakura came forward to help her sit up and put a couple pillows behind her for comfort.

"My queen if you do not mind I would like to check your pulse." Holding out her arm Sakura checked the pulse, noticing something strange with Sakura's facial features, worried Katsuo asked "what is it, what's is wrong with her?" shushing Katsuo, Sakura let out a deep sigh, looking towards the Queen she said, "this is ninety percent close to impossible to heal." It is ok dear i thought I would never be healed anyways, replied the queen gloomily, "I never said that it could not be healed, we still have a ten percent chance, if we get the herbs and ingredients today I'm pretty sure we can heal you in no time." hearing that she can possibly heal the queen let out tears of joy, telling the nearest maid to quickly fetch the king she kept tell Sakura thank you over and over, even if it was just a little chance.

Hearing the door open, came in the King, it seems he ran all the way as he was dripping with sweat and breathing hard. "is there a way to heal my wife" in between breaths."yes there is a ten percent chance but if we get the necessary ingredients today we should be able to make a small chance into a big one."

Everyone wondering what illness the queen has they asked. "the illness the queen has is in fact what I would say is out of this world, as none of you have seen this disease except for me, this disease is not a natural occurrence.

someone who knew of this had to be aware of the symptoms, they were trying to get rid of the Queen. I would say this for precaution, during the time she heals, no maids nor anyone except the four of us should know of this matter, all outsiders should not be aware of her being healed. Test all her foods before being eaten, last but not least, the poison is meant to make her life end it is called slow death, it will make her feel sick and willingly make her think she will not hold on any longer not only that, she would lose cultivation, loss of feeling in different parts of the body, loss of senses, slowly leading to death, but luckily I was here before it can take place, the poison was recently given it seems." Understanding what she meant they knew there was a traitor within the palace, Kats knew there was a traitor but never thought his mother would be harmed.

Sakura turning towards katsuo spoke to him and said "we will have to leave towards town to get the medicine required for her also some needles, acupuncture needles to be exact, also we would have to get some training equipment, last but not least we will have to get some things, I need to speak to you about while we are out.

leaving the room to get ready, Sakura believed that the procedure would take a while once she got the supplies, she would have to put the needles on the Queen's acupuncture spots at most three to four days. hoping all of goes well, she started to think how to gain her cultivation as fast as possible.

Sakura thought; later today I should head to the study and read the cultivations poses needed, after that she would train with katsuo. today was day three of taking the herbal bath and she felt that her meridians are half way cleansed.

After getting ready Sakura went to meet up with Katsuo, arriving she asked "you ready?" looking over he saw Sakura asking him, on there wait to the gate of the palace awaited a carriage with Sato and Kenshin, Sakura waved at them and inquired "why did they come?" "they came because we will be out of the palace for awhile as we have some shopping to do also have to stop at the medical pavilion." nodding her head in understanding she went inside the carriage, following her inside Katsuo told Sato to head to the clothing parlor first, hearing there going to a clothing place Sakura asked why they were going there instead of the medical pavilion.

Knowing she was confused he said "what else are you going to wear, when we arrived at the palace you only had what you were wearing, also we have to get you a training armor alongside with weapons, and the king wants me to get as many herbs as possible due to you knowing different medicines, he thought you would like to experiment more."

"I understand now." stopping in front of the clothing parlor Sakura was having a very bad feeling, walking inside the owner of the parlor asked "what may I help you with my lord?" looking around Sakura felt she may be forced to be dressed like a doll inching closer to the door to try to escape suddenly an arm grabbed her wrist, "we would like to get some dresses and robes for her, also I heard you sold training robes for combat, we would like those too." hearing what the customer wanted she hurried Sakura to a part of the room to get her measurements

Done with the measurements, she gave Sakura many dresses and robes to try on. having to show each outfit to Katsuo, he kept sending her inside the dressing room, Sakura felt as though he was too picky for his own good. Finally trying on the last dress she felt that it suited her well, it was a purple robe that transitioned into black.

Walking out one last time, Katsuo told her to wear that one and he paid for all the dresses and robes she tried on, wondering how much money he had, she asked if he was a walking piggy bank, he laughed "no I'm not a piggy bank, but I can be your bank." hearing a flirt from him she turned a dark shade of red looking away, seeing as she was shy, he liked that part of her, thinking maybe he could see different sides of her each day, he thought maybe I should hang around her a little more.

Going towards the carriage Sato and Kenshin saw sakura's face red, Sato suggested "miss Sakura, do we need to head back to the castle? your face seems red, we should check and see if your having a fever." reaching out his hand to feel her head, seeing this Sakura swatted his hand and ran into the carriage shutting the door and hiding her face as it got redder. Looking towards Katsuo they had a questioning gaze. katsuo what a smirk shook his head as though telling them not to ask about it with a chuckle he opened the carriage door and told his subordinates to grab the bags and then head to the medical pavilion. grabbing the bags without much effort they got all of them loaded on the carriage. Heading towards the medical pavilion, Katsuo asked " what is ever so wrong Sakura?" knowing what he was doing she tried to ignore him, making her face as red as a tomato, Katsuo thought she looked so cute when pouting. Remembering something he reached out to grab her wrist. seeing this Sakura moved her arm away, Katsuo tried to grab her arm again, but she kept moving it, eventually they both were having a cold gaze war, staring at each other as though they were really going to fight.

Suddenly Katsuo had an idea he said out loud without shame "you look beautiful when you're mad." seeing as Sakura was shocked with the outcome he grabbed her arm and put a purple cherry blossom bracelet on her wrist.

Jerking her arm away with a glare she said "if you wanted to get me something you did not have to fake your appeal towards me, we have only met each other, even if we are engaged it does not mean we like each other in that way, you are a friend to me same as your subordinates. So do not fake affection if you want me to have something."

Knowing she has got his intentions wrong, he stayed silent for the rest of the journey towards the pavilion. he liked her but he did not know if he loved her, Sakura was different than other women. he liked to pamper her and yes she was beautiful, he also cared for her deeply, but did not know if one would give his life for another.

Stopping in front the pavilion, Sakura went ahead and entered while Katsuo followed behind her, seeing so many herbs everywhere her curiosity showed. Walking towards the attendants she asked if they had any ice lotus herbs, hearing the request from the customer they said "I'm sorry miss but we would have to ask the owner of the pavilion." 'okay, thank you." waiting for the attendant to come back she looked over at the other herbs.

"Oh look, little sister you are still alive, you should have returned home, father has been worried sick." hearing this Sakura turned around, seeing her stepsister Erica she knew when she saw her there would be trouble especially her having a group of noble heirs, "I never remembered us having the same blood miss Erica, you may have misunderstood, also father has been sent to the northern border for awhile, not only that before his departure he and I spoke to each other regarding my matters."

"You should be more nicer to your sister even if she is not one by blood, the general claimed her to be your sister when the madam married the general." seeing an outsider try to help the unwanted stepsister Sakura said, "who are you to disturb a families discussion. To me you are nothing but a mere cockroach, seeking attention wherever you go."

Knowing she was an attention seeker the outsider became quiet. Ignoring the unwanted people, Sakura went up to Katsuo handing him the list of ingredients she needs for the Queen's medicine.

"Who is that? your gigolo, I can not believe you would thrash our families name in the mud Sakura. Hearing the commotion Katsuo and Sakura turned around. Knowing the lady must be Sakura's stepsister he gave a look of disgust and irritation. Getting mad Sakura commented "if he was gigolo or may be even better, it has nothing to do with you, also if he was at least he is better looking than those around you in every way."

Erica knew she lost this time because the man beside Sakura was the most handsome one she has ever seen. Turning away and leaving the pavilion with her group she let of a huff. Looking at sakura he felt pride from her words, he never thought she would ever think of him. Seeing Katsuo stare at her she said "do not look at me like that, do not get the wrong idea" while walking away she had to hide her red face, apparently she has been blushing a lot lately.

Sakura did not want to let her mind wonder as she has way too many things to do before acting selfish, in her past life all she ever wanted was a love story but she did not get that chance. Sakura thought the leader of the mafia liked her so she put her upmost efforts in everything she did but it turned out she was wrong.