poison to turn mankind into a mindless beast.

Walking through the medical pavilion Sakura came across a special herb, it was called a soul rejuvenation peach, the color made it look as though it was ice, this herb can help cure a broken soul. Knowing her soul was split in two thanks to her mother's letter informing her. Wanting to know how she can obtain it she asked the other sales attendant.

"To obtain this special herb you would have to make an elixir to trade for it. The elixir would be great because it has been lost for centuries so unfortunately the pavilions owner has been searching for a long time for it. he is the only one to know what the elixir name is as he would not share it with just a mere sales attendant." "can you lead me to your boss then?" she asked. Nodding his head he gestured to her to follow him. while Katsuo was busy getting the herbs needed for his mother's medicine, Sakura decided she would try to obtain the soul rejuvenation peach.

Knocking on a wooden door, they entered " my lord this young lady would like to try to obtain the soul rejuvenation fruit. hearing this the boss sent the attendant away. "so you are interested in my special fruit, are you a master of elixirs and pills?" doubting she would even know any particular medicine. "I can make most things." she replied. seeing her overconfidence he asked " what elixir can cure a poison that makes someone, who turns into a beast with no emotions and basically makes them into a living puppet. what is the ingredients to cure?"

Hearing this she thought this elixir sounded familiar, thinking, she remembered at the mafia she helped assist a doctor that worked at the laboratory, back then they experimented and made a sort of medicine that turned people into beasts without any feeling and can only listen to orders, they thought this would be a great strategy to use on their enemies.

"I can do it but I would have to see the being to know exactly what I am dealing with. Standing up the boss of the pavilion lead her towards a secret staircase. walking down in it they walked for awhile. Entering through a door Sakura saw a wolf in the corner. she asked " is that supposed to be the person?" Nodding his head "he will not bite or anything, I think he still knows what is happening and everything, just that he is a beast now." " I see, would you get me this list of herbs? if not I cannot continue." handing him the list. he gave it to a subordinate. "just so you know my name is Gong Lei, if you have accomplished the procedure, you can have any herbs fifty percent off and you can get the fruit." Nodding her head, Sakura believed the deal would benefit her greatly because she did not have money and was borrowing some from the prince.

Walking towards the person/wolf she smelled a hint of Jasmine. looking at it she noticed a locket, opening it she saw an old man and a teenage girl, looking behind her and then looking at the locket, Sakura knew this wolf was Gong Lei's granddaughter. saying quietly "shake your head if you understand what I am saying.' the wolf shook it's head, Sakura turning to Gong Lei, she said "she does know what we are saying I'm going to have to ask her a couple questions, simple ones like yes and no but in this case if she shakes her head up and down that means yes, if she shakes sideways it is a no. knowing she figured out the wolf was in fact his granddaughter he did not ask any questions. Instead Gong Lei went to check on the herbal ingredients.

Asking the young wolf girl some questions "were you poisoned?" Sakura asked, the wolf shook it's head yes, "are you ok with me treating your problem?" again another yes. After some time they got quite close even though they knew each other for a short while and also lack of communication. Seeing the attendant come into the room with the herbs requested, she asked him to get Katsuo for her while she does the preparation.

Having all the herbs grounded together, she smiled to the wolf girl, "you would have to eat this, it is not going to taste good at all, I promise you on that, but after five minutes you should transform back to your old self in no time. shaking her head in understanding, she ate the herbs, within a short time she started transforming back to her original appearance, red hair, big eyes, she was adorable but the problem was SHE'S NAKED. Hearing footsteps coming close to the door Sakura jumped around looking for something to cover her she noticed a blanket, quickly grabbing the blanket she covered her up like a burrito, coming into the room sakura saw Katsuo, Gong Lei, and his subordinates, feeling relieved she covered her before this group of men walked in she turned to the girl and asked "by the way what is your name?" "I am called Gong Layla, what is yours?" Feeling like they could become best friend's " I am Yuki Sakura, and we were close there. both of them laughed as they knew what could have happened if Sakura was not quick.

Looking at the two girls, Gong Lei shouted with joy "Layla I will never leave your side again."hugging his granddaughter tightly. Knowing that the old man said was meant to be true, Sakura asked "once in awhile if Layla is okay with it, would it be all right if she could accompany me sometime?" Shock was on Gong Lei's face while Layla was ecstatic as she made a new friend after all her suffering.

Most girls in the kingdom did not like her as she was beautiful, and it was rare to have red hair. They were really jealous of her appearance, Layla and Sakura could be claimed as the most beautiful besides the Queen, the Queen was gorgeous and came at the top.

"Would you like to learn medicine and martial arts? Sakura asked Layla. Nodding her head she agreed. Looking towards Katsuo she asked if it would be alright, he was reluctant at first but allowed it because the young red head could be her first friend and she would not be cooped up in the palace.

Hearing his granddaughter made a friend and got inspired to be a physician, he thought it would be a good opportunity. Handing Sakura the fruit and gave her a discount on the herbs they purchased, Gong Lei asked if she would like to sell her elixirs and medicine to the pavilion, he also stated he would pay her a hefty sum. Sakura quickly agreed and told him "if Layla ever needs anything or gets sick feel free to find me" nodding his head, he waved as they left.

Leaving the medical pavilion, Katsuo asked "how much do you know about medicine?" Looking at him she said "more than you think." Putting him in wonder, getting up on the carriage they were headed to the palace when sakura jumped up and yelled "go back to the clothing parlor!" In a state of shock the carriage abruptly stopped, Sakura fell onto Katsuo, feeling a weird sensation they looked, seeing their lips on each other they jumped up. looking anywhere that was not at the other. Not even a sound was heard, with a cough Katsuo told his subordinates to head to the clothes Parlor. Wondering what happened inside the carriage Sato and Kenshin whispered to each other "Do you think they?" "should not be, it is after all way to early, they just met." with a shrug they decided to ask their lord later on.

Arriving at the clothes parlor, Sakura turned to Kenshin and asked to borrow some money, not knowing why she did not ask Katsuo or know why she needed it, he looked behind him into the carriage seeing Katsuo nod his head, he handed his money to Sakura, running into the parlor, the shop keeper said "Hello again, back so soon?" "ah yes, do you have any clothes for like a nine year old boy? and a man about sixteen or seventeen?" Looking at the girl, her gaze held shock and curiosity, Knowing the woman's gaze she hurriedly said "it is not mine they are for an acquaintance of mine." Nodding her head in understanding the owner of the shop lead Sakura to a few of the finest clothes in her store, checking out each piece of clothing she picked seven pieces of clothing for a young child and two for Katsuo, except she only bought Katsuo's because he helped her out, the kids clothing was for Kaito because he did not have anything except what his family have given him.

Sakura asked the shop owner " do you have kids shoes by any chance?" leading her to some shoes she picked a black pair and a white pair. Finishing everything she payed and left the parlor. Walking towards the carriage she handed the rest of Kenshin's money back to him and told him thank you and that she will pay him back as soon as she can.

Entering the carriage once again they head back to the royal palace. Remembering something important Sakura asked Katsuo "how much has your mother been eating?" hearing the question, Katsuo had to think about it deeply "she barely eats her appetite has been terrible ever since she got poisoned, I can barely remember her ever eating when I visit, also why did you want to stop at the parlor?" "I will tell you as soon as we get to the palace."

Thinking ...Sakura believed that the herbs can actually be able to be made into a herbal dish, which can heal the Queen faster than putting it on a needle and putting them on her acupuncture points. Knowing this she started to think of what dish would suit the Queen's frailness as she is pretty weak currently.

Returning to the palace she handed Katsuo the bag of clothes she got him and took the herbs and ran off towards her courtyard. Katsuo seeing her run off remembered she did not explain why she made them stop at the parlor, telling his subordinates to bring everything to Sakura's courtyard, he walked to where she was going.

Arriving in her courtyard, Sakura saw Yua and Kaito watering the plants and pulling weeds in harmony. walking up to them she asked "how was your day Yua and Kaito?" "I learned a lot miss Sakura!" exclaimed Kaito with glee. Knowing they were enjoying each other's company, she asked them to follow her into the house as she has to talk to them.

Going inside the house she sat them down and handed Kaito a bag, seeing there young miss give him something they looked inside. Kaito in shock, his eyes started to water, knowing Sakura was a kind lady for taking him in when he needed help never thought she would be this kind, emptying the bag he was so happy, asking to be excused he ran to his room. Wondering about why Sakura and Yua gave each other a curious glance. "Yua do you have any special abilities?" feeling though she needs to know more about her subordinates. While talking with Yua, she found out Yua knows how to gather information, , intelligent, and she is pretty fast, unfortunately her medians are damaged but she can fix that, not only those things she was the same age as Sakura, getting really close after awhile Kaito finally came out of the room. Sakura and Yua both looked at him what they saw was a fine young man, he looked as though he was a noble. If anyone saw how good he looked in those clothes they would have thought he was a noble acting as a begger. Whispering to Sakura Yua said "you should adopt him and make him your son." Surprised she looked at Yua then looked at Kaito, honestly she would not mind that as her soul was older but not so sure as her soul was split in two resulting in it being young and older at the same time. She took Yua's idea into deep thought, Sakura asked Kaito "hey, how would you feel if I could adopt you or get someone close to be able to adopt?" A hopeful look flashed through his eyes " I would love to have a family again but miss are you not still young wouldn't your family not like the idea?"