can we adopt him??

" I am still young but I am also already engaged, I will see what I can do for you Kaito. You are still young and should have a family to hold on to. My mother died when I was young and my father is basically never around, resulting me to be taken care of by the king." informed Sakura. She knew her mother was not dead but she could not disclose her matter no matter what.

Hearing a knock on the door Yua went to open it, leading the prince and his subordinates inside she bowed and announced "Young miss, the prince and his subordinates are here to see you." "no need to bow Yua, I told you that I wanted us to be close, also no need to bow to them either." Nodding her head she stood next to Sakura. "we came to deliver your things miss Sakura." said Sato. Kenshin whispered "the prince wanted to see you to." Receiving a glare from Katsuo he became quiet real quick.

"Since you all are already here I have a question for everyone." everyone looked at her with suspicion, gesturing for Kaito to come over, she looked at Katsuo with a big smile. Katsuo felt something strange was going to happen and he was not prepared. "Who's the kid Sakura?" without saying anything she just kept smiling and suddenly she fluttered her eyelashes.

Not knowing what is going on Sato and Kenshin looked at the giggling Yua, trying to muffle her giggles she saw Kenshin and Sato looking towards her, she became quiet immediately, they sent her a questioning look and Yua had to shake her head no because she was not going to ruin her misses plan.

Having a stand still, understanding Katsuo was not understanding a thing at all what she was doing, Sakura sighed, then she pointed towards Kaito and did a pouty face, seeing Sakura act like this all three of the men looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do. Rolling her eyes Sakura said "Katsuo I found this young lad last night while me and Yua went into town, he was being beaten up by a group of men and I so happened to help, what I am trying to say is he needs a family. now getting what she meant they looked at the boy then to Sakura and then back to the boy

"I can find him a proper home?" Katsuo suggested. He did not want to upset Sakura, looking at the young lad, the kid seemed smart, good actions, and once he gets older he would be a looker among woman and another thing, the lad had a perfect meridian so it would be a blessing to have him.

Sakura felt upset, he wanted to give Kaito away but she wanted him to be apart of their family, she did not love Katsuo but she felt it did not hurt to try. Sakura likes Kaito as though he was apart of her, she did not want to let go.

"Katsuo can we adopt him?" Staring at her like she was speaking another language, Katsuo was unable to speak any words, his thought process came to a sudden stop, unable to comprehend anything. "what?" he asked.

Sakura repeated what she had said and was waiting for a reply, " I do not think that will be a good idea Sakura, let us talk to imperial mother about this matter. We have brought everything you needed. Would you be able to treat mother's illness now?" Katsuo asked. Nodding her head, she told Yua and Kaito to follow her, all of them heading towards the Queen's courtyard. As no one is allowed to enter the courtyard, the king has been taking care of her for awhile and was awaiting the young misses arrival.

Seeing as they finally came, the King felt relief, escorting everyone to the Queen's bedroom he gestured for Sakura to begin.

Sakura, Katsuo, and everyone bowed entering the room. Everyone said their greetings to the King and the Queen.

Walking up to the Queen she asked "how are you feeling today your highness? Today we will be getting rid of this problem once and for all. The Queen felt relief from hearing what Sakura said, "I'm pretty sure I might finally be able to feel great after everything is finished." Noticing the small child, the queen whispered" who is the young boy, he is super cute." "you will find out soon, for now I will prepare everything."

"Does the courtyard have it's very own kitchen?' Sakura asked. "yes it does why?" the king replied in curiosity, ever since he found out the queen was poisoned, the gaurds were searching everyone that has been around the queen but unfortunately they were unable to find the culprit.

"I need the kitchen due to the fact instead of using acupuncture this remedy can also help through the stomach, which will make a better and faster solution." Hearing the explanation from Sakura he ordered one of Katsuo's subordinates to lead the way.

Heaving a deep sigh the king felt regret, as he was unable to protect his Queen. Just as he was going to ask Sakura what dish she was going to make, he glanced upon the small boy hiding behind Yua. Walking up to his son they whispered. "Who's kid is that, is it yours?" looking at his father as though he was stupid. "The kid is not mine your soon to be daughter in law thought it would be a good idea to protect him and give him a home, I'm pretty sure soon you will hear it from her, also if he was mine I would have had him at the age of nine."

Realizing how dumb his question was to his son the king soon became quiet, but questions kept filling his and the Queen's mind.

Currently in the kitchen.

Sakura was getting things ready for the herbs, putting the herbs in a pot, she added water and rice, knowing the queen has a pore stomach she added a few things to help the stomach.

Finally finished cooking the rice, she put it on a tray along with fruit juice.

While walking she saw a maid in the corner of the room writing down something, putting the tray down on a table, she grabbed the girls arm, "what are you doing here, the Queen's courtyard is not allowed to let maids enter." scared out of her wits she stuttered "I was told to but I can not tell." Sakura knew what the maid was doing, the maid was acting as though she was a victim in all this, in actuality Sakura smelled the herbs on the girl that poisoned the Queen, dragging her towards the exit of the courtyard, the maid started to struggle with all her might. "keep struggling it will not help." Seeing gaurds at the entrance she told them the maid was hiding inside the courtyard with herbs that could poison the Queen. They took the maid straight to the dungeons to wait for further orders.

Sakura knew she caught the culprit, as apart of the mafia, Sakura had to hide her prints and signs of being in some places. It was not hard to catch a person who scheme's as she use to be able to scheme against others.

Walking back with the tray Sakura entered the room, going up to the Queen, Sakura ordered the king to help sit her highness up into a sitting position but to add pillows behind her. Setting down the tray she informed "the rice contains everything to be able to heal you. I heard that you never have an appetite but knowing you need as much energy as possible I made you this instead of acupuncture.

Smelling the aroma the Queen felt her appetite finally came back after so long, she thanked Sakura and began to eat her food.

After awhile she felt pain, Sakura appointed the king to pour his spiritual energy on the Queen's back as to soothe the pain and to help digest the food quicker, after an hour or so the Queen did not feel any more pain, instead she felt like she could get up, her energy quickly restored. The Queen thanked Sakura over and over with tears, everyone had tears in their eyes from the heartfelt moment.

Done with the tears the queen said "you can ask for anything from me and I will make it happen Sakura, I feel as though since your already accepted being engaged to my son you should call me Mother Mei Mei." Accepting the offer, Sakura gestured for Katsuo and Kaito to stand next to her, he did not know what was going on but he thought since she helped his mother he should listen to what she has to say for once.

"Mother Mei Mei, remember when you asked me about the young boy, well I actually saved him, a bunch of good for nothing's tried to snatch what his family left him. Kaito is currently an orphan and I would like to give him a home." turning towards Katsuo she also said "our home." with a smirk.

Everyone was shocked it was so quiet as though a pin could be heard. In deep thought her highness believed Sakura had a good heart. she decided " I would grant your wish once you two get married, on that day he would be your son, for now he can stay at the castle and learn proper etiquette, swordsmanship, anything Kaito wishes basically to learn but he has no right to the throne as he was not born from the lineage, for now I want you and Katsuo to bond. Now let grandmother see you Kaito." Smiling Kaito went up to the queen, Kaito did not care for money or power, all his heart wanted was a family to hold onto, his parents died when he was six and since then he has been wondering the streets for so long that all he wanted was a shoulder to cry on. right now he just wanted to let it all out. Going up to the queen, she stretched her arms wide, going for the hug, it was as though flood gates has been opened he cried as though he was a baby. Everyone felt his sorrow through his tears especially sakura, tears started to form in her eyes, seeing this Katsuo wiped them and gestured for her to follow him.

Following Katsuo stepping out of the room, they went to the garden. "why did you not ask me about it?" asked Katsuo "I could have helped."

"I wanted to but like I said before we are not really aquatinted." Sakura felt that yes her fate with him may be rocky but she did not want to rely on no one. "since everything is done now do you want to help me with my cultivation and teachings?" wanting to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Katsuo nodded his head and leaf her to a hill that was behind the palace, beyond the hill was what they called beast forest, one can acquire a spiritual beast, the beasts levels can be of Early stage, middle stage, high level, fire, earth, saints, and then godly. No one was really able to reach godly but maybe someone may be.

Reaching the top of the hill Katsuo started teaching Sakura different angles and poses which one can cultivate, after awhile she finally was able to, reaching early stage.

Sakura was happy with the improvement, they started to learn archery next, sakura was unable to hit any of the targets, Katsuo said it would take a long time to improve as they were still young. This went on for many hours after awhile she finally got to hit the target on the outer ring.

Before doing Archery practice Katsuo and Sakura made a bet if she can hit anywhere on the target, in a span of two years, if she found someone she loved Sakura did not have to be engaged to him. Sakura felt the bet was just child's play as she thought she would never find someone who would be the fire in her heart.