The life sakura wished she could hide.

Hitting the target Sakura felt happy but Katsuo felt a little upset, he did not know why but he thought it should be over like a passing breeze.

"Thanks for the training, it has helped me a lot." Waving goodbye to each other they headed towards their courtyard's. Just arriving home Sakura asked Yua to run her a bath, plopping down on the bed she felt her legs become sore, Sakura knew she had to train well or else she will not become stronger.

Letting her misses know her bath was ready Yua went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, remembering Kaito was not here and had his own place now she felt lonely. Walking towards her misses "Miss sakura should we invite Kaito to dinner?" "oh yes I forgot, go ahead and invite him and Katsuo over, it will kinda be a celebratory dinner." with a smile Yua ran out to invite them.

Preparing for the bath, she went up the stairs with candles and put them in, "finally I can relax, tomorrow I will do some more cultivation and try to do more Archery." Getting in the bath Sakura noticed her body was really sore. The bath felt like little prickles on her skin, it made her really really sleepy eventually she dosed off.

As Yua was finished with inviting the guests when walking back she felt as though the night was eerie, she was spooked, seeing someone up ahead Yua felt a little better, the person looked as though they were lost she stopped by them and asked if he was lost. Before Yua knew what was happening she felt a pain in her neck, before she knew it Yua fell to the ground.

Looking down at the pitiful girl, the stranger grabbed her and put her on his shoulder, walking to the front of Sakura's house he stuck a note on the door, after doing that, he and Yua disappeared into the night.

Hearing a knock on the door Sakura woke up, looking around she realized that she was still in the bath. "I am coming, hold on a second." wrapping a robe around her, she opened the door. Seeing that it was Katsuo instead of Yua, Sakura blushed. "I found this on your front door, me and your young friend both found it, we both knocked but no one opened the door, until we read the note that is." Katsuo coughed facing away.

Grabbing the note out of his hand she read, ' Dear miss Yuki, if you want your friend I suggest you come to the dark forest immediately, our leader only wants to have a chat, after that you both would be set free. Sincerely Eichi clan.

"What are you going to do miss Sakura" worrying Kaito did not want her to go but knowing Yua was captured he also wanted to save her. Not wanting to worry Kaito, she took a deep sigh "how about you get something to eat in the kitchen, we will discuss the matter after, Yua made some sweets for you to try." nodding his head he went to the kitchen, Kaito if he could would help them but he had to get energy first.

Watching Kaito head to the kitchen Sakura turned to Katsuo "you know I cannot leave her, I have to go." Katsuo saw the stubborn look in her eye " you can't leave Kaito, also you still have not explained why you wanted to adopt him even before our marriage to each other or how you beat those enemies that was in the alley.' Realizing Katsuo remembered the incident Sakura knew she can not hide it for long, "I will explain everything when I get back but you have to trust me, so please watch after him, maybe you guys can bond, knowing you all will be safe will grant me strength.' With a sigh Katsuo did not know what to do, he did not want her to go alone so he suggested " I will go with you, my mother can watch him, you do not have much strength to go alone." Not having a chance to negotiate much, Sakura and Katsuo explained to Kaito that they will go rescue Yua, in the meantime Kaito will stay with her highness the queen. At first Kaito rejected but once told when he gets stronger he can help later on, Getting ready to go Sakura put on her training clothes then grabbed a satchel and put her bow and arrows inside, and latched her sword to her waist, hearing a rumble she turned towards where the noise was coming from, seeing the egg moved once she was surprised but had to ignore it due to her needing to hurry.

Telling the queen what happened they left Kaito with her, then they took off towards the dark forest. Settling down in a carriage, Sakura wondered what can happen to Yua during this time.

"how long would it take to get there?" Sakura felt the need to get there faster, she was very worried for Yua's health. "we will be there shortly, you asked me to trust you, so you need to trust me. also in the meantime you can explain what you had done to the enemies that were in the alley and the boy.' Having to explain everything that happened to Katsuo, she saw that his face had changed so many reactions, it had made her want to laugh so much but she held it in. "Where did you learn your Martial arts, as I have noticed before you were captured you had no knowledge of any sort?" Katsuo inquired with suspicion. "alright, so you really want to know huh?" nodding his head, Katsuo believed that he should know as he has to protect Sakura until she is able to on her own. "you have to promise me you will not tell no one.'

Thinking what she may say Katsuo hoped that it will not cause more danger, nodding his head he was prepared to listen.

Heaving a deep sigh Sakura felt as though she should hide it but having to let it out she decided to trust Katsuo fully "My soul was split in two at birth, which means I was living two lives in this life I was bullied by my stepmother and stepsisters and my last life I died in an explosion, I'm not sure whether or not this life died and then relived as one though, I thought everything was out of this world. My skills are from a mafia in my previous life, but I had to learn cultivation in this life." Not seeing any expression from him she poked his shoulder, knocking him out of his stupor, he looked at her in a strange light.

"What is it? you wanted to know and your the closest person I have right now." Sakura said with expecting eyes. "it is nothing just shocked, how old were you, I mean in your past life?"

Sakura knew she should have not told him, now she has to tell her story.

"I was only twenty years, I was born with no parents, I lived in an orphanage most of my life until an old couple found me, one day I was out, I was very hungry with no chance of anything, did not have money, for many days I went without food. Eventually I got tired of it. so I stole food from a store, running like no tomorrow I ended up in an alley. Some people saw me and wanted to sell me to a certain place, fighting most of them as much as I could, one caught me. I tried to keep fighting but could not, this is where an old man and woman found me, the old man made the men back off, I did not remember how, he just did. He saw me and I glared at him, the old man told me I had guts and that if I followed him he would make sure I can live a comfortable life so I took it, going up to them the woman felt as though she was my mother, she took great care of me but she died a natural death. once I got older he trained me to become a mafia assassin hoping I could marry someone powerful from there. In time I became the top assassin, I've done a lot of things I did not want to do. eventually I did fall in love but in the end I got betrayed by my love, it lead to my death. Who knows how the old man is living right now, if I could I would have thanked him." becoming quiet she did not want to say no more.

"You have been through a lot.' With a sigh Katsuo thought, 'if I could, I would give you the life you deserve but I can't, not yet anyways.'

Arriving at the dark forest...

What Sakura saw was the forest was pitch black, and it was surrounded with gaurds, Katsuo whispered "stay close." following Katsuo, they went up to one of the gaurds, the gaurd told him that only Sakura may enter, Katsuo did not want her to go alone but she told him she would be fine.

Following behind the gaurds through the forest, she felt this must be a trick or something, Sakura did not like this place one bit. Looking into the distance she saw many creatures. "what is this place?' looking towards a gaurd, the gaurd kept quiet, he was tasked to get the girl once she arrived and to take her to their master.

Once arriving she saw Yua tied up with a gauze in her mouth running up to her. Sakura untied her and took the gauze out "are you ok??" she was very worried. "I am ok miss Sakura, thank you for coming to get me." when looking at Yua, noticing tears in her eyes Sakura could tell she was deeply frightened.

"You have arrived miss Yuki Sakura." looking behind her she noticed the person named Haru, looking closely, the man was handsome, black hair, black robes with red on the hems, and with him was his divine beast Roc.

"I have and what is the meaning of this?" Giving him a glare, Sakura was very alert, she did not like being around this guy, he gave her a familiar vibe but yet she knew she was not close to him, she thought before that Haru might be her past leader but she should have died alone.

"will you take a seat first." gesturing towards a couple seats and a table Sakura held onto Yua holding her close, right now protecting Yua was her only concern at this moment, she knew since she was in his territory anything can happen. Walking to the table and chairs, she sat down with Yua. Seeing as they were seated, Haru stared at Sakura for awhile, "miss Sakura, if you would like I can prepare some wonderful dishes right away?" suggested Haru.

Not wanting to stay any longer " I do not but thank you anyways." Sakura replied. Nodding his head he stood up, getting near Sakura he pulled out a dagger getting close to her neck, suddenly she disappeared.

Moving behind Haru she put her sword right against his neck. "I thought we are supposed to be having a conversation Haru."

"we are I just wanted to test something" Walking to his own seat, he sat down. Sakura also went back to her own seat. "Why do I feel that I know you miss Yuki?" Listening to him Sakura furrowed her brows "what do you mean, we have never met before." she suggested. Sakura started to look around for a place to escape, she knew the forest was crawling with different creatures and gaurds, with her level of cultivation she would not make it but if it was only her martial arts there was a little chance Yua and her to go home without any damage.

"Well tell me Sakura have you ever heard of this line before, one special person told me this, she said to me, you're the fire in my heart. what do you think of this saying."

Staring at him with wide eyes, Sakura could not believe it.