is this a dream?

She felt as though her entire mind may not be able to process. Seeing her speechless Haru believed he has found her, he knew her soul was split in two before she even knew. Ever since he first saw her and heard her name he could not get Sakura off his mind.

In their past life Haru knew she liked him but he could not do anything at that time, he liked her but his position would be possible to cause a tragedy, he wanted to protect her, but could not, when he found out she was in a battle Haru rushed over but instead of seeing her smile what he saw was her body laying lifelessly on the ground and before he knew it, Haru ended up in this world.

Coming back out of her stupor, she denied " I am sorry, I have not heard of such a saying." hoping if she kept denying Sakura may be able to trick him.

Sakura knew if she did not get away soon, she might not be able to leave. "Sakura I know it is you, no one knows the martial arts that has been past down in the mafia. also when I found you in the previous life I was devastated when I found your body, I really was trying to get you out of the battle, someone also killed me but I do not know who."

Knowing that Haru could be lying Sakura did not want to to believe what be said "how would I know if you are lying. never once had you shown any emotion yet you ask me to have a chat and you expect me to believe you went to the battle field to find me, don't make me laugh." looking away from him she just did not want to believe or listen.

"Sakura you have to believe me, come back to my clan and we can both rise, just like before." Haru did not think she needed to be out in the open, he knew what skills sakura possessed, yes she may be able to hold a strong power now but it can also be dangerous too.

"If you want me to return to the way I was before and become a cold blooded killer then no thanks, I got a second chance in life and I am not going to let you ruin it, I do not believe you but maybe in time I can, right now I want to live the way I want to, carefree and freedom. maybe in time we would meet again, right now I need to focus what lies ahead. Let's go Yua." grabbing hold of Yua's hand, Sakura began walking towards the path that lead to leave the forest.

Accepting Sakura's decision, Haru let them leave, he believed in time they will meet again a lot more than she thinks.

Walking through the forest trail no one stopped them, Sakura guessed Haru would let them go if he wanted her to trust him.

Exiting the forest Yua was starting to feel dizzy, she asked Sakura to slow down for a second. Sakura slowed down immediately, looking at Yua's complexion, her health did not seem great, her face was as pale as a piece of paper. Having to do what she had to, Sakura asked Yua to get on her back, Yua denied a few times but eventually she could not change Sakura's mind, getting on her back Yua fell straight to Dreamland.

"Yua I'm sorry you had to go through this because of me." whispered sakura. Looking up ahead she saw Katsuo still waiting for her, waving he noticed them relieved that they were safe Katsuo went forward and helped carry Yua to the carriage. Getting inside "what happened in there sakura?" facing him she told him what happened in the forest "he used to be my leader in the mafia, he was trying to persuade me into going to his clan but I refused." feeling the carriage move all Sakura wanted to do was sleep, not wanting to speak any more of this matter she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Katsuo began to think, if Haru is the person who hurt Sakura but then why was he trying to get her back now. Calling one of his subordinates, he ordered Sato to get information on the matter and to talk to Haru. sending him away, arriving back at the palace, Katsuo woke Sakura and Yua "since it is late we should all have a rest, we can do a celebratory dinner some other time."

"No it is ok, Kaito is still waiting for us and I will cook it since I'm going to give Yua a few days of rest. I can manage." Sakura suggested. Walking towards her courtyard she brought Yua and Katsuo over, then getting a gaurd to go receive Kaito and bring him, she began cooking. Sakura noticed she had not changed and excused herself, walking up the stairs she heard a noise in her room, getting out her sword she peeked inside. seeing no one around made her confused until she heard the noise was under her bed.

"I swear if this is some horror movie type creature hiding under my bed....."

Stepping closer Sakura noticed the egg she got from the beast enclosure was in fact all over her carpet. "Did someone break it?" Bending over to see what was under the bed, she was ready to strike but instead Sakura was surprised. What was under the bed was the cutest thing she has ever seen, it was a blue and white baby panther with six tails and had two wings, it looked at her and walked towards her.

Staring at the cute little creature with round eyes, all her mind could think was, oh my God it is so cute!!!!!!!!. It rubbed on her legs wanting attention it seemed. Picking it up Sakura petted it, 'looks like I'm your mother basically.' when petting it, it bit her finger and then licked the blood. Furrowing her brows she did not know why it did that, the little panther began to glow like the sun.

Not knowing what is happening she yelled "Katsuo!!!!!!" The light was blinding, Sakura was forced to close her eyes.

Hearing Sakura yelling for him, Katsuo felt something was not right and ran u the stairs, seeing a blinding light, he put his arm in front of his eyes, after awhile the light began to dim. As it began to dim Katsuo can now see into the room but what he saw stumped him, he did not know what creature had in her arms but he could feel a strong power coming from the beast, it was an earth stage beast.

"Sakura where did you get the beast?" turning towards Sakura. "well actually you know the egg we bought from the beast enclosure? this little panther was inside it and has recently came out of the egg..."

Understanding what she meant, it was not his first time seeing a creature come out of an egg but this particular creature is actually rare, Katsuo has never seen one and only read them in books. "well what are you gonna call it, apparently it already took you as it's mother, also it appears that it has already made a blood contract."

"Blood contract what is that?" sakura furrowed her brows, she knows the little one bit her and then licked the blood of her finger but she did not think she would end up having a contract with it, she did not even know how to do those. Sakura believed since she just started cultivation, her studies on it has not been much. She also just turned into an early level cultivator.

"A blood contract is a bond in which the owner and pet would know if the other is in danger, if you die you both die together, but if the pet dies it will not harm you." Katsuo informed. He could not believe such a beast was in the egg, especially since Sakura did not have any cultivation when they found it. 'looks like I need to do a little research when sakura is practicing, she could bring her pet.'

Heaving a sigh " I guess me and you will be going through a lot little one, I shall give you a name, you will be called.... Ichika." Tilting it's little head it licked Sakura on her face, laughing she guessed the little one liked the name.

"I guess since everything is handled let us go down and eat." Holding the little panther. Walking down the steps, Katsuo inquired "do you know what type it is?"

"No I do not but it does not mean I can not look through all the books in existence to find out." Sakura giggled, she was quite happy with how things went with ichika, yes she was surprised but now she will forever have a companion when she needs one.

Going towards the kitchen, she put ichika down and gave it a piece of meat, getting back to cooking soon it was done and Kaito had just arrived.

"Kaito come sit and eat, I will go get Yua from her room so she can eat too. Putting the pot in the middle of the table, she went to go Yua's room, opening the door she saw her subordinate sleeping, going up to her she shook her a couple of times waking up Yua. "what time is it?" she whispered. chuckling Sakura told "it is night but you have to eat, no skipping meals." leaving the room so Yua can get up, she headed back to get herself something to eat.

Getting herself a bowl she put some hotpot into it. Katsuo ate a lot and Kaito seemed as he was on his second bowl. Finally Yua came into the kitchen. "Sakura what is that?" pointing towards ichika, Yua did not know of it. "oh it is my new beast pet, isn't it cute." sakura smiled. Looking at sakura's smile Katsuo unknowingly thought, how cute. Shaking his head out of his thoughts 'what am I thinking, I should be planning.''

Finishing their meal everyone thanked Sakura and left to their courtyard's for a rest. Seeing them off Sakura went up stairs for some sleep, following behind her ichika tried her hardest to climb the stairs but could not, she had tears in her eyes and she began to whine. Turning around Sakura picked up the little panther. " you could not climb up yet can you, looks like I am gonna have to train you too. Eventually me and you will go into the forest behind the castle to try to hunt and maybe find some more spirit beasts, with your level I do not think this will be a problem. Laying down on her princess style bed Sakura covered up and cuddled ichika, soon falling asleep.

in a dream, Sakura was fighting in a battle field, she saw many people, there were archers, swordsman, beasts, bomb's, and more. it seemed her and Haru was on the same side, confused she thought 'is this a dream or something else.' It seemed she was still at the palace, guessing intruding enemies broke in. Fighting her way she started to panic "where is Katsuo, Kaito, and the queen and king?" running as fast as she can through the palace she was running and slashing her sword against any enemies. Coming up to the main hall in the palace she saw Kaito and Katsuo fighting with all they got, all of them covered in blood Kaito and Kaito were the only ones living. turning to the corner of the room the king and queen was dead with swords pierced through the body. Running towards Kaito and Katsuo, she saw two of the enemies Pierce them in the chest as they were surrounded "NOO!!!!!' She screamed. the last thing she remembered was Katsuo tell her to run.

Waking up in shock, Sakura was sweating all over and she was shaking looking around sakura started to calm down.