what will be in the forest?

"Was that a dream or a premonition?" whispering to herself, Sakura got up to wash, ' I have to prepare, I do not think that was a normal dream."

After washing, Sakura got dressed into her training robes.. picking up ichika, she left her courtyard and walked all the way towards the hill. Setting down ichika sakura pulled out her bow and arrows, starting to aim at the targets someone disrupted her "up so early?" turning around Sakura saw that it was only Katsuo, taking a deep breath "yes I have a sudden urge to get stronger immediately. Turning back she aimed again and fired, the arrow was fast and hit the target right on the dot.

"Well you wanna spar swords with me?" Katsuo suggested. Knowing she needed training with the sword Sakura grabbed her sword and put down the bows and arrows. Both of them getting into their standing positions charged at each other immediately. the swords started to clash at each other then suddenly Katsuo got a better hand and knocked her sword out of her hand making a land into the ground behind her.

"Let's try again?" Grabbing her sword she got back into position. "Nodding his head he started running towards her, ready to strike ahead Sakura lifted the sword above her head and slammed down, pulling his sword above his head, Katsuo managed to catch her sword.

Holding their own against each other, they started clashing again, this time Sakura started to push forward, then she moved behind him like she disappeared. Katsuo looked in shock, the next thing he knew Sakura was behind him with the sword pointed at his back.

Katsuo grinned "it has seemed that you have gotten better, in no time you will definitely overtake me." Putting her sword back on her waist Sakura smiled " I guess you are right Katsuo, what are you planning on doing today?" she was after all a bit curious.

If he was free today, Sakura thought, maybe he would be able to come with her in the forest for some training, being at the palace for about two weeks, Sakura wanted to try to hunt some small beasts. What she did not know was how big is the forest.

The forest actually was bigger than two kingdoms put together, On the other side of the forest was another kingdom, their people was in fact different. The people in Azure kingdom was mainly people who belonged in the Yamiyo clan, Eichi clan, Aia clan and the Beast clan. The rest of the people in the kingdom were folks who worked in hard labor or some may even be physicians.

The kingdom beyond the forest was quite mysterious, no one was allowed to step foot on their boundaries. Unless they came to get a person, no one would see that person again.

The only thing anyone knew was they had vast knowledge and experience, different hair colors such as green, blue, purple, nothing that would seem natural.

Sakura staring at Katsuo for a moment, thinking if he would be free she could have a chance or may be he can grant her request of going inside the forest. Ichika saw that they were busy and wanted attention, looking around the little panther saw something hanging down on Katsuo without them noticing, she crept close.

"Actually I am quite free, what is it you need?" Katsuo kept seeing her staring at him and the forest, he knew she may want to head there.

"I would actually appreciate it if you could teach me some hunting tactics, it would be a great help."

"I see well if you want after I get some lanterns and equipment we can go before lunch. Nodding her head Sakura agreed, before they knew it Katsuo got attacked and fell on the ground, seeing the little panther biting on a piece of string on him and playing with it like yarn, Sakura and Katsuo giggled, sure is a playful little thing, noticing the time sakura picked up the playful panther, they headed inside the palace to look for the kitchen. Sakura forgot to eat in the morning as she was in a rush to train. Sakura was really scared and worried about the dream she had. Let's focus on some lunch instead of the dream I had, for now I should think of ways I can get more practice instead of having to be at the palace all the time.

Once they walked into the kitchen a maid put down her work and bowed. "Your highness, what can this lowly servant do to help?"

"You can rise, I want a picnic basket prepared with sandwiches, drinks, and the finest fruits." Dismissing the maid he appointed another maid to collect all the stuff they need to spend a week or two in the forest.

"We are staying for a week?" Sakura thought this was a long time to spend in such a place but she could train a lot and maybe discover different species of animals in this realm.

"yes I wanted to check something out, we'll head out for sure in an hour." grabbing the basket that was prepared he gestured for her to follow, going back up the hill they sat down and began their lunch. Looking around sakura believed if she could have had a love life in her previous life then she was glad she didn't. The place she was now Sakura felt very relaxed.

If I could I would stay here all day... Sakura sighed.

Seeing Katsuo was still eating, Sakura sat in lotus position and began cultivating. Right now she was only earth stage so cultivation would be great to do on her free time.

Katsuo understood she was cultivating. Calling one of his subordinates out of the shadows. Sato stood in front of them.

"Sato clean all of this up, also me and Sakura would be heading into the forest for two weeks at most. When I get back I hope you could keep watch on anything in the clan."

"Yes my lord."

Dismissing Sato, Katsuo layed back on the grass. Waiting for Sakura to finish he closed his eyes.

After five hours Sakura opened her eyes and stretched. Feeling her wrist she discovered she leveled up twice resulting her cultivation as high level cultivator. Looking next to her, Katsuo was actually asleep, leaning over she shook his shoulder.

Waking up Katsuo noticed there was something different about Sakura, but what is it. "Did you change something?'

"No but you should probably look closer." Giggling she sat still waiting for him to guess like it is a game.

Pondering for awhile he noticed she leveled up so much in such a little time. "are you human?" furrowing his brows, Katsuo knew her backstory but leveling up so quick is very rare especially in a matter where she was only in the palace for two weeks.

Giggling Sakura nodded "yes I am very much human." looking for ichika, seeing her not around she started to panic, until she felt something small in her lap. looking down she saw the little panther was sleeping in her lap.

Relaxing Sakura wondered what time it was looking up at the sky she saw the sun has begun to go down, turning towards Katsuo "are we still going into the forest?"

"Yes we are but we are going to have to hurry, now that you have in fact leveled up. You should be fine if we were to walk a bit. Here have a lantern, we will both have one." Handing Sakura the lantern, Katsuo got up off the ground and put on a bag, handing Sakura the other bag, she put it on and stood up while holding ichika.

"Let us set off on our journey." Leading the way Katsuo actually had a plan. What may it be well we're just going to have to wait and see.

Entering the forest, they started to walk.

We're going to have to go to the middle of the forest to find a good catch. During this time you should be able to level up quickly and get enough training, I've also picked up some pills that will help us if needed." Katsuo informed her where to go.

After two hours of walking the sky has gotten dark. Katsuo stopped walking and sat on the ground. "we should rest here, it will not be good if we continue." Nodding her head, Sakura sat down. Putting ichika on the ground, the little panther began to sniff around, while staring at the little panther, Sakura noticed it's hair on its back began to stand then it started to hiss.

Katsuo and sakura looked towards where it was looking at, it was a red scaled serpent. The size of this thing was bigger than a one story house.

Calling back ichika Sakura pulled out her bows and arrows while Katsuo pulled out a sword, the serpent slithered fast, it crashed in the trees and broke off pieces of it like they were twigs.

"Katsuo what do we do?" Sakura did not know some beasts could be this large also she has not gone through all the books about beasts.

"We need to strike in the mouth, the serpent's tail can shoot out poison so be very cautious, use Qing Gong to be quick." Disappearing after he told her what to do, Sakura saw he was jumping on tree to tree at a very fast pace.

Following his instructions, Sakura grabbed ichika and jumped on a high branch. "Stay close ichika." Pulling her arrows ready to aim she started to shoot multiple arrows at every chance she got. Katsuo jumped from the tree and appeared on the serpent's head. Feeling the human on its head it started shaking it's head like crazy.

Katsuo having trouble standing slammed down his sword into the serpent's eye. It screached so loud that Sakura and Katsuo had to cover their heads.

Falling off the beast, Katsuo fell on the ground and his sword right beside him. Seeing Katsuo in a predicament Sakura aimed her arrows at the serpent's wound, one after another she kept at it until he moved.

The serpent located Sakura's arrows trajectory. Slamming through thee trees in rage it raised it's tail and shot out a stream of poison.

Noticing the serpent's movement Sakura grabbed the little panther and dodged the poison. Looking behind her she saw the whole tree was disintegrated.

That is no poison, that is acid!!!!!!

Running fast Sakura was pretty freaked out. I have to get this beast gone real quick or else we may not even leave our bodies here!!!!

While Katsuo was fighting the beast Sakura pulled out her sword, she knew she had a decent weapon but she did not know if it will kill the beast giving her best shot was her only choice, hiding her little beast pet. Sakura ran out to battle.

Katsuo hitting against the snakes tail to dodge ran up to it and sliced into the stomach of the beast unfortunately for him apparently the serpent's stomach withhold against his sword "shit" quickly stepping back the serpent's tail hit into the ground leaving a big hole.

Sakura soon came next to Katsuo and suggested "we should go on both sides, it will take some time but we should get the beast to try to bite us. which will open it's mouth, at the moment it opens, one of us can get the weak spot."

Willing to try the plan out they both went on both sides of the beast.

At the same time they jumped up and slammed their swords on the beasts head. Shaking it's head in rage it's scales began to turn a blood red.

"Uh ..Katsuo what is happening?" not sure if this is a good sign. Sakura began to back up.

"Quick once it roars we need to strike or else the others like this one will show up! Katsuo decided to act as bait, going up in front of the beast he picked up one of the fallen arrows and threw it at the beast.

The serpent soon opened it's mouth preparing to catch Katsuo in it. Sakura ran in front of Katsuo and pushed him out of the way resulting her getting caught in the serpent's mouth..