

Havillah frowned and for the first time since she arrived there she found herself wondering if she should really be worried for her safety.

"Don't worry. Even if she was able to, I doubt that she could do any real damage to your person." the voice reassured her.

"How totally reassuring. As it is the woman already detested me and now you had to pull this stunt to capture my attention?"

"Come on... You should give me one for originality. I can't stand that you also are mad at me."

"Me also?"

"Just kidding. I always follow through with the laid out protocols."

"You..." Havillah started to protest but was cut short by the familiar voice of Gabriel as he tried to intervene in a rather awkward situation.

"You do not have to. I'll go instead ." he offered. He must have come in with Calla. Havillah surmised or in the period in between. Probably to stop her from murdering her before she could even heal Selene.

More hesitation and finally she heard Killion speak.

"It's okay Connors, I'll go."

He must have nodded as a heavy sigh was heard from Havillah's side even as his presence lifted. The presence of the man who had sat by her all this while as he extended his protection towards her. He had sought her out, brought her here and now was seemingly displeased by the fact that he had to leave her alone and presumably unprotected. Even as she refused to allow herself think about it, what this all meant to him and to her, Havillah forced herself to focus back on Selene and her own Virtue which she had just then infused into her veins and was now seeping in into the body of a still sleeping form Selene.

As the Virtue flowed, the woman's body glowed, alight with an ethereal light the product of her Virtue and wherever the light touched her, the dark voids dissipated, bringing back to life the river that had once gone stale and stagnant within her body. As her heartbeat began to steady, a little gasp emanated from the body and Havillah became aware that the woman had just come awake. Quickly the girl withdrew her hands and stepped back, even as the doctors zeroed in on their patient ready to attend the now conscious Selene.

Slowly, Havillah withdrew from the room and the flurry of activities and the excitement that had followed Selene's waking up. Havillah stepped back as she took the opportunity that had been presented to her to escape the scene. She stepped back, withdrawing completely even as she walked out of the room and to the balcony on the other side of the waiting room outside.

No one would see her. She hoped.

It was the only way, she told herself. Haddening her resolve even as she lifted off from the ledge, floating away in the morning breeze even as she exited the Hub undetected. She was not afraid, no, but remaining there and allowing Calla to get a swing at her was neither wise nor was it at the top of her list of things to do and despite what that voice had said, she did not want to risk harming another person or the drama that would surely follow if that ever happened.

"Where is Havillah?" Killion asked as he walked back in to the clinic having stepped away to comfort Calla, despite knowing fully well that what she wanted from him he could not offer her. No, not in the way that he had been able to do once before. It had not been easy, but eventually he had been able to help her see reason. She saw it enough to calm down and was no longer as hysterical as she had originally been, but who knew how long that would last? With Havillah still around anything was possible. Calla could easily revert to her old anger and with her insecurities which stemmed from the fact that she saw Havillah as a challenger, as another dominant female, her jealousy would only serve to fuel the remaining embers into a raging inferno. He could not help her though and he hoped that she would finally see that it was not Havillah's fault. He could not be what she wanted him to be and this was not just because things had changed between them. He now had responsibilities and in addition to this, even he himself could no longer understand his own feelings and what they were trying to tell him.

"I... I... I..." Gabriel stuttered as he looked around and tried to explain.

"We saw her run off..." his mother interjected as she and is grandmother came inside the clinic.

"That was not running!"


"She was hovering! I saw it with my own two eyes!"

Killion sighed as he tiredly rubbed is sleep deprived eyes and settled back on a clinic's sofa. He was exhausted as he had hardly slept a wink in with the things that had happened that week. In fact, only his suit was holding him up properly and now Havillah was gone, again and despite Selene having woken up, he could not tell if Calla would continue to seek her out to exact her revenge or would calm down for the sake of peace.

He doubted that though. Calla had never been one to forget and where she had more than enough cause to exact vengeance, she would hit back  and it was Killion's responsibility to make sure that she did not harm Havillah despite how hard Havillah was making it, for him to protect her.

"She will be fine." Gabriel attempted to comfort him.

"And you know this how?" the man could not help himself. He was tired and frustrated and the temptation to take it out on the younger man was regaling.

"I just know it. I can feel it in my bones."the younger man replied. " Plus she has that barrier. I am sure it will keep her safe." Killion could not argue with that so he let the argument go. For now, disaster was averted and he also needed to rest. After that, he would have to go and find her and probably the girl would allow him to try and find a way to finally iron out the matter for good.