Chapter 2 Avatar

So my test was over, that was surprisingly easy. I was kind of shocked that I studied so hard and it was so easy, short and simple. So now that I know it is over it is on to the 2nd hardest part and that is the character creation. I view the name as the hardest part because other then your race you can cover up anything that you don't like later on. I mean if you don't like the color of your skin you have a couple choices, clothes to cover it or save up enough for a make over. If you don't like your facial features you can get a helmet or a mask. Now with your name, it can never be changed and cant be hidden. So if you mess up on your name then you are stuck with it. With the character creation the thing you have to think about that is important is your race. The races are as follows:

Human: The standard race, average in abilities, has the most avatar choices, has an affinity with Luck (good and bad). They make good treasure seekers if they are lucky enough to be granted that option in the game. Gear tends to be cheaper as it doesn't specialize in anything, definitely a jack of all trades race.

Fairy: Short and stout with wings, could be described as gnome or dwarf like, must wear light gear or action time is slowed and flying (more of a hover) is prevented. Great to travel over stuff without having to jump even water. Affinity with water. They make for great farmer support or deliveries and we typically see them in those roles.

Earthkin: best be described as dryads or golems, they have an affinity with earth, but are gender specific though

Golems are played by males and they are seen as slow but tough beings, great for being guards to protect against bandits and evil creatures. Though slow and stupid they have an added bonus of extremely high defense and are immune to most status effects. They are great at gathering hard and heavy stuff like ore, wood and stone.

Dryads are played by females and they are seen as swift moving and intelligent beings. They are one with nature and can forage and tend to wildlife with ease. Their downside is their size, strength, and defense capabilities. They are great as guides, animal caretakers and material gatherers for potions, cooking and other artisan stuff.

Dragonkin: descendants of dragons, very fast and agile, have an affinity with fire. Expensive to play as gear must be fire resistant and also must be specialized as well. They have reptilian (dragon) like scales over their body that are fine, sharp and tough. Humanoid as they walk on two feet and have a body similar to a human with large wings that are usually black or red. They have small scale like feathers that are on their leathery wings and are razor sharp. They are perfect for hiding damage, offensive combat and taking on adventuring roles.

Noble ??? race: not much is known as its an extremely rare race as people have to be granted the race and almost no one is that lucky. They have an affinity with Air and are rarely seen. Very secretive and nomadic.

"Welcome to your character creation screen. Remember once chosen there is no going back. Please view the races and choose which race you wish to be. Remember that each race has roles that are typical of them but it does not guarantee that you will be assigned that role. Also your gender can not be changed and is set to your real gender so please be aware of that with your race should you pick the Earthkin race. Please take your time and feel free to log off to think things over if needed."

The race part was hard yet fairly easy. I have spent years watching people adventure and play their characters. I knew what race I wanted to be even if it wasn't the best at making money, it still had the most desired typical roles that I want to do. I still looked at them all carefully though, now that I am at my choice it made me question my decision greatly.

I stood in front of the Human and studied it but I am already human, its the safe yet boring choice. Next was the Earthkin, the desire to be a dryad was palpable as they are great at what they do and end up being very successful, rich and wise. They are highly sought after as not that many women play the game and are willing to be a tree like creature that borders on being ugly. I walked right past the Fairy as I had zero interest in farming and being short and small. I finally stood in front of the one race I was truly interested in the Dragonkin. I loved dragons growing up and I love their love for adventure. The ability to hide damage was a touch confusing when I read that part in the racial profile but the beautiful scales and wings just called to me so strongly that I didn't even realize that I was touching the in game character avatar.

"Are you choosing the Dragonkin race?"

I nodded.

"Please speak up and give me a verbal response."

"Yes I choose the Dragonkin race." I replied still in awe and wonder.

Very well please step into the portal to begin your custom avatar looks and initial settings.

"Before I do, May I ask what your name is?"

All of the sudden she stood up on her cloud and had a shocked expression on her face. I noticed she was tall and slender with feathers for hair and on her arms.

"My name? You want to know MY name!"

"Yes, you are very valuable and helpful to so many people. So I would like to know what your name is."

"My name isn't important as I am just an NPC."

"It is important to me!"

"Very well, my official name is NPC helper but the name I prefer is Wise Cloud. As I share my programmed wisdom and I sit on my very comfortable cloud."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Wise Cloud. Thank you for sharing your knowledge." I replied

"Do you have a name that you plan to go by?"

"The name I am thinking about is Draco but I am she so I am not sure yet on my name. It really is a huge decision and I take it very seriously." I replied seriously.

Wise Cloud nodded and gestured towards the portal.

"Okay, please step on through the portal. I will see you when you come back out."

While I was heading to the portal. I didn't notice the smile and spark in Wise's eyes or the huge smile on her face.

She mumbled to herself, "I think I might of finally found the one who could set us free. I sure hope she is the one."

I stepped into the portal. Everything went pitch black and I stood their waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened...

A good 5 mins later I saw a flicker of a light in the distance. At first my thought was to head towards the light but I decided to stay put and wait for something to happen. 3 more mins and nothing else happened. I took one step towards the light then felt what I can only describe as a pull backwards. I backed up that step and started tapping my foot. I have no idea why I did that but I found this waiting both bothersome and annoying. I started to wonder if I got a glitched VR set or my game is stuck.

Whispering sound "Demand the process to start and that the light should come to you"

I looked around but heard nor saw anything else.

"Ok now I have been waiting almost 10 mins now with patience for something to happen. Where is my custom character avatar screen? I am tired of being in the darkness so light come to me." I held out my hand towards the light and the next thing I know fire appeared in my hand. "What is going on? I know the Dragonkin race has an affinity with fire but never in game have I seen one call fire from their hand. Breathe fire yes and burn things yes but not call fire from their hand like an old fashioned wizard in my books I have read. I am not walking towards that light in the distance as I can't see where I am walking."

I sighed and started to feel both extremely annoyed but also extremely sad that I can't get my adventure going. Tears started to well up in my eyes but I have cried enough throughout my life and I refused to cry over this. I kept my head up and tried to appear proud. Whenever I am in this sort of situation, I end up getting mad and smarting off so that way I don't end up crying. This part of my personality tends to get me into trouble quite often as I have a hot temper and I have a smart ass mouth.

"Ok I am done with this all. To keep me waiting on my 16th birthday is cruel and flat out rude. Men may be patient and willing to run towards a light but they are idiots. I am she and that means that I actually have intelligence. Now I demand this customizations for my avatar to begin right now." I yelled into the darkness as I stomped my foot.

So lost in my inner dialogue, I didn't notice that the room was slightly brighter and that the light was coming closer and shaping into a door. I was too busy thinking that I was such a fool for yelling at a game and making demands. I was a nobody without a character avatar yet. Who was I to make demands in a GAME.

"So be it, please step through the doorway and begin. It has been years since someone refused to move and come to us. You have quite the ego and are quite stubborn, we the Dragonkin race both enjoy that and yet it must be broken at the same time." a deep voice rumbled around me.

"Come to me the rest of the way, I am not meeting you halfway as you kept me waiting long enough." I demanded.

Laughter could be heard all around me. "Yes quite the entitlement as well my dear brother. This one has a fiery spirit and ego. I like this one, Shi would do well in my house. I could break the Shi's stubbornness and hopefully her spirit would still remain." Said a slightly higher voice.

"You know it will depend on her looks and initial abilities she chooses as to who gets her. We don't choose that as you know as it is forced upon us." said the deeper voice.

An older man voice spoke, "let it begin, LIGHTS!" You will not see us until after you finish. First choose your scale color set."

Colors appeared in front of me in groups of 2. Set? I wondered to myself. I saw Green with like 8 other colors, red with 8 other colors, orange (I shuddered) with 20 other colors. As I turned hundreds of other color combinations appeared before me. Nothing looked right to me.

I finally spoke up, "I don't want anything to do with orange."

All orange colors disappeared.

"Nothing green, yellow or blue either"

Those colors went away.

"I like Red, Black and White. Please show me those colors."

They appeared around me. I started waving my hand at some and they went away. I only wanted to see those colors no other color combinations. I dismissed the white combos. All that was left was either Black for the main with red as secondary or the opposite red main black secondary. Neither one seemed to fit me.

"Is there any other possible color combinations that I haven't been shown?" I asked.

"Only one" said a female voice sounding pleased.

"Show me that one then" I huffed out annoyed again at the time this all was taking.

A black with what I could only call a crystal like color as it was like a prism was next to it.

I thought it looked unique and fitting. I smiled and said "I choose this unique color set."

"Are you sure Shi? This is a very old and long forgotten color set combination. It will put you onto a hard road ahead. You color represents your role in history and life itself." said the old man voice again.

"Yes this is what I want I have chosen."

"She has decided on this color set." said the female voice again sounding pleased.

I heard a least 10 voices say together. "Warning was given and dismissed. So shall it be."

Please choose your eye color.

I choose "Red".

Hair color


Facial shape?

"This one"


"I like this set, they aren't huge yet look noble."

Ok the outside view of my avatar is coming together now.


"6 inches taller then me. Yes that is perfect right there."

Body type?

"Type 3, it's not overweight yet not too skinny, assets look perfect as not overbearing but not subdued either. No other alterations are needed in my avatar body."

Ok the final walk around needed to ensure everything is exactly correct.

Walking around I said "This avatar is perfect for me, Though I am confused as to where the other color is on my avatar."

The Woman voice said, "You choose shimmering black on black with your enraged color Shimmering clear Crystal. The color choice can no longer be undone."

"Oh I am happy with how it appears and am done with my avatar customization."

"Step back through the portal then" Said a new voice.

"Wait a second, I never got to see you all like you said l would. I want to know about my house and where I will belong to." I said.

"You choose a house that is near extinction and will have to find it in game if you are able to. We did give you a warning on your choice of color before you set it. So there is no representative at this customization for you here." 3 said in unison.

"What's the house name at least?"

"You will find out in time," said the female voice. "Now Shi step back through the portal to continue on your adventure."

I paused and thought about the odd wording in her statement but brushed it off and headed back through the portal.

Wise Cloud said "Welcome back Shi, your adventure as a Dragonkin will begin shortly. I see you choose an old house to be a part of. Do you have any questions before you step out into the world and receive your custom welcome package for your race?"

"I have a few questions actually. I thought I would get to pick my name. Also what house did I choose? What will be my role in the game?"

Wise cloud stood up and had the cloud sit on the ground. "You declared many times I am Shi so the game named you Shi, that can not be changed though a last name could be added at any time if you wish. The house you choose is an old and noble house called Black Flame by most but only the actual house and race know its real name. Your role will be determined during the first 3 days of play. So enjoy your freedom while you can but know everything you do will influence your role for good and ill. It was a pleasure to meet you and I will see you around in game."

"Wise cloud, you are in game as well? What is your race? I thought you were an NPC. Wait a sec!!! My name is Shi? How is it spelled?"

"Your name is spelled S H I. I am an NPC child, so I am in the game as well. I am the NPC helper. I am a guide to the people that I take part in their selection. That means that I am your guide. My race matters not."

*Time is up* You have been in game 4 hours please log off to charge and eat. Chimed my VR set.

"Wise Cloud I need to go charge my VR set."

"Hurry up and get your welcome package before you sign out or you will lose your chance to get it." Wise cloud said loudly. Quietly she whispered to me, "Black and red with gold pack."

I stepped into the portal.

Welcome new player to the beginning town. Please pick your custom welcome pack, make sure to choose the right race during your selection. Choose wisely as you only can get one.

I walked over to my race selection. I saw packs of every color but worked my way to the black ones. I almost grabbed the black and red one but I noticed that it was also brown. After a short time searching I found the one with gold on it.

"I will take this one that's Black red and gold."

Grab it and be on your way traveler I have other things I need to do. It will unlock in an hour time.

Logging you out now chimed my VR set.