Chapter 3 The feast

My world went black as my VR set logged me out and shut down.

I thought to myself I should of charged my set while I was reading the booklet. Oh well, 4 hours sure went by really fast. I plugged in my set and went out looking for food. I saw what looked like a feast being laid out on the table.

"Oh good I timed it right. The other children will be here shortly. This is to celebrate you winning the lottery and getting a VR head set. You will have 2 years to save up before you get your own place. Now my child please wash up and come have a seat. You are the guest of honor after all." Said Sister Amy.

I looked at her with suspicion but went and washed my hands for dinner. I kept wondering to myself what was her plan. We almost never have a feast like dinner unless someone high up from the church came to our orphanage but now there is a true feast for me. I wonder what is going on and what the plan is going to be for this meal. A full turkey and ham, green bean casserole, cut up fruit salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh rolls, Milk, 2 different juices and a small but fancy cake. We are usually lucky just to get ham sandwiches during the holidays. Thinking about my welcome package I got for my welcome birthday gift I wondered if I should just go out and get something to eat by myself and skip this meal here. I know she is going to want something big with all of this food. It costs at least 4 gold coins which would take a couple months for the lowest of roles in the game to earn.

"Thank you Sister Amy for this lovely meal. I am honored that you would do this for me."

I walked over to my usual place and sat down next to the one friend that I had here.

"Hello, Sam!" I said with honest happiness. "How have you been? I haven't seen you around much."

Sam is 17, short dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, 6foot 2inches, skinny but muscular from his days working on a farm. He is one of the hottest males in our city and spends most of his days either working, turning down offers for relationships and helping out people who have less. That man could have anyone that he wants but he hangs around with me whenever he has the time to. He is my best friend since we were kids.

"Yo, I have been busy working with harvest season right around the corner. A lot of tools that need sharpened and repaired. So how's the birthday girl doing today? You are the talk of the town right now. Oh and I managed to get you a present with some of my money I made." replied Sam.

"You didn't need to get me something. I know how expensive things are and how little you are paid for all your hard work. So how many did you have to turn down today?"

"Only one officially, also I get you a gift every year whether I make it for you or buy it now that I am working. You are special to me. Where else am I going to find a stubborn, kind, Black haired beauty with exotic color changing eyes, that is short enough to rest my arm on and can battle me in wits? The answer is nowhere."

"You just called me short, I am 5foot 6inches. I am not short for my age. You are sweet for the rest though and I know I can be stubborn its part of my charm."

"Children please sit and be quiet so we can say Grace to thank god for the ability to have and eat this food." Said Sister Amy.

Silence descended over the table as we said Grace.

"So my child, first off let me tell you happy birthday and congratulations on winning the lottery. You got it at the age where people have to find work so it came at the perfect moment. God blessed you with an answer we have been looking for this past year. I have been trying to find you work but to no avail. Now I see why I have not managed to find you work, god prevented it. So have you set up your avatar yet? Have you chosen your name? What about your role in the game?"

"Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have set up my avatar, I will be known out here by the people who know me by my actual name of course but in the market and game I am called Shi. No last name has been decided yet and as for my role I just got to the beginning town so I will have a few days to get used to things before the game assigns me my role. I did meet my guide for the game and pick my welcome package. No idea just yet what is inside as I had to charge up my VR set." I replied.

Sam smiled and said "So tell us about your avatar... What race did you pick? Coloring? Etc. I want to know everything. Did you get your rumored birthday package by doing all the set up VR stuff? Come on sweet Marie you have to give us all more information then you have. Also what is up with your name She or is it spelled weird? Also why call your female character just she?

"Marie so that is her name. Thank you Sam for saying it so I now can remember it since she will be something now. I have 2 years to profit as much as I can off this child before she can leave my orphanage and need to play this right." Thought Sister Amy.

"Well I know you wont approve but I went with the Dragonkin race. My colors are black and crystal. I know my avatar is solid black and shines just like that black stuff we used to see on the roads that the sun would shine on and make it look like a rainbow. I think it was called oil. I wasn't intending to go with those colors but it just called to me so I went with my gut feeling. As for the crystal part I have no idea at all where that will come into play other then that is my enraged color whatever that actually means I haven't a clue yet. As for my name it was an accident in our speech vs what the game is used to. I said she as in S H E meaning female and it took me for saying S H I instead so I ended up named that. I am so upset about that but I cant change my name ever so I am stuck with it."

"Wait a sec!!! Doesn't S H I mean Death in an Asian language? Why would you choose that name since you are so sweet? Couldn't you at least change the spelling to not be so dark? Also why black? You look better in so many more colors. Dragonkin, why pick that race? Its so eww and expensive just to be it. You hate reptiles yet you are now one forever in the game. Hmmm I don't know if this is still my best friend sitting next to me or not now. So much is just wrong from the difference in game and out of game." Said Sam.

"Yeah I know but the race just called to me and I went with my gut completely both in color and race. I do hate reptiles with a passion but I don't know how to describe it. I looked at the race and didn't even realize that I walked over and was touching it. The wow factor was just that high. I looked deep inside me for my coloring and that was the only set of colors that just felt right. Its an old and almost never seen color combination too. No idea what exactly that means but I do know it's odd as the NPCs gave me a warning about choosing it. Now as for the name yeah it means Death but I cant do anything about it now. I am still the same person you know Sam."

They had a ton of more questions but I couldn't really answer them just yet. So I ate in silence and listened to the little ones talk about their dreams for if they win a VR set.

"My dear child, have you thought about who you might want as your staff now that you have a VR system? We have a lot of good kids here who can be taught and trained to exactly what you need them to be and do for you."

Ahh now I am starting to know what she is wanting from me and why we had this huge dinner. She wants me to feel pressured into choosing an orphan or two so they can start making money and helping support the orphanage since they are too young to actually work a job. Their earnings would go into the Orphanage's bank due to their age. Now it's making sense.

"No sorry, I don't even know my role and what I could possibly make a month so it's too soon to think about that sort of stuff."

We finished our dinner and I excused myself as I was planning to do a bit of research about the game and my race and then go to bed so I have all the time in the world tomorrow to play.