Chapter 6 The Armor and Skills

As we walked down the stairs, the entire inn was swarmed with people talking about the server announcement. When I stepped into the main floor of the inn the speech instantly died and everyone stood up and turned to face me and then knelt or bowed. It was a very odd experience watching people bow. Almost everyone there had an NPC tag with their name but I spotted a few actual players. They were bowing as well. It appeared they had a screen telling them something. Twiggzy giggled and headed towards the door to the entrance of the inn. I followed her kind of upset at what's going on. I don't like how people seem to stay bowed like I am important when I am really not important.

Outside people paused as I exited the Inn and glanced around. As Twiggzy and I walked towards the skill trainer street, people both new players and NPC a like paused and knelt or bowed until I walked past them.

"I can't wait to be able to take this set off. I am a nobody but this set makes me somebody. The only thing that I am happy about is that the helmet hides my facial features and when people knelt or bowed their heads were down so I don't think people know my avatar name either." I stated to Twiggzy quietly.

"I think it's funny to watch." she replied. "So, what skill should I get, I wonder."

They wandered around looking at the available skills. Things like being a smith, artist or chef. I found myself favoring a few skills. The artists were amazing, the smiths seemed skilled and fascinating and the smell of food was dreamy.

"I want to take the survival skill. I want to be able to make potions and food while camping." said Twiggzy.

I nodded and said "I was wanting that skill as well. Let's go get it together."

As we approached the NPC she bowed and while looking down she said, "Greetings my lady, how may I be of use to you today?"

"Please get up. We would like to learn your survival skill."

The NPC rose and smiled and said "Of course, we have two options available for you. You can either choose the repair and tailor skill where you can mend clothes and armor without coming to a town or running into a traveling tradesman. Then we also have the cooking and potion skill which is exactly what it sounds like. You will be able to make potions with a cauldron over a campfire or you can cook over the campfire and make hopefully wonderful meals. Which skill would you prefer? You are able to test both out before you decide if you wish."

"We both want to learn the potions and cook skill." Said Twiggzy.

The NPC ignored her and waited for an answer.

"You are being rude to my companion. She gave you, our answer." I said annoyed.

The NPC bowed low, "Please excuse me my lady but we are to obey royalty and you are the one who asked for my skills so I was waiting for your reply. Commoners even those who are companions with royalty are to be ignored when in the presence of a royal unless you tell us to address them as well. This is simply the way things are while in this life."

She seemed slightly scared and seemed to tremble just a bit. It sounded like she was being a bit sassy with me as well as treating me like I was an idiot. Which I was right now. I let it go as I knew nothing about being royalty.

"No harm done, please teach us the skill as my companion suggested. You will answer her even while in my presence."

I thought to myself wow I sound just like I would think a member of royalty would sound. I really didn't like it.

"By your command my lady so shall it be."

*Chime and a screen popped up in front of us both*

Would you like to learn the survival skill sub skill potions and cooking? YES or NO buttons appeared. I tapped yes.

*Chime yes has been selected quest will now begin*

Please go collect some of the following herbs and food and the use a camp ground near the edge of town and cook 2 meals and 2 potions and then bring them back to the NPC. You have received a beginner's cauldron and skillet as well as a recipe book for both potions and cooking.

Quest ingredients needed:

10 common herbs

2 meats

2 vegetables

Broth or water


200 exp and 100 copper

Survival skill potions and cooking learned

"Ok Twiggzy lets go get this done unless you want to get your 2nd skill quest too."

"My Lady, you can only get one skill at a time and unless you dismiss the quest you can't get another one." The NPC spoke quietly with her eyes down.

"Well let's go to the market and get our food." Twiggzy said excitedly and without waiting she started skipping towards the marketplace.

I laughed and started walking away again following behind that little girl. As I approached the marketplace everything stopped and all the NPCs knelt and bowed their heads.

"Please rise and resume your tasks as normal." I spoke loudly.

The marketplace went from being silent and mostly still to loud and active again as they rose and went back to their tasks. I walked over to a vendor with a lot of vegetables. Looking at the offered food I decided what vegetables I wanted to get.

"I would like some carrots and potatoes please."

"Of course, my lady, that will be 2 coppers for each vegetable."

"I will have 4 carrots and 4 potatoes. Thank you."

"That will be 16 coppers." The vendor said. "Feel free to pick the ones you would like."

I nodded and opened up my storage and put 4 of each into my bag.

As I turned to leave the vendor spoke quickly, "Thank you for doing me the honor of shopping at my stall my lady. Have a great day."

I turned around and said with a smile, "It was my pleasure to shop here."

He bowed as I left.

I sighed and mumbled to myself. "I hate this royal treatment."

Walking over to Twiggzy who was putting something into her pack near a food stall the vendor froze with his hand part of the way out and knelt immediately dropping the money to the ground.

"Please rise, I would like 4 stew meat portions and 4 onions. Also please collect the money and finish your deal with this young lady before you help me."

He gathered up the money and told Twiggzy, "Thank you for the business."

Turning towards the stand he gathered up the requested items and said "That will be 1 silver my lady."

Twiggzy froze and her face got red. "YOU" pointing her finger at the vendor. "YOU... YOU are only charging her 1 silver for more stuff than I asked for and you charged me 5 silvers for 2 packages of stew meat. She asked for 4 packages of stew meat AND 4 onions!!! This is an outrage. Why am I forced to pay more when she pays less? I demand an explanation right this instant.

Guards that were around the marketplace started to come this way and went towards Twiggzy.

"Little miss please calm down or leave this area. We are asking you nicely but you are making a scene in front of a royal and this is unacceptable."

"This is an outrage!!! I am not going to calm down until I get fair treatment. I am with the royal, we are companions."

The guards startled by that and looked at each other. Then they nodded and said "if you don't calm down, we will have to arrest you."

"Enough" I said firmly.

The guards immediately knelt and bowed their heads. "Yes, my lady, sorry for this disturbance. We will remove this girl immediately."

They stood up and went to grab Twiggzy.

"I said ENOUGH, stand down now. This GIRL is with ME and you will not touch HER. This vendor did her a disservice and charged her more than I am being charged. She has a right to be upset right now. If anyone should be punished it is him."

The guards froze and looked at the vendor.

"What are you going to do? Is what was said true?"

"I didn't know they were together so I did charge them differently."

"Fix this now," said the guards.

Stuttering, "Yyyyy young lady for my mistake here is your money back and the food is free for you this time. I will remember you travel with royalty and will make sure you get the Royal discount from now on."

Twiggzy nodded and took her money back. She gave him a dirty look and walked off to another stall for vegetables. I handed over the money for my food as I was handed my packages.

"I am very sorry for this all and thank you for your business my lady."

The guards stood guard around me the rest of Twiggzy's shopping trip. It felt so odd to have escorts. We headed out of the marketplace.

"Ok we have our food now to get the herbs. We should head over to the apothecary to get our herbs." I stated.

"Sounds good" Twiggzy replied and then took off at a skip again.

"There she goes again" I mumble and laugh. Again, I follow behind her and watch people bow and kneel as I pass.

We get there and get offered different plants. I bought 20 HP herbs referred to as HP common and 20 MP herbs also called MP common. No real important conversation with the apothecary happened they just sold us the herb and we went on our way. He was heading to the outskirts so we could use the campfire to make our required ingredients for the quest. We got to the campground and things got interesting. I have never seen anyone make a potion before so it was a fun trial and error. the first 6 potions blew up in my face. I was really glad that I bought so many herbs even if they were 10 copper a piece. I finished making everything that I needed with stuff left over. Twiggzy checked her time left.

"I only have 45mins left now and I just finished, so let's hurry back."

We got back with 30mins to spare and received our official skill. Twiggzy's letter she got started to glow and vibrate so she took it out and opened it.

*Chime* Role now granted teleportation is now taking place to your job *Chime*

Twiggzy disappeared from in front of my eyes.