Chapter 7 The Armor and skills Pt 2

Well, Twiggzy just disappeared from in front of me. I now knew that if I get a letter to wait until I am ready to get my role before, I open it. Ok so I got one skill, now to figure out what my second skill should be. I decided to walk around the skill trainers again and get a better look at my options. My options that would go with my cooking and potions could be just about anything. I had a dream to be out adventuring or protecting someone. Helping people would make me happy too even if I didn't make much doing it.

I walked near the Charisma skill trainer and read the plaque near them about the skills offered. Shop and haggle or public speaking and etiquette. I thought about being a shopkeeper and realized that it would be too boring to spend my life selling and buying stuff. I also thought about the public speaking and etiquette and realized that i hate being the center of attention. This armor is driving me nuts as I am shier. Deep down though I really did like the power that came with being taken for a noble. So, I turned that option of the Charisma skill down completely.

I headed over and looked at the crafting options. I didn't see myself making items for the rest of my life. I don't like working with metal so weapons and armor was out. I like clothes but having to make them for other people made me feel slightly sick. So, I made a mental note to skip those skills as well. Even though my race's armor is quite expensive and it would be easier to make my own vs paying someone else to make it. Still, I told myself no.

Next, I came to the Mining option and just flat out shuddered. The thought of being in a game and cutting wood and mining ore or gems for the rest of my life was literally my worst nightmare. To be trapped in a deep and dark cave while in a beautiful game rarely seeing daylight except when I take my goods to be sold. I shuddered again.

An amazing smell had me walking towards this big shop. As I walked in, I looked to the right and it looked like an indoor garden with herbs and food either growing from the ground in these trench-like containers filled with dirt or they were hanging from a pot that's hanging from the ceiling. It looked amazing and fascinating. The amazing smell finally pulled be away from that amazing sight and had me turn around and look to the left of the door. Pies still cooling and cakes were all over. You could see a counter and what looked like a chef behind it stirring a large pot of something. I slowly walked that way and an NPC came running up to me before I got more than 6 steps towards him.

The NPC smiled and gave a shallow curtsy towards me. "Hello my lady may I be of service to you? You came into my training shop. Here we teach the Maker skill. You can learn to be either a culinary chef/baker over there."

She indicated the left side of the shop.

"Or over here you can learn how to grow stuff indoors and become an apothecary. Would you be interested in either of learning either of these skills?"

I really liked the sound of those skills but I shook my head and turned around to leave the shop. Being either one was very tempting but I wanted to see the other options before I settled on what my final skill choice will be.

My stomach started grumbling and I decided to head back towards the Inn and eat. I looked at the in-game time and was shocked to see it was 2pm already. I have been in the game 4 hours already. Although the game time that she has been a part of was 8 hours. I realized that in game hours is double the real-world hours. I decided to go back to the Inn and rest for a while so I can charge my VR equipment before it needed truly charged. I also wanted to see if there is anything I can buy that will allow me to play longer on a charge.

On the way back to the Inn I saw this stunning painting and froze to look at it. An NPC walked up to me and stood beside me. I looked over to him and it triggered him to speak.

"So, what do you think of the painting? It is majestic with the way it seems the waterfall is flowing into the crystal-clear pool. It feels like you could react out and touch the water as it falls."

"I do enjoy the painting but what caught my eye was the Dragonkin that was solid black in the water's reflection but yet the actual Dragonkin is almost transparent with a crystal-like prism quality. The Dragonkin looks extremely upset. Who is the model for the painting? Who painted this?"

"Honestly? I have no clue. The title of this painting is the only clue that I have as it was carefully left at my shops door a while ago."

"What is the title?"

"Supreme Head Influential"


"I am being flat out serious here. That was what was written on the wrapping when I found it at my shop door. I have no idea why it was named that but I have kept the name that was left for it."

"It has nothing to do with what you can see in this painting. I probably don't want to know this question but how much is it?"

"I have never had anyone ask me that one. Is there a reason you want to buy it? If it's good enough I will lower my price for you."

"Well, a few reasons actually. One the name of the painting. Take the first letters of the painting name. S H I then look at my name. Two I picked Black as my main and the crystal-like prism color for my other side. Finally, three the painting calls to me. Are those good enough reasons?"

"Well simple answer is yes. I didn't even think about the name aspect S H I which I see is your name. That right there seems like this painting is meant for you. The fact that it calls to you and has a similar Dragonkin in colors also pushes the fact that you deserve this painting. So, I will make you a deal. How about 30 Gold?"

" 30 GOLD!!! that's me eating luxury food for 2 month's worth for an in-game painting. What makes you think that I have that much gold?"

"You are a noble so of course you are rich and if you look here the price is listed at 50 Gold so it is 20 gold cheaper than the listed price which is a considerable deal."

"Oh, the armor, Hehe I just got the armor out of my welcome package. This is still day one for me. I don't even know what my role in the game is yet."

"Really? Show me your character information to prove it."

"How do I do that?"


To show your character information raise your right hand and swipe down to bring up your information and storyline. Then touch it and drag it into the other person's hand.


"Ok, here you go."

"I see your storyline does show that you are on day one and not a real noble like your armor makes you appear to be. I will lower the price to 25 gold for you."

"I can do 21 gold but then I will be without gold.

"Very well we have a deal then for you I will take 20 Gold for this painting. That will leave you 1 gold left over."

I reached into my currency bag and withdrew my gold and handed him 20 gold putting the last gold back in my pack. He handed me the painting. As I accepted it, I got a notification. You have bought the Supreme Head Influential painting, storing the item into your household section.

Another NPC ran up to him and said, Pardon me my lady, Arte what are you doing out here? You should be inside right now. The master is looking for you."

right then the master walked up behind them. He saw me and knelt with his head bowed.

"My Lady sorry if my apprentice was taking up your time. He will be punished for this I assure you."

"Rise and he was very helpful and I have bought a painting from him."

"Arte sold a painting? Which one? I hope he didn't overcharge you for it."

"Supreme Head Influential painting was sold as it isn't on the shelf", said the unknown NPC.

The master's jaw dropped, "You sold the most expensive painting here. I hope you at least gave her a fifty percent discount. She is noble and if you made her pay full price, I will have to punish you for it. We don't charge nobles full price as they are important and then displaying our artwork will bring in more business for our shop."

"20 gold is what I sold it to her for. Is that acceptable?"

The master nodded and looked relieved and visibly relaxed at those words.

"Wait a second, that was a special painting and came with instructions. The painting could only go to the one it depicted and it called to. Anyone else who tried to buy it would kill the person and return back to us when they tried to display it. It's a haunted painting. That was why I had the price way over priced so only the person who was drawn to it would want to buy it once they looked at the price. Do those instructions err... warnings mean anything to you?"

Shocked I replied, "That actually fits me quite well. The painting called to me and the Dragonkin in the painting has the same coloring as I do."

"Very well My Lady, I hope you enjoy your new painting. Now to business are you interested in learning the Artistry skill? The sub categories are Enhancements and beautification or writing and languages. Enhancements and beautification allow the user to create artwork, create designs on armor, create beautiful items and stuff. The writing and languages allow you to do calligraphy, read different languages and understand different languages."

"Not at this time, good day to you all."

They knelt as I left. I looked around after I walked 10 steps away and then remembered what I was going to go but I decided to stop at the last skill trainer to see what they had since I ran into the Artistry skill trainer.

I walked up to the plaque of the last skill trainer and read the description. Gathering skills, the sub skills are herbs and ingredients and animals and breeding. Inquire inside for more information. I shook my head and left. I really didn't want that skill. Now I knew I had something to seriously think about for my final skill choice.

I went straight back to the Inn and went to my room. Once I got there, I locked my door and then logged out of the game.