Chapter 8 My decision

As my world faded to black I came back to real life and realized I needed to go the bathroom. So I plugged in the VR set and toom off the suit and then ran to the bathroom. I knocked into Sam as he was leaving the bathroom.

"Opps, sorry Sam. Pardon me"

I moved around him in a rush and quickly shut the bathroom door. I heard Sam say ouch and hello towards the bathroom door but I ignored him to do my business. When I was finished I decided to look for something to eat but first I went back to my room to look at how long it will take to charge the VR set. I was shocked when I saw it would only take 2 hours to charge. Only 2 hours, I guess the VR set has a longer battery then I thought it did.

I heard a knock on the door of my room and turned around to see Sam standing there with a smirk on his face. Surprised to see him still here when he should be working made me a bit worried for him. I hoped he didn't lose his job, after all he is my best friend.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out working?"

"Well hello to you too. Miss, I got a new job so everyone else should be working too. Maybe I don't want to work today. Maybe I called off for once. Just maybe I got worried about my best friend and wanted to check to see how they were doing. Maybe I overheard something that worried me so I am keeping me eye out and making sure nothing bad happens when they are helpless."

"Lots of maybes there, sure you maybe don't want to tell me the real reason so you are trying to dodge the question. Seriously Sam why are you home?"



"I overheard something that worried me about you. I also have no work right now since the oxen right now are sick and the farmer can't find a replacement right now. The ground is too hard to do it by hand we need either rain or for an animal to be free for us to use. we can't afford to buy one right now. They are costing 30 gold minimum and it's the planting season. It will hurt the overall profits this year but it can't be helped. I see the look you are giving me and I know what you are thinking. You can't afford to help us out you just started and need your money for equipment since you choose to be a Dragonkin of all the races. I would choose to be a fairy if I ever got lucky enough."

I smiled and replied, "Is having a few plat already not enough to help you out? I mean I already have a kick ass set of armor even if it's annoying to wear."

"You have plat!!! Already! and why is the kick ass set of armor annoying to wear?"

"Yes, and I can prove it to you. The armor is annoying because its nobility armor and makes everyone draw attention to me and bow to me as if I was nobility. But I got it in my welcome package with a few plat and it's a +6 set. It also had the legendary item The Queen's Chalice."

Sam looked around quickly. "Shh please don't say that out loud everyone knows about the chalice being uncovered. All the server announcements come on the screens around town as its the only thing that can be played. Seriously if anyone finds out that you have it you would be in serious danger. You already aren't safe being here. Come with me and let's get out of here so we can talk privately. If anyone stops us tell them we are going on a trial date. They would believe that over anything else now that you will be rich due to winning a VR set. Apparently, that's the only way I will date a woman is if they have money so the townspeople keep saying about me."

"Where are we going to go? What nonsense are you talking about Sam?"

Sam looked straight in my eyes and said "Marie please just trust me here. You are NOT safe right now. I am your best friend, please trust me."

I nodded and grabbed my shoes and card I got at the grocery store that shows who I am and how much in game currency I have and headed out the door. Sam stopped long enough to grab his shoes and a picnic basket.

Sister Amy stopped us and asked us where we were going. Sam told her we were going on a picnic and will be buying sandwiches and other items in the market. I also spoke up and told Sister Amy that I would put some gold into the account at the grocery store for her so she can get stuff for us all. She smiled at me and then walked away.

We got outside and headed towards the market. While on the way there I shuddered. I don't know what to do. Sam said I was in danger; Sister Amy was questioning where we were going when she rarely cares what we do and ignores us for the most part. As long as we aren't causing her trouble or trying to eat when it wasn't meal time we didn't fall on her radar. Now though it seems to have changed overnight.

We head to the deli in the market. I go over to the counter and look at my options to eat. I was shocked to see turkey as an option. I decided that I want a turkey bacon club.

The guy at the counter sees me" What do you want? Premade sandwiches are over there. Head over there to get something you don't look like you can afford a fresh made one."

"Actually, sir I can"

I raised my card and watched him pale. I had a VR identity card that was black. Only VR players had a black one. Their staff had red and gold depending on their role for them. Farmers and crafters had green cards. White cards were for everyone else.

"I am very sorry miss your clothes are the same type as from the orphanage so I assumed you were from there. What can I get for you?"

"Is there something wrong with being in the orphanage? I want a full toasted turkey bacon club with tomato, mayo, lettuce, Swiss and American cheese on white bread. Make sure it's hot and wrapped up to keep it warm."

"Right away, as for the orphanage, they can't afford my sandwiches as they spend too much on what Sister Amy wants for them to get much of anything anywhere. I heard a child there won a VR set but when Sister Amy was here yesterday, she was talking to someone about the child breeding while they can make money off her then using the kids to force her to stay there. That woman is wicked."

I shuddered "That sounds horrible. Thanks for letting me know. I am that girl. How much will the sandwich be?"

"I am so sorry to say that she is plotting against you. The sandwich is 300 coppers."

"I will put a credit on the Orphanage's account for each KID to get a hot sandwich. There are 14 kids there. Sister Amy is not to use it at all. So, I will pay 45gold today."

"You really have that much already? Didn't you just win it yesterday?"

"I do and yes I did. I know what I am doing."

I handed over the card and he swiped it in the VR system. It popped up that I had 2Plat and 100Gold available to spend. The guy swallowed and turned back to me. Please approve the transaction. I poked my finger on the needle and then discarded the needle into the small container of bleach. The screen lit up and approved for 45gold.

"Miss Shi feel free to grab some chips and a bottled drink as well on me. Also, that guys sandwich combo is on me too. Here is your hot sandwich and your card back. Thanks for doing business with me. Please have a great day!"

I walked over to Sam and told him your combo is free so grab your drink and chips too. He grabbed salt and vinegar chips and a bottled flavored water. I grabbed some BBQ chips and an orange drink. We put our food and drink in the picnic basket and Sam carried it out of the market with me trailing behind him.

We headed toward the farm Sam worked on. Sam stopped half way there and turned to me.

"We are a small community compared to most but you should look at going somewhere else. I heard what Greg said to you. I heard a similar plan myself. Sister Amy was talking to the head priest about the plan. You are helpless when in the VRMMO. Either you need someone to protect you while you are in there or you need to find somewhere else to go. I don't want to lose you but I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You are my best friend."

"Sam, I thank you for worrying about me. I will look into having someone protect me. Now let's keep going to the farm."

I started walking and Sam ran to catch up to me.

"Why are we going to the farm?"

"You know why Sam"

I took off running so I couldn't hear his comments back. As we got close, I saw a lot of people working on the gardens. I heard the owner yelling to try to work harder they are behind schedule. I knew then that Sam took off vs there being no work for him to do. I gave Sam a look and he lower his head.

"Hey Mr. Smith, Sam is here and he brought company with him." I heard a guy named Michael tell.

"He better have a good reason for leaving early yesterday and not showing up today. Sam nice to see you, though you are not dressed for work it appears."

Hello, Mr. Smith, I am Marie I am here because I heard about your oxen being sick and unable to work. I can help you with that."

"You can bring my oxen back to life? I don't think you could help little girl unless you want to work in my fields too."

"I can buy you a new oxen team."

He stepped back and looked me over.

"A new team runs 40 to 60 gold. You can afford that?"

I nodded.

"What will it cost me for you to do this for me?"

"I want Sam for a week to be off work and paid his usual amount by you. That way he can help me with my VR set and game play."

"That's it?"

"He will also get 1 paid week of vacation a year. That's it."

He looked at Sam. "Finally found a girl huh good job man. She is pretty too. You little Miss Marie have a deal."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Shall we go inside to place our order?" I asked. "Sam come with me you are mine for a week."

Smirking Sam said, "Yes master, I will do as you command."

I sighed and headed toward the house. The men following me. Once inside Mr. Smith led me to his VR console and we looked for a required oxen team. We found a team of 4 ages a year to 18 months that he liked. The price seemed good compared to the others at 52 Gold. The rest were 58 + gold and they had a variety in ages. I took out my card and swiped it and then put my finger on the pin pad. The team would take 2 weeks to transport unless I want them rushed for 3 gold coins. I approved the rush and paid the 55 Gold. Mr. Smith looked shocked when I took out the black card and stunned at the money I had still. I smiled and told Mr. Smith to have a good day. As we were leaving, I heard a woman yell oh my god that girl is a lifesaver. We have to make sure she gets our thanks properly when our harvest comes in. Where is she from? I heard Mr. Smith say I have no clue but Sam knows her. We can find out next week when he comes back to work here.

I smiled as we left the house and went to the meadow down the street to eat our picnic lunch.

"Ok so Sam you are mine for a week and you can watch over me while I wait for my ad for staff to get hits. Sound good?"

"Yes, I like that thought. I am YOURS for a week lol. Any other girl would get turned down as it would seem like they are hitting on me. You are my best friend and I know you don't like me that way, or are you just that good at hiding it?"

I laughed and doubled over. "Sam, I know you like men but I would make a good cover for you so you can date Josh on the side. Always wanted a harem of hot men around me. That would give me 2 hot men as a start."

I missed Sam's look at me like he was truly considering that possibility. He actually liked that idea and he knew Josh was looking for work since the bakery let him go. Josh could protect Marie while in the VR world.

"I will talk it over with Josh. Though I don't know if he will like that." Sam said in a joking tone.

"Now I am stuck in a situation in the game. I got one skill but have to pick one more skill. I have it narrowed down to two possible options. Will you help me pick? I can't seem to come to a decision and I have a day and some hours to figure it out."

"What are they?"

"Maker skill or the artistry skill. The maker would let me be a baker/chef or an apothecary. I would like to have either one as a profession since I could travel and do either one. The artistry skill will let me be an artist and make beautiful paintings and enhancements on stuff to make them beautiful. OR I can learn calligraphy and be able to read and understand other languages. Those would let me travel too for inspiration or travelling to new places where they don't speak my language."

"Hmm tough choices. So, I get it you want to travel around in the game. How could you travel as an apothecary? Don't you have to have a shop and grow your plants indoors and well as have a garden? You would hate doing that kind of work the rest of your life. If you choose the life of a chef or baker you would be confined to a shop to cook in or to be a campfire cook and the limited stuff you can do there. I know you wouldn't want that so if I were you, I would look at the Artistry skill. You might like traveling the game world for inspiration to draw but you won't make that much unless you settle down in an area and sell your own work when you get good enough. Even then you won't make a lot of money. Artists get famous AFTER they die. Now i can see you using the different languages and writing about what you see. But again, I don't know how useful that will be for you. Do you know what your role will be yet?"

"You have a good point and I won't know until after I pick my skills and get my letter. Alright I know what I am going to do. Now that we finished our picnic, I got you out of trouble with Mr. Smith and got you some paid vacation you can use with Josh while still being paid. Which you owe me for now and I will have you pay up at some time in the future. Let's head back and you can watch out for me while I make my decision in game and put my add out on the hiring board."

Decision made on what skill I was going to get and plan in place we headed back to the orphanage in peaceful silence. I knew my plan but I wondered what Sam was thinking about to keep him so quiet.

Once back I used the restroom and put on my VR suit, gloves and headset and laid back down. Sam pulled his chair in the room and sat beside my bed with a book.