Chapter 22 The Boss Room

I had Bolggor open up the door. I put Kuro on my left with me standing in the middle of the door. The door swung inwards this time so we didn't have to move out of the doors way. My weapons were raised and I was ready for anything. Looking in the door I saw...

There in the center of the room was a young woman who was tied up and looked half starved. She looked like she was almost skin and bone.

"Look out its a trap and you will be eaten if you come in here." The woman cried out.

Looking around I saw a cove with a large golden chest to the right of where the woman was tied up. To the left was an area that glowed just like my weapons. I knew where the cursed stuff was and stepped inside. Bolggor and kuro quickly followed suit. I remembered to look up but I saw no threats in here at all. I remembered the information I gathered and the only thing I haven't seen so far is the Jorōgumo.

Bolggor walked over and started to bend to untie the woman.

"Stop Bolggor, she is not our mission. Remember my information, the Jorōgumo. It can shapeshift into a beautiful woman, it is depicted as a spider woman manipulating small fire-breathing spiders. She could be the boss and untieing her will free her to attack us." I said.

Bolggor nodded and backed away. Kuro walked over near the chest and tried to open it up but it wouldn't open.

"Well it looks like the chest wont open unless we find and kill the boss. I want the chest rewards, so lets free her and if she isn't the boss she can take us to the boss at least. If she attacks us then we can just kill her." Kuro replied.

"OK I agree with your statement but we need to check everywhere and see where the spiders are. You know there has to be spiders here somewhere if you follow the legend. If this girl is the boss then you know there are spiders around here somewhere that will try to kill us or threads that will try to drown us. We also need to make sure that the room is solid and water wont fill the room if we free her. Remember people drowned in the legend as well. I would like the treasure as well but what I came for was the cursed gear and its right over there in plain sight. I think I will go and get that stuff and while I do that you two can check the room. I am guessing that something is going to trigger when I touch the gear so be ready to fight." I said

"I am ready to fight whenever" Bolggor said while moving behind the tied up woman and getting his weapon ready in case he needed to use it on the woman.

I watched Kuro use a touch of ability to flood the floor of the cave to see what would happen. The moment some of the water touched the woman, a slight bit of steam lifted off of her body. I glanced at Bolggor and gave a very slight nod of my head. He tightened and fixed his grip on his greatsword.

"I can officially say that there are very small drains in the floor so no water will collect until the drains are filled or blocked. I think its safe to say we wont drown if I use my water abilities on the boss. Any idea what we are facing again?" Kuro asked long winded.

Sighing and shaking my head while staring at the cursed armor I replied, "If we follow the information we have it will be a Japanese monster. The spiders and webs from earlier as well as everything else says we are going to face the jorōgumo. The question is where is it? We should see it's baby spiders or webs of some nature near it. This room though is the first since we entered the cave that doesnt have some sort of dirt, webbing or enemies. I mean it is almost like an illusion is in this room or something."

Both of them nodded at me and looked even closer. Most illusions cant hold up to serious scrutiny and will start to waver. This room though seemed just like a regular cave room with an additional chest, a couple lit torches and that cursed armor just laying there.

"Kuro, please release the tied up woman very carefully after I collect my armor over here. OK?" I spoke while bending over to touch the armor.

When I was just about to touch it, the armor faded away and a note showed up out of the blue. It read, 'Beware the boss, keep your water bearer safe to find what's missing. Beware the fire spiders!!!'

Looking up from the paper with a puzzled look. "Hey, wait do NOT untie her."

"You are too late in saying that cursed one. I am free thanks to the boulder boy. You dare come into my Lair. I applaud you guys but now it is time to die." Said the woman in the center of the room.

Before my eyes I could see the beautiful woman change into a being that had a spider body with a humanoid torso arms and a head. She had a crooked nose like someone broke it a few time, grey skin, 4 eyes that were pitch black in the center and ringed in red. Her fingers held what looked like strings a puppet master would use. Following the ten strings I saw where she was standing, almost 5 spiders attached to each string. Slowly they move around on the ceiling and they head out towards the walls.

"Good job," I say, "Now we have to worry about her and roughly fifty fire wielding spiders that have a hive mind to her."

Bolggor looked down mumbled something and then gathered up his weapons for the fight.

"Kuro, can you wet the spiders, maybe it will prevent them from breathing fire." I asked.

Shrugging Kuro made a ball of water form in his hand and threw it at a group of spiders. Once the jorōgumo saw Kuro form the water she charged at him fangs out. I moved in front of him as she shot fire at me. I am a fire based Dragonborn so the fire did nothing other than warming my armor up a touch.

I laughed a bit and grabbed my sword from its sheath and the moment it came out I watched the jorōgumo throw herself backwards towards the far wall and right into Bolggor's great axe. He didnt waste the opportunity and went straight fir her head. Unfortunately though she moved in time to miss the swing but in the process she lost 3 fingers that she couldn't get out of the way.

The spiders that were attached to them dropped to the floor and they looked like they were dead. I glanced at Kuro and saw him preparing more water balls. Bolggor was trying to corner the jorōgumo along the wall. He was so focused on her that he missed the spiders right next to his head. They shot flames out at him but didn't affect him at all. Fire doesn't do much to solid rock.

I smiled in my helmet, the only person who could be hurt by the fire is Kuro. When the spiders saw their attacks do nothing they switched up and shot webs at him. Those did something and Bolggor was being trapped by the webbing. Rushing over I used my sword to cut the webs and my sword cut through them as if they werent there. It was like the webs just dissolved them into nothing.

"No wonder why the jorōgumo feared my weapon so much." I said.

This just made this boss room very easy as I am immune to the fire and the webs dissolve near my weapon. I moved my shield near the remaining webs on Bolggor and they just melted away as well.

Kuro looked at me and said, "Looks like you are the the ultimate weapon for this room."

I nodded my head and headed toward the jorōgumo. Ignoring the little spiders as they shot fire and webs at me as I walked towards her. Noticing that my armor was starting to get almost too warm for me to wear it from the fire. Thinking to myself 'I will get my complete cursed set very soon.'

Bolggor had her pinned in an alcove I missed when we first walked in but could not seem to do anything with how close the space is. If he moved back enough to get a good swing or stab the jorōgumo would move out of the alcove. He was using his large size to keep her out of the way. More and more webs there sticking to him as well preventing him from moving so much as well.

"I will take care of the jorōgumo. She cant do much to me and fears my cursed gear." I said as I moved my shield against him to remove the webs off him so he can freely move.

Just then we heard Kuro yell. He was pinned down by a large spider that wasn't one of the small fire wielding spider puppets. Kuro was holding the spider off with his hands pushing to keep the fangs from biting down on him. Glancing at Bolggor he took off towards Kuro and grabbed his great axe and started to swing towards that spider.

I couldn't watch much more as the jorōgumo started to move and charge at me while I was distracted. She managed to grab me with her fangs and I felt the pressure build up as she forced her fangs closed down on my sword arm. Moving my shield arm towards her and slamming the side into her fang I watched it cut straight through her Fang and it dropped down to the floor. she screamed a high pitch noise and all of the little fire spitting spiders charged towards me as one group. I backed away from the jorōgumo. Her fang did a bit of damage and I could feel blood slowly trailing down my arm under the armor.

"You will pay for that!!!" I yelled. I raised up my shield stuck it out towards the incoming spiders and spun around in a circle once they came close enough to hit. They were like bugs on a windshield being squished as you drive on a highway. The noise was like a sick crunch, that you get when you step on a beetle or a piece of cereal on the floor, with each of the 23 fire spiders that came at me.