Chengyang City

"What is your plan after the Spring Hunting Ground? Any plans to remain in the university?" Deng Nian asked.

Qin Feng replied without any hesitation, "Of course, there is still a lot for me to learn!"

However, he would still be playing truant to take care of personal matters.

Deng Nian did not care about those as he was already delighted to have such a reply from Qin Feng.

"If that is the case, I shall not continue to retain you as a student then! Didn't Han Jian give you the title of an Honorary Captain? I shall award you with the title of an Honorary Teacher then!"

Deng Nian giggled and raised his hand, then, a box appeared on top of the table.

"This is a token of appreciation of an Honorary Teacher, and also my support for your journey into the Spring Hunting Ground!"

A token of appreciation?

Qin Feng opened the box and found a glove inside.