Assembly of Five Major Universities

Before Qin Feng's rebirth, he had even witnessed cities that were larger than Chengyang City.

Suddenly, Qin Feng felt something swiping at his shoulder.

It was Bai Li.

Bai Li had woken up and was staring at the various merchandise along the streets with her little fox eyes that shone like black glass, attracted to everything along the streets!

Chengyang City was assuredly better than Chengbei colony!

"Alright, alright, alright, I'll bring you here for these as soon as the competition is over!"

Qin Feng brushed Bai Li's fur while he assured her using conscious energy.

Bai Li felt satisfied and nodded.

The vehicles soon arrived at the inner parts of Chengyang city where the military base was located. It was like a fort, densely enforced with metal and steel, and the giant square was already heavily crowded.

Students from the other colonies had already arrived.

Students from the Xita colony were in dark-green uniform.