Puppet Beast Army

Qin Feng went on to have an exhilarating rampage, but about an hour later his communicator started to beep.

It was from a number he did not recognize, but the number began with 000. That could only be a public line from the Human Alliance.

He naturally accepted the call.

On the opposite end of the call was a handsome young man with a C-tier badge on his chest!

"Hello Qin Feng. I am Shang Han's secretary, Yuan Hao!"

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes the moment he saw who he was speaking to. This man was the mouthpiece for Shang Han's external affairs.

"Hello Secretary Yuan! What's up?"

"Yes Governor Qin, Regent Shang has made an appointment to meet with you at 3 o'clock this afternoon!"

That was not surprising. Shang Han would have received news about Guang Wei's death by now. It would have been strange if he were not contacted.

He just did not expect a face to face meeting.

"Okay, I'll note that down!"