Meeting With Shang Han

Returning to Beihua City did not take much time, and Qin Feng retreated back to the hotel so that he could wash off the stink of rotting corpses that clung onto him.

No matter how much he cleaned, the continuous killing had naturally caused a stink of blood in the air that lingered around him.

The amount of ultra beasts he had killed recently was just too much.

"You should wait here, I'll go meet Shang Han. She's an A-tier aptitude user, I'm afraid she might know what you are!" Qin Feng said to Bai Li.

"Then go, I'll stay in the hotel and practice!" Once Bai Li had her hands on a C-tier beast emperor core, it was difficult to keep her away from it.

"Okay, wait for my return!"


After saying goodbye, Qin Feng headed toward the city's center and arrived at the Human Alliance's office lobby.

When he reported himself to the front desk, he was told to go up to the 66th floor.

Soon, Qin Feng was face to face with Shang Han.