Z’s Identity

The internal decoration of the hover copter was unimaginative. Despite that, there was a built-in heater inside and the warmth instantly comforted Qin Feng and Bai Li.

The old man looked even more ordinary after he had taken off his coat. 

Hu San started the conversation like they were close acquaintances. "Qin Feng, I thought you were stationed at the North Sea. What's your business here? Why was Z on your tail?" 

Qin Feng stared at the old man as his mind was racing. 

This old man in front of him was more informative than he initially thought. Even those in high rank would not be this resourceful and know every single detail. He even knew who he was and where he came from. 

Perhaps the old man had paid attention because of his prodigy stature. 

"I have been investigating about the Z Organization…" Qin Feng decided it was best to be honest and told him everything that had happened in Cheng Bei, Fu City, and Shadong Town.