Historical Conflict

Qin Feng thought a lot more after this encounter. 

He reevaluated Z after learning more about this man, who was there from the very beginning of this era. 

But the change of perception lasted only briefly in his mind. 

"Mister, are you trying to convince me that Z is not a villain?" 

Hu San answered, "I am not in the position to judge Z. I am telling you this so that you don't dwell too much on this matter. Anyway, I promised Z to make sure you don't go after him. So stop pursuing a ghost from the past." 

Qin Feng was feeling disgruntled. Indeed, Z had warned Qin Feng not to meddle with his business before he left. 

Hu San had his reason for telling Qin Feng this. Qin Feng was a generational prodigy. Hu San was deeply impressed by him and hoped he could let this go. He was giving Qin Feng a reason to stop.