A Share of the Cake

However, Qin Feng was already forced out once by He Tianxing earlier. Due to the Prodigy Tournament at Dragon Capital, his time was delayed further for more than two months. Without Bai Li's presence to defend, Fengli only managed to maintain its relevance with their formidable technology.

Of course, the main reason was because He Tianxing was no longer there.

"What happened to Cleaves?"

Being the most highly profited person in the entire Blood River Realm, Cleaves had defended the realm and become an S-tier. There was no doubt about his commitment toward the realm. But he was also second to none when it comes to inciting problems.

However, matters in regards to the Blood River Realm were indeed not handled appropriately since the beginning as Qin Feng was in a hurry to leave. It was necessary for him to make a trip back again to sort things out.