Ten Attack Power to One Meter

Those who saw that man were struck dumb.

"Fist God!" Those who recognized the powerful figure shouted in shock. Followed by the realization of their own mistakes, they were instantly silenced as they bowed down. Terrified like a junior student who was at fault!

Fist God Gu Thai was a powerful figure from the North African Republic Alliance. Although not deemed as important as Long Ting, he was still almost equivalent to the snow region guardian from the Northern Region—Hu San.

Obviously, he was there for a specific reason.

"I have approved the suggestion from Cleaves, there is no need to brag about your connection. I have seen more S-tiers than all of you. You may disclose the S-tier that has founded your corporation, or the position of the S-tier within your corporation. I will perform the evaluation myself. If there is none, adhere to the previous suggestion. Mission examination will be evaluated with the current standards and renewed every year!"