The blind date (3)

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. Chief Zhang, this is my daughter, Mengmeng. She's 19 this year and is in the third year of high school at Wisdom Academy. She's excellent in both her studies and character, and she just got first place in her grade."

Ruan zhaotian's face was full of pride when he spoke of his daughter.

In particular, his daughter's inexplicable improvement in her grades made him even more proud.

In the past, he could only boast that his daughter was pretty, cute, and smart. Now, he could add that she was good at her studies.

Zhang Yaoguang, who was originally very satisfied with ruan Mengmeng, suddenly frowned when he heard ruan zhaotian's words.

"Your daughter's grades are very good, but she's in her third year of high school now?"

When ruan zhaotian heard this, he thought to himself that this was bad.

He was questioning Mengmeng's results.