Li junyu eavesdropping

With a "bang," the heavy private room door was slammed shut.

One of the man's large palms was wrapped around ruan Mengmeng's waist, and the other was stuck at her throat. Without any hesitation, he pressed her against the door.

His tall and imposing body leaned forward and pressed down on her.

An extremely aggressive and masculine aura instantly enveloped her.

It almost covered ruan Mengmeng's petite body completely, not leaving a single gap.

Ruan Mengmeng was so frightened by the sudden pressure that she did not dare to breathe. She did not know if it was because of her guilty conscience, but she deliberately avoided the man's sharp and sharp gaze and did not look at him.

Just as she turned her head, she realized that the wall on the right side of the private room was made of glass.

Through the glass, he could see the fish swimming in the water. He could also clearly see the situation in the private room next door.