Either divorce or go to jail (2)

Grandfather ruan found out about everything that happened back then!

He was filled with regret, annoyance, guilt, and wished he could die to atone for his sins!

However, he still had a trace of rationality left in him. Even though he already had a vague answer in his heart, he was still prepared to give his wife, who he had lived with for decades, a chance.

Ran ran was young and impetuous. Perhaps she's already regretting li Yinan's actions now.

Grandfather ruan had ordered people to suppress the news for the time being so that Madame ruan would not find any clues.

He personally called Madame ruan and asked her to come over.

Madame ruan thought that the old man had given in and knew that he was in the wrong and wanted to apologize to her.

Therefore, the old lady specially dressed up, changed into new clothes, and put on a beautiful jade bracelet. She went to the hospital happily.