Either divorce or go to jail (3)

Grandmother ruan thought that she couldn't do this, so she ran up to hug grandfather ruan and cried.

Grandfather ruan was sick of even looking at her, let alone being hugged by her.

He blocked Madame ruan and told her to get lost.

The two of them had a fierce argument. During the argument, Madame ruan had been impulsive and in the middle of the argument with grandfather ruan, she repeated how Yu qinyue's child had been aborted and how her uterus had been removed.

She had been watching Yu qinyue carefully, she knew everything!

And because this matter concerned Yu qinyue's privacy, the old servant of the Yu family did not tell her child.

In other words, grandfather ruan did not know about this before this. He did not know at all ...

He only thought that qinyue was pregnant with his child and married into the family. Later, because of an accident, she lost the child, Huanhuan.