Obediently wait for the show

Ruan zhaotian and the old man's firm attitude was not enough. They even made a phone call and called Lord tyrant over.

Ruan zhaotian chuckled as li junyu gave his instructions. Then, he packed up his daughter and sent her to the 'pirate ship'.

Back on the 'pirate ship', ruan Mengmeng was so embarrassed that she couldn't say a word.

She had been hiding the fact that she was going to spend the new year with the Li family from li junyu. She had kept it to herself.

This was because li junyu had already done a good job previously. He had explained to her in private what was going on with Yao Yuqing's stomach and had also told her that he would make arrangements.

Logically speaking, she should not be jealous.

However, ever since Yingluo had become Mrs. Li, she had probably become arrogant from being pampered.