It's not too late to regret now

On the morning of New Year's Eve, ruan Mengmeng was awoken by li junyu's kiss.

She covered her mouth and giggled. Yingluo, stop kissing me. I haven't brushed my teeth.

Her tyrant was really liking kissing her more and more, either on the mouth or on the neck.

Whenever and wherever, as long as the two of them were alone, it would unconsciously turn into a kiss.

Now, not only had she not fainted for a long time, but she also had to bring chewing gum, gargling, and so on all the time.

If there was nothing to do, he would just have a little. He was not even afraid of kissing early in the morning.

Because of this, when mu Jingxing found out, he laughed at her for being a pervert who would bring chewing gum and mouthwash for no reason.

if you don't want to be kissed until you can't get out of bed, then be good and get out of bed to greet Mrs. Li. Your styling team has been waiting outside for a long time.