Her first time was also taken by you

"Yingluo was ... Was touched by me?"

Li Junting was a little surprised. He pointed at himself.

The moment he heard li junyu's words, his demonic and unruly eyes suddenly narrowed.

He was stunned, and then stunned again, before he suddenly understood what his big brother's words meant.

F * ck ...

They actually broke up because of this!

Li Junting was suddenly rendered speechless. He thought that his Ice Mountain was such a bully. He had eaten ruan Mengmeng up and now he was making a false countercharge!

Second young master Li felt that he had to tell the truth and set things right.

Anyway, he had already decided to present the truth as a wedding gift at his eldest brother and Mian Mian's wedding.

"Big brother, I have to say that you've been wise all your life, but you've been foolish for a while. Little nectarine and I ... She and I, Yueyue, are not in the kind of relationship that you think we are."