Li Junting left, but li junche came again

"Li. Jun. Ting. Jian."

Before second young master Li could finish his sentence, his collar was suddenly pulled by someone.

The next second, he felt a sharp pain in his back as li junyu pushed him against the wall.

Li Junting grunted. Just as he was about to ask if his brother had gone crazy, a cold voice suddenly rang out above his head. It was as if it came from the depths of hell.

"Do you think I'll get back together with ruan Mengmeng just because you said that? I'm your brother, not one of those women outside who will be easily deceived by you. Put away your little tricks. If I hear you talking nonsense again, be careful of your tongue."

It was better to be a mute than to have a noisy second.

After li junyu finished speaking, he let go of li Junting's hand mercilessly and allowed li Junting to slide down.

He walked past li Junting, who was sitting in the corner, with a murderous aura around him.