Uncle, Mianmian will tell you a secret

no, Mama is Mianmian's. Mama will be with Mianmian forever. You're a bad, beautiful uncle. You're lying, wuwuwuwu.

Little Mianmian felt aggrieved. She cried and cried until her almond-shaped eyes were red.

However, the more she cried, the colder li junyu's expression became. It was so cold that it seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Li junyu really wanted this little one to shut up. She was too noisy.

However, his slender fingers moved a few times on the table, but he could not reach out.

He didn't want to touch anyone else.

Finally, tyrant's patience reached its limit.

He saw that ruan Mianmian was still crying.

A certain someone's face sank, and like a Great Demon King from a fairy tale, he threatened, " "Shut up, don't cry. Hanhan just lost her mother, what's there to cry about? I don't even have a wife, Hanhan."

The man's expression changed as soon as he said that.

Li junyu's eyes darkened slightly, and he was a little annoyed.