Mianmian's Mama is actually Mianmian's Kasaya

As he spoke, the little guy leaned closer and lowered his voice.

"Just like Mianmian, who urged Mianmian to be with her uncle, she also lost someone important. But now, Mianmian has come back."

The little thing saw li junyu slowly raise his head and look at her with his dark eyes, which seemed to be filled with doubt.

Afraid that the pretty uncle would not understand, the little guy quickly explained.

"Mianmian lost her favorite mother. Mianmian's biological mother had left Mianmian. But later, Mianmian found the current Mama, who was Mianmian's aunt, aunt Mengmeng. She's now the most important person that Mianmian found again. She's Mianmian's favorite mommy."

so, pretty uncle lost something important, but he can definitely get it back, Yingluo.

"Shh, pretty uncle, this is Mianmian's Secret. You can't tell anyone else! Mianmian only told you because she saw that you were unhappy. You have to be good and keep Mianmian's Secret."