One question is worth 19 million

Ugh ...

When it came to disgust and shamelessness, if ruan Jiaojiao claimed to be second, no one would dare to claim to be first.

Her pretentious behavior not only made ruan Mengmeng frown, but even the princess of the Shen family did not hide her disdain.

Teacher Zhang knew that ruan Jiaojiao was most likely involved in this matter.

But because of Huang yintong alone, she had taken all the responsibility.

Without any concrete evidence, he could only harshly criticize ruan Jiaojiao and the others, and only give Huang yintong a demerit warning.

Then, he would make them apologize to ruan Mengmeng in front of everyone the next day, and that would be it.

A farce ended like this.

After turning off the lights and going to bed, ruan Mengmeng lay in her own blanket, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

In her mind, the figure of that furry and tall teddy bear would always appear unconsciously.